Even if the Fed has made all of the wrong moves, for datevaluation launch, U.S. with The Fed included is "easy pickens" for good.

The notion of opportunity has to make its way within the triple convergence [Google / Alphabet + Donald Trump + The Fed] to crystallize the reality of an America First.

Because it is not enough to create, reinstate or increase customs duties. Nor is it enough, puting down the interest rate.

Because in China it is not enough to impose social self-denial on us either. Nor is it enough subsidizing state-owned companies.

Because here or there, everything resides in the solution of Penrose's triangle in favor of people, whether they are from here or here:

- If they spend, they do not save or invest;
- If they save, they do not invest or spend;
- If they invest, they do not spend or save.

The practices that make up Classical Economics, consumption, savings, investment, are contradictory between them, and whatever the choice of economic agent, always resents bad taste. Because making a decision requires you to do without taking the other two. Because who has never tasted the bad taste or even the bitter taste in choosing an option?

Who has never regretted spending?
Who has never regretted saving?
Who has never regretted investing?

And in Classical Economics one cannot go back and restart the choice.

The #cashkeeping phase of the 4G3W Economy solves the problem. Because it works in web-cash phase. It is about adding an option for people to choose the economic action that best suits them at any given time:

Or make a gesture of consumption to satisfy yourself;
Or make a saving gesture to defend yourself;
Or make an investment gesture to reproduce yourself;
Or you make a gesture of datevaluation to solve everything at once.

And all this goes like Alphabet / Google, Donald Trump and Fed. Yes, there is perfect convergence because [Google / Alphabet + Donald Trump + The Fed] is 5/5 in agreement.

Because with Google S PaaS comes first to #quadrillion business, to promote investment banking financing for the very big 21st century projects;
Because with Universocial Sovereign Anchor endowed with $ 1 trillion Donald Trump comes first to solve the $ 22,5 trillion debt;
Because by accepting the "webtaxmatic" direct at the US Treasury, the Fed fixes the interest rate forever.

And China, the EU, India, Russia, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Norway and everyone, all what?

They are happy because all peoples are happy.

And only America First may launch "datevaluation" the investment's substitute.

But after all, don't you say that WUW The Webcash records who wants to make a river of money to pour into the Fed? And so are you going to suck digital savings reserves all the way to the US?

Hey, ohh, neither [Google / Alphabet + Donald Trump + The Fed] would accept it if it wasn't for creating and redistributing WELL-BEING #universocial .

Don't push your President.

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