Are you at the powerful false game ?

If not, get information to create some Owndated Webquantums US$ 10,- each 1 OW and come into web Economy 4G3W.
Inside you get the creation tools and a smart contract with execution service of Google S, your cloud money platform.
All for free and forever. At this false game of the money datevaluation you never pay nothing. With your fractions of US$10,- for 1 or multiples creations, just you shift the money asset to  convert it on digital savings properties with the singularities you put into.
Because it's only to win.

Yes because or you multiply money :

or from your US$ 10,- = 1 O.W. property, on digital dynamic savings running the web for "cash-production-sharing-cash-results" which cash results are around US$ 30,000,000,- every 24 hours at 12:00 New York local time at T.O.M. The Timestock Owndated Market ;


or you add value to your digital savings making capital gains. Because to eat the largest slices of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake" you have to own the oldest digital savings on the daily random application.
And the time on savings merit exchange is organized at T.O.M.. If you deal for a good price 1 of yours "OWs" inreason of it singular elements just you have to endorse your property at the WUW ledger.
And you got a "webcashmatic" result. A cash result for freedom because it's also a "webtaxmatic" one ;

or you don't sell if you prefer a better chance to multiply money tomorrow at 12:00.

In any case at this powerful false game each property OW is reverted on your US$ 10,- instantly, just you have to pulse "cashcall" at the menu of your app mobile "Personal Saving Helper".

"Personal Saving Helper" why ? Yes because the daily chance to multiply at millions gives you the force to keep cash on constitued personalized digital savings you create yourself.

That's why when you create 1 O.W. you got a property where rains money.

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