Apply magnetism at your money : keep it !

Because it's possible to keep it on production to get capital gains. While you play a false game with a chance to multiply your personalized digital savings at millions every 12:00.

It's the essential, but there are more. 

At WUW The Webcash Universocial Web, with the single inscription at The WUW's Reservation Ledger, you enter on the web based Economy 4G3W , because you :

- You get datevaluation ability by webcashmotor 4G3W, for free & forever ;
- You get code to download the app "Personal Webcashmotor Simulator" ;
- You get freedom to perform in an harmonized economic world .

WUW The Webcash makes your economic action free of trilemma:
1. if you spend, you do not save, neither invest,
2. if you save, you do not invest,   neither spend,
3. if you invest, you do not spend, neither save.
Equipping people with a motor-to-save by creating personalized digital savings whose financial payload will produce cash results, earning you the right to share the results every 24 hours at noon (New York time). All in a dynamic web and governed by the time stamp of their times of action using the money datevaluation practice. Yes because now alongside your consumer, savings, or investment actions, you will be able to harmonize with the datevaluation actions. In an upgraded Economy 4G3W with 4 practices :
1. consumption ;
2. savings ;
3. investment ;
4. datevaluation.
And all is possible, because all is conduced on USAdmin' regulations by Google S cloud smart money platform with WUW's smart contract.

Because the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor is a one trillion US$ cash magnet that induces more added capital attraction to produce cash for daily cash results appliance.

That's why you can act on cash-sharing-cash to share much-more-cash results. It means CASHPUT-for-much-more-CASCALL.
Magnetism yes, but time property as a good. Capital gains at the T.O.M..

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