How is the #Googledepending liabilities processor that resolves USA debt ?

The data-valuation practice is the economic practice consisting in the action of money allocation at the US Federal Reserve to shift it asset in order to create registered properties of monetary objects that work as personalized digital savings. 

The shift asset action can be reversed by the "owner's cashcall order" any moment and without any prior requirement.

This concept of creating digital savings in property to make it possible to process money in the cloud, gives visibility to the possible nature of the US digital dollar with a design allowing for #universal use with the objective of economics improvement promoting the creation of human wellbeing.

As proposed by the Author since May 2022 to the Federal Reserve of the United States, this UUS$$ (digital universocial US$) as a solution by cloud processor powered by savings, could be considered for the launch by the FED, surpassing in advantages all CBDCs even that with non-curatives treatments from Federal Reserve Bank of Boston , Bank of Canada and M.I.T. laboratories.

Yes because, the money data-valuation is an action in #cashkeeping phase, in mode #webcashmatic to serve people with day cash results and in mode #webtaxmatic to give people freedom with all tax paied.
Because the personal money data-valuation cloud processing allows the complete extraction of all 4 money's utilities : monetary, financial, tributary and spiritual.
Please see the concepts :
-"WUW The Webcash Universocial Web" ;
 a) Inscription at the WUW's General Ledger for "datevalors quality"
 b) PSH Personal Savings Helper app to run algorithm "in"/"off"
- "build-your-luck" for personal happiness .

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