Showing posts with label economic upgrade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economic upgrade. Show all posts


Take your button for your free control

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Yes. You have to do it.

 Control your advantages

Because with your button to control your dynamic savings power, you can analyse, step by step, the guts of money, and find the safer substances to release forever your personal economic upgrade.


Is Google more essencial than the FED ?

buzz this order to launch the investment's Webcashsubsistute , it means to launch the new upgrade to solve the Classic Economy ?

Yes, both Google ^ Alphabet and Fed ^ USAdmistration, yes both are Essentials.
That's why both megamajors and megapresidents have to agree 5/5.


Language is not universocial voice

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Anglo-saxon presentation

Linking money-to-money is an expression which pretends to be more popular than "money datevaluation practice" more similar as "consumption practice", "savings practice" or "investment practice" that 3 limited practice used nowadays to make economic results and the limited results of the Classic Economy in what we live till now.

Both or by separate it have been choosed by the Author to mean the new economic practice proposed as the first investment's substitute.

So datevaluation is presented to be for public use. Now it is #Googledepending for infrastructure needs and #Obamadepending for regulations needs.

Giving people the opportunity to reach capital gains riskless.

Then, the enlargement and the upgrade of the Classic Economy, announces the arrival of the overcoming digital Economy 4G3W.
Introduction à la française

De nos jours, résoudre les étroites limites de notre Economie Classique est à la portée de l’Humanité.
La solution c’est de rendre publique  la practique (individuelle, libre et gratuite) de la Datevaluation de l’argent. Cela rends possible la recherche du Bien Etre Universocial créant l’Economie 4G3W, soit l’Economie Universocial au Comptant en dynamique Web.
L’Auteur en a fait un objectif de vie. Il cherche des collaborateurs tout en leur proposant le partage de la tranche de ses droits d’Auteur (Example de partage de droits d'Auteur) remise à son equipe “WUWteam4G3W”.


Linking 10€ at 1 trillion€ U_S_A

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Because you prefer CashPut-for-much-more-CashCall

About financialcrisis2009
Financial Crisis


KMers making hapen money links

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Because KM future is to make hapen big advantages for folks. By KMers professionals and #KMers hastag.

Yes because it's possible now to aggregate 1 web date + 1 money parcel + 1 ownership creating personalized webliving savings looking for dynamic added value and upgrading the Classic Economy into Economy 4G3W, that by communication motors.

The thing was depending of finding the first investment's substitute.

Now, the money datevaluation practice is in Googledepending and Obamadepending challenging proposals.

Because the money datevaluation is the first substitute of the investment broking the trilemma of the Classic Economy :

- if you spend, you dont save neither invest ;
- if you save, you dont invest neither spend ;
- if you invest, you dont spend neither save.

Now you have the choice of another economic practice to upgrade your economic life. The money datevaluation for yielding wealth in a new economic space. Linking money-to-money through the Web. By Personal Webcashmotor, for free and in cashkeeping mode.

To make hapen big advantages for folks.


Increasing Symbian device usage

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Linking money and Gool-Bama-Cash practice may increase Symbian device usage.
Upgrading the Classic Economy into Economy 4G3W is possible by the practice of the money datevaluation which may be prefered as alternative to the investment practice. Because datevaluation merges is an investment's substitute. The thing is in Googledepending mode and in Obamadepending proposal for US regulations on Authoring financial recipe "Gool-Bama-Cash". Gool-Bama-Cash gives to folks the opportunity for the personalized creation of dynamic savings by linking 10 Euros money parcels at the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor. By Personal Webcashmotor 4G3W. Universocial Cash Economy is coming now.


Linking 10 euros parcels for much-more-cash money

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Home starter for Universocial Cash Economy

Linking money is the economic practice of the money datevaluation by 10 Euros parcels shifting into webliving-savings personal creation which is an investment's substitute action to upgrade the Classic Economy.

It makes for you the ownership of your webcashaccount with your Sel-Marked-Webspace domain where are accounted all and each of yours Owndated Webquantums. It means your registered properties which are your cells of personalized bank-financial material sharing cash production to reach gains in webcashmatic plusvalues and in daily multiplied cash results at the WUW's TOM (Timestock-Owned-Market) at day 12:00 of New York local time.

For linking money parcels you need to register for your free Personal Webcashmotor. Then it start to run in Economy 4G3W and your economic life will go up forever. For free. Because it is just for yielding wealth.


How datevaluation is a weapon

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The money datevaluation by the practice of linking personalized money to universocial_sovereign_anchor is an economic weapon because it is the first upgrade for the Classic Economy.

The result is the Gool-Bama-Cash financial recipe to solve World Economic Crisis forever.
