Showing posts with label CBDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBDC. Show all posts


CBDC has 1 hook and Google Pay has 1 anchored progression generator

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Yes, as we saw, CBDC has an indispensable hook because it must solve internal problems (due to iceberg-like upside down, from CB) and therefore it demands more from people.
While Google Pay is making progress because it contains a better solution to allow people to make payments, keep track and even a bud of accurate use of people's narrow economic resources.

And what does a digital currency issue have to do with a payment service?

The hidden common denominator:

CBs (Central Banks) hide the hook;
Googlepay hides the generator.

So what is this generator?

The balanced iceberg.

Yes, the brain technology flowing at the service of people at Googlepay is a minimal part of the brain-technological potential available in the belly of Google's cow.

Google knows and launches Googlepay not to mention the generator of improvements - already available, but unincorporated for market reasons - suitable to meet the dynamics that the world takes.

Yes Google is a technological engine to satisfy people's needs and desires. But Google is not a political leader.

That is why certain calves in training cannot yet give birth. You have to wait for the full gestation time associated with the production rate of the US Senate Law.

That is why Google does not launch the 4G3W Economy adapted to the Internet, the communication engines and the space pioneer (the current Economy is in assisted life, hence and there the political delay in the production of Regulations). Not because Google does not have the know-how to launch Googpay already adapted to the use of "digital savings" expressed in "owndated webquantums", which are resources of the investment substitute whose advance cannot yet be incorporated, as there is still no Time Market nor people can, for now, incorporate the time in the money circulating through Do-Google-Phone.


The digital currencies of the determining Central Banks are designed with a hook

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The ECB's digital euro is a CBDC designed with a hook.

Because the ECB must be able to maintain negative interest rates in order to be able to absorb the liquid currency issued and running on the markets and in people's hands.

And although the launch of CBDC digital currencies from the decisive Central Banks is a step forward in terms of the solution of the general payment system, the solution can be entangled with a currency-reducing device, during the transition from liquid to digital.
And in the ECB's CBDC project, the reducer is a Venturi tube for the purpose of being able to play with pressure differentials and debugging by imposing negative interest rates to remove the excesses of liquid and book-currency issues from the market.
The financial engineering prepared in the initial ingredients of digital €uro contains variable commands and has merit on the condition that the ECB could safeguard families and savers.
The bad thing is that the financial engineering commissioned by the ECB should be hurried and could be rustic for retail customers or even without safeguarding them, because (the good intention is granted) the first fishery must be that of the bigger fish and to work you have to let him eat the fish

It will be a matter of checking the exercise of Central Banks in the management of their CBDC farms.
However, the ECB's CBDC design, the already famous digital € uro, contains a Venturi hook adapted unfairly.
What can be understood as a spoiled solution.

In the 4G3W Internet Economy, people create digital savings from the same material (money) that is required for converting to digital currency. But that alone (money) is not enough to create and own digital savings.
In the 4G3W Economy of the Internet, datavaluation is used, the substitute for investment and for that it is necessary to inject time into money and create digital objects known as "Owndated Webquantums", which are digital savings under the property registered at WUW's General Ledger, conducted in webmatic regime by the GCP and regulated by the USA Administration. And with tax-free daily results because webtaxmatic made by Google-USA first.

Take your "Personal-Savings-Helper". It's free. It runs on free mode your BPaaS to make digital savings with cash results every day at 12:00 New York local time under GoogleCloudPlatform and TIGTA's inspection from US Treasury.


Ask Google and US Administration to deal for one-click-for-digital-savings

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You can invest from any currency (more than half from the US $), from cryptocurrencies (there are more than 2,000 more or less similar, more or less different), from digital currency issued by CBDC central banks, from exchanges and exchanges, but always to invest it is necessary to separate from the more or less liquid phase of the payment method used to acquire the production factors appropriate to the investment.

And to separate yourself from the liquid phase at the time of payment, it is necessary to pull resources.

In the world of free economy, Markets work according to people's interests and it is necessary to motivate them so that they pull resources and can attend to payment acts (consumption and investment) and the immobilization necessary to create reserves (savings).
Then the Markets are intertwined between taxation and other Political Economy regulations and financial agents (mainly central banks and the general banking system, insurers and insurers, risk classifiers, sellers of state bonds and other liquidity seekers, social funds, investment funds) and an endless number of creators-speculators-managers of a wide variety of financial instruments more or less adapted to the solution and supply of liquid assets
necessary for investment by States, large multinationals and provisions for filling the big gaps or imbalances resulting from the hunch of the economy (examples of the hunch of the economy: implementation of political programs, social temperatures, fashions and passions).

The liquid phase is always the market preference.

For people too. And when we decide to separate from the liquid phase and we are going to invest, then we think about the difficulties of controlling, guiding and thinking about the risks of losing or the difficulties of liquidating if we have to deal with the disease or the lack of peace.
And we abandoned the idea of ​​investing, letting who knows and who can control it. We people are self-excluded as investors and cannot get rich.
We then turn to the savings and deliver resources for the benefit of others, until we see maybe we achieve an income that overcomes inflation. Poor taste in the mouth after a while the liquid means lose strength, despoiled by the banking system or even by government bonds.
People, we can only consume. And there goes our means as a whole.

But the worst is that: can an economy work when people are limited to the gesture of consumption?

The practice of the money datevaluation is the salvation of the economy and ensures the well-being of each one of us.

Because anyway, it is not so difficult to give people the opportunity to use an investment substitute. That does not contain risk. That produces capital gains for certain enrichment. That allows me to revert to my liquidity at all times.
That gives you a daily multiplicative capacity. Let it be simple and with webmatic counters. Let it be like What Apps, free and effective.
Yes, we will use Google Cloud Platform to build each of us, our own BPaaS.
It is just a matter of setting the date (@timestamp) of the 10.- US $ that we have allocated to constitute each quantum of digital savings.
And because they are digital objects of our creation, they are individual financial properties.
And because they are dated on the web and guided by the hunt for free production factors abundant on the Internet, I can never do what you do nor you can do what I do.
The digital savings properties are unique. All.
Like the grounds. If I want yours, I have to pay you to your satisfaction.

The Time Market was born, contained in your digital savings. It's webtaxmatic.

Ask Google and USAdministration to deal for one-click-motor for -savings.
