Showing posts with label #singular digital property. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #singular digital property. Show all posts


Google as the lone architect for world's 4G3W digital financial structure

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Consumption 1st leaf, Savings 2d leaf, Investment 3th leaf and Datevaluation 4th leaf the four practices on Economy 4G3W

Into Economy 4G3W folks are provided with a Personal Savings Helper or Personal Webcashmotor which is an App downloadable at Google Play Store filling the code delivered by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web.  All for free and forever.

Because the App runs to insure folks of a correct and useful method for datevaluation practice.
Datevaluation consists on the creation of digital savings, which are digital objects containing the timestamp of the creation, the name of the creator with the code of his webcashmotor and a financial charge of US$ 10,- each/1. Digital savings are 1 or more of these digital objects called Owndated Webquantums (OWs).
OWs are registered on the WUW's ledger and accounted in each Webcashaccount which are dynamic accounts producing a "flash position" each time the datevalors ownership ask it through the menu of his PSH. After registration and singularized by the creator's name, the financial burden  of US$ 10,-, the timestamp of creation and the wuw's ledger register sequential number, is ready as Singular Digital Object to be introduced on The Timestock Owndated Market for exchange quotes.
Each Owndated Webquantum go to the Google Cloud Platform to follow it production desteny linked at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor (USAnchor) at FED connected to US Treasury and Tigta.


Your personal-savings-helper is able to create your digital savings

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Your PSH enables you for datevaluation by Androïd-SSServer-Mobile

Details of your digital savings
