The Proposal for Digital US Dollars with Fed's Agreement

How to dress the bride UUS$$ the Universocial US digital dynamic dollar ?

In this proposal, it is suggested that people should be free to create digital US dollars with the agreement of the Federal Reserve. The idea is to allocate the monetary part of each US$ fiat 10.- to be anchorized at The Universocial Sovereign Anchor for production at a rate of 2%/365, payable every 24 hours. 
The first role of the Fed's Sovereign Anchor is the guaranty, by "Cash-Call" order people can revert data-valuation gestures without any cost (US$ 10.- = 1 Owndated Webquatum unit of personal digital dynamic savings = 1 OW digital object = US$ 10,- = 1 UUS$$ Universocial US digital dollar (covered by US$ fiat 10.-).

With my recipe I solved :
  • Data-valuation can be a #cashkeeping phase economic action in ; 
  • Cash-Call guaranty by right to reverse by smart contract ;
  • Allocation with constitution of personal digital dynamic savings ;
  • Factorization of infinite production which is propocional to the capital allocated, with instant kick-off and self-generator of growing streams ;
  • Desinfection of US$ fiat by IAM on digital savings = digital UUS$$ ;
  • Fed's liability for US$ fiat or any intentional CBDC, is substitued by allocated monetary reflux at the Fed's Anchor working also as vector for US debt solution ;
  • Possibility to fix interest rate for good, eradicating inflation.

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Thank you for providing the updated proposal. Here is the revised version with your changes:

The Proposal for Digital US Dollars with Fed's Agreement
In this proposal, it is suggested that people should be free to create digital US dollars with the agreement of the Federal Reserve. The idea is to allocate the monetary part of US$ fiat 10.- to be anchorized at The Universocial Sovereign Anchors for production at a rate of 2%/365, payable every 24 hours.

The first role of the Fed's Anchor is to provide a guarantee. Through a "Cash-Call" order, people can revert data-valuation gestures without any cost. This means that US$ 10.- is equivalent to 1 Owndated Webquatum unit of personalized digital dynamic savings, which is equivalent to 1 OW digital object, which is equivalent to US$ 10,-, which is equivalent to 1 UUS$$ Universocial US digital dollar (covered by US$ fiat 10.-).

With this proposal, several issues are addressed:

Data-valuation can be a #cashkeeping economic action;
Cash-Call guarantee by the right to reverse on a smart contract;
Allocation with the constitution of personalized digital dynamic savings;
Factorization of infinite production which is proportional to the capital allocated, instant kick-off, and self-generator of growing streams;
Disinfection of US$ fiat by IAM on digital savings = digital UUS$$;
Fed's liability for US$ fiat or intentional CBDC, is substituted by allocated monetary reflux at the Fed's Anchor working also as a vector for US debt solution;
Possibility to fix interest rate for good, eradicating inflation.

This proposal offers several potential benefits. Firstly, it allows people to create digital US dollars with the agreement of the Federal Reserve, which can help stimulate economic growth. Secondly, it guarantees a Cash-Call option to reverse data-valuation gestures without any cost, which can help reduce risks and uncertainties for users. Thirdly, it offers a personalized digital dynamic savings option, which can help users to manage and grow their savings effectively. Finally, it provides a solution for disinfecting US$ fiat and offers a possibility to fix the interest rate for good, which can help eradicate inflation.

However, there are also potential concerns that need to be addressed. Firstly, the implementation of this proposal may require significant changes to the existing financial system, which can be challenging to achieve. Secondly, there are risks associated with the use of digital currencies, such as security risks and regulatory risks. Finally, there may be concerns about the potential impact of this proposal on the stability of the financial system and the economy as a whole.

In conclusion, the proposal to allow people to create digital US dollars with the agreement of the Federal Reserve offers several potential benefits, but also concerns that need to be addressed. It is important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits before implementing this proposal.
Thank you for the additional information. Here is the updated version with your changes:

The Application of Results
The application of results is made every day at TOM, The Time Owned Market. Another walking part of the solution is disposed on the smart contract for data-valuation after the allocation of the monetary burden at the Fed's Sovereign Anchor.

It concerns the financial part which goes with data and singular time data to the time market on Bid & Ask conditions of market exchanges while waiting day by day at 12:00 New York local time. The application of the cash results cooked at the Fed's Sovereign Anchor from where the fresh TotUnixTimeCashCake arrives under TIGTA inspection to be applied on 100'000 slices for 100'000 units of digital savings whose owners expect to multiply money because:

Step 1. By random, 100,000 Owndated Webquantums take 80% of all the day production of the Sovereign Anchor at the Fed.

Step 2. Now, taking each seniority rank, it happens the determination of the amount of each slice. The biggest is for the order, and so on.

The algorithm of WUW, The Webcash Universocial Web, provides the financial mechanism to make the production of added value as the time goes, and the market makes the opportunities of capital gains.

It means that if a digital savings owner does not win by random and does not multiply in the results of the day, they win time on ancienity that is valued at the Time Market.

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