Positive effects of money valuation on taxation

The creation of digital objects with monetary value + time-moment + the name of the creator of personalized digital savings, requires a registration with the nominative data and the timestamping of the data-gathering action in WUW's General Ledger.

It is from this data that WUWThe Webcash delivers the applications "Personal Webcashmotor Simulator 4G3W" + "Personal Saving Helper" to whoever requests it and totally free and forever.

It is about providing people with an auxiliary force to:
- to save and maintain the liquid phase of the working money;
- to multiply money, like playing, without the risk of losing;
- to obtain capital gains, with a better alternative to investment.

In the background, datevaluation is an economic practice dedicated to giving people the possibility of being enriched. A thing that in Classical Economy is no longer possible, being the trilema of the three limited economic practices that are offered to people to guide the money and considering that the investment is reserved for the most expert connoisseurs.
The advantages of the 4G3W Economy (with a 4th gesture in web space) are so intuitive and so loaded with legitimacy that they seem to have been sidetracked from the free enjoyment of the masses.

Well, this is not quite the case, because nothing of this was possible before we thought of pursuing interest as an object of production ex-machines. The "cash-sharing-production-to-share-cash-results" thing has only become possible with the development of the Internet and with the development of the automatic management capabilities proposed at "Google S Money Cloud Platform" smart contracts. Since then the "bots-for-cash" have been singularizated, to be offered themselves to the free control of the people who want to increase their performances and to enrich.

Today the theme, is the positive action that the matter brings  to taxation and to the increase of the resources available for the elaboration of the budgets of the state. In particular the increase of the resources of the USA. To produce universocial wellness with the folks help. And by plugging the holes in the reservoir so the liquid will fill and fill well. The flow of the "cash river" that people send to the EDF thanks to the modification of the "capital bombs" can not escape and get lost in dirty pockets and legitimized to serve unconfessable purposes.

End of meetings + meetings and meetings to get solutions. Because the savings will definitely become nominative and disposed of in financial properties in the name of the "datevalors" that create them. Because the people are in a hurry to make available to the EDF personalized digital savings that they want to help to manufacture interest,  for cash remuneration and or bailout, without intervention from commercial banks.  And a time-market for capital gains at Internet speed. She will have to serve the US FED and / or the other central banks. The power of money will become persona, singular and nominative. For #webcashmatic results and #webtaxmatic freedom. The interest rate will definitely be set at 2% / 365 to be paid after 24 hours. Nominatively to savers-owners on Owndated Webquantum digital properties.

End of the "floating-shares" and end of the legal channels that the titration of floating capital allows to anonymous rights for megamajors.
And you do not have to wash dirty money. That dirty money will seek identity because it is more profitable, even fueling the general budgets of the states. "America First"! Who has the copyright?
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