Showing posts with label #google cloud platform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #google cloud platform. Show all posts


How can us resolve inflation for good

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The practice of the money data-valuation allows the extension of the classic economic space, widening it to reach the new results of this practice as a tandem substitute for investment.

One of the collateral and less apparent results for people taking advantage of the immediate enjoyment of the exploitation of the 4 uses of money, is the progressive and infallible development of the compressing and abortive effect of inflation.

This dynamic protective effect with increasing force that can now be implemented in Classical Economics thanks to the Internet and cloud computing that clarifies and resolves the uncertainties posed to the FED at the moment of each setting of interest rates, allowing them to set a constant rate, for example at 2%/year forever.

This solution with general and colossal beneficial effects only requires treatments that can be implemented in the very short term:

- creation of the Universocial Sovereign Anchor ;
- creation of the Time Owned Market ;
- Google-W3C-FED/USA Administration protocol;
- legislative adaptation by the US Congress.

And the evil of inflation is solved forever. Now it's up to the big heads: either the eternal problems of inflation or the proposed 4G3W Economy with the money  data-valuation making capital gains possible without going through the practice of investment and its risks of loss for folks.
The launch of digital dollar should be the better recipe for inflation control.


How looks counters of a Personal Webcashaccount

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At the personal webcashaccount each user of money datevaluation ability may read the flash position of a set of 9 counters that presents the instant value of the most important parameters for global self evaluation and management.

A set of counters and a set of values to considerate for satisfaction of your needs and wants because when you create digital savings properties the smart contract for datevaluation on your Business Process as a Service works automatized by Google Cloud Platform in smart adquation on 3 separated fields to extract 3 kinds of value :

Monetary field = Universocial Sovereign Anchor ;
Financial field = T.O.M. The Time Owned Market ;
Spiritual field = Wellbeing and freedom

Your webcashaccount is a dynamic one, that's why you only can read a flash position of it at any moment that you ask it and you receive it display at the screen of your Do-G-Phone.

This account is organized with a set of 9 counters which values resume your activity on creation of digital savings properties from your adquired time records on WUW's General Ledger.
The evolutive quality of yours Owndated Webquantums properties, during it monetary live in cash production and during it financial live as time going flows into their "time containers", seizes numbers to make more objective your data-valuation.
The counters "webcashmatic" and "webtaxmatic" show the amounts you have received and the taxes you have payed to enjoy your money in freedom.
The human force (your social growing capacity), the multiplicative monetary capacity, your financial power at the Time Market and your spiritual force seize other numbers on other counters to add references and let you become a balanced money-data-valuator. 


Can Google drive your "one-click-engine-for-happiness"?

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Affirmative, it is enough that Google wants to conclude an agreement with the USA Administration for regulations and with W3Consortium for the dimensional enlargement of the Internet.

Yes, because the capacity of the Google Cloud Platform is adapted to the BPaaS service proper for the individual use of the resources of the money datevaluation practice, giving folks the opportunity to alternate the investment (by digital savings creation) and suppressing the risk to get cash gains.

And for you, what is the cash result?
It is the free availability of a new self-demarcated economic space for the exploitation of unlimited wealth, with "webcashmatic" fixing and paying results every 24 hours at 12 o'clock New York local time.

And it is with the use of your "one-click-engine-for-happiness" that you produce, from the exploration of your space, a "webtaxmatic" remuneration of broad spectrum adapted to the Internet Age and to the standards of the Constitution of new self- the USA and United Nations.


How much is freedom worth ?

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 Peace and freedom
My enthusiasm for GCP's service leads me to tell you part of my 1st conscious contact with this platform that I have so often invoked without quite knowing what it is.
First of all I tell you: it is a wonder for anyone who can use this GCP if they have a project they want to implement.
Yesterday, I made some first steps. I know my project will be driven by this service . And my readers already know that my project is to launch the datalorisation of money as the fourth economic practice to increase each person's performance in an enlarged and infinite wealth economy.

My project is called from the beginning:

Linking-money-to-money by Mousephone 4G3W

Now, after many years, I will be able to shed light on the world in terms of economic enlargement. To allow each person (natural or legal) access to the extraction of infinite wealth that the datalorization of money will allow at no cost.

What is the busilis of the matter?
Incorporate time into money.
my first digital savings
When and how much of your money do you datevaluate creating digital savings ?

What is the only drawback?
The practice is nominative. You cannot act without registering your request in your real name and receive your registration code on WUW The Webcash Universocial Web, in order to download the 2 apps on Google Play (Simulator to try and Savings Helper to go in freedom) . The all is free and stay free, forever.

Because by creating digital savings (that's what it's all about) you can multiply money and within 24 hours you can become fortunate millionaire over any of your digital properties and this leads to the need to prove your true identity for WUW and Google S Money Cloud Identity.
On the other hand, taxes will have to be paid in webtaxmatic mode to preserve your freedom and feed the states occupied in the creation of the universocial welfare. And that also requires your name as the author of your datevaluation economic action and consequent taxpayer person beneficiary.
 People of all races, colors and nacionalities
