Great work for Google S Money Cloud Platform PaaS

The activity of people using datevaluation to constitute personalized digital savings to be able to earn millions of US$ in 24 hours if they are lucky or lucky in any case they can make capital gains and find the strength to save more and more. That investment replacement activity adquate for non-specialists such as the street people, this will lead to the formation of a stream of money running with increasing flow to the Fed to produce 2% / 365 cash result at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor every 24 hours.

The Fed will serve commercial banks at a fixed price with the Google S' conducted money river. Because it is advisable in the 21st Century Enhanced Economy that the interest rate be fixed forever. The commitments on colossal investments that humanity required, require to protect investror's compliance, that the interest rate be fixed. A calculable cost to protect good conditions of very big futur investments.

People accept nominal money and for that reason also, folks make digital savings with Google S service and WUW smart contracting ie with a web-based guarantee of online cash maintenance in webcashmatic mode for online results and webtaxmatic mode to guarantee individual freedom. And the results are cash. And they multiply or if not, earn little by little, but always upwards.

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