Showing posts with label #gestures for guiding money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #gestures for guiding money. Show all posts


Call Google and US Administration to start launch Economy 4G3W

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Yes giving hands for good. One hand of technical structure + One hand for regulations.

For folks wellbeing.

Thinking about the trilemma that limits performances into the Classic Economy, I'm proposing a new practice for guiding money reaching enlarged utility and in which the cash phase is protected and the risk of loss is refused. . 
In fact :+1: The money you spend, you don't save neither invest ;
2 : The money you save, you don't invest neither spend ;
3 : The money you invest, you don't spend neither you save.
#datevaluation could become a practice to get a mixed utility that allows the 3 classic utilities without having to take the risk of investment, without having to take the sterility of savings and without having to take the performance recusation contained on spending for living.
The launch of the guidance opportunity into the money datevaluation practice add new economic results and upgrade Economy with a fourth economic gesture which is workable by internet (3w) and as 4th option to act (4th). Economy 4G3W is reached giving to each one a virgin economic space to make possible wealth extraction by singular web work by each one.
Thanks to visitors of


American as Apple pie

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It may be presumed that the apple promotes a great increase in risk while devoting itself to the modes of operation of intelligent apparatus.

 Because the market is the market and people are going to the market. There are companies like Google that devote to the ways of functioning, but above all work and aim at the models of utility required to serve the functioning of the human brain.

Enterprises for operating service of apparatus, enterprises for operating service of the functioning of the human brain. Which pregnant cow is better? Is it Apple or Google ?

In our subject of improving economic uses: what is more worth exploring an economy without a substitute for investment, or the exploration of an economy with a substitute for investment?
Eco-Classical with 3 types of gestures for the orientation of money, or the Eco 4G3W with 4 types of  gestures for guiding the money ?

So, you writing here, you don't think about how things run ?

Well, "datevaluation" contain and offers to the market the reversible-process "#cashkeeping", so people can make personalized digital savings with added functionality of "2 automatic modes and 1 market to deal the time of savings previously established in the "W3C internet" webcash environment. Say : empower me with my "Personal-Savings-Helper" to datevaluate for free :


Because the purpose of WUW The Webcash Universocial Web is: "American as apple pie" !
