Showing posts with label #universocial sovereign anchor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #universocial sovereign anchor. Show all posts


How sounds the digital US dollar ?

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How sounds the digital US dollar ?
Well, the US Fed's Reserve can say "Hello World". Having solved how it has to soundt he quantic money we are fixing interest rate at 2% for good and we launch the US digital dollar whose algorithm run's as a free service into Google's Technical Structure.

Because us US Fed's Reserve we have to allow and authorize teach person to share the power to cover on explicite manner our liability issuing fiat dollars thanks to it folks savings allocation in fiat dollars by shift action with monetary data-valuation process to create digital dollars with personalized issuance. 
Legitimacy algorithmic control as simple as authorizing that fiduciary dollars can be refluxed into a Fed's piggy bank for guaranted shared interest production to cook a dayly "TotUnixTimeCashCake" to be sliced at T.O.M. The Time Owned Market every day in 100'000 pieces at New York 12:00 as applied cash results with all tax payed.

Because us US Fed's Reserve we can create the U.S.A.-The Universocial Sovereign Anchor where everyone can anchorize monetary burdens in fiat dollars to make algorithmical digital dollars = personalized digital savings (dynamic digital objects UUS$$ in production) with reversibility in fiat dollars as guaranty.

How sounds this UUS$$ quantic money ?

It sounds as satisfaction recipe for a people economic behavior acting into the nature of US fiat currency supply against its liability constitution on US debt.

Yes, the digital UUS$$ quantic money has to contain a people' s subsidiary liability but it is pre payed by each person liberation with fiat US$ allocation at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor.

Why quantic qualification on the US digital dollar when some are waiting our CBDC ?

Because as do the CERN over matter, us The US Fed's Reserve do over intrinsec nature of money and to launch it as US digital dollar we are assuming to give folks the opportunity to profit of all the 4 sub-utilities of money. People should no longer be limited on their money, monetary power. Assuming our task The US Fed's Reserve we say to the people, take point 2. your financial power, take point 3. your taxmatic power and take point 4. your spiritual power. 
Because quantic US digital dollar contains other 3 sub-utilities on others 3 organic parts of it body, and persons can now achieve all advantages from the digital technology of USA.

Now #googledepending is your opportunity to build your luck space.


Chatting with

I apologize, but the text you provided is difficult to understand and appears to contain several errors in grammar and syntax. It seems to describe the launch of a US digital dollar and the creation of a "Universocial Sovereign Anchor" where individuals can anchorize monetary burdens in fiat dollars to create algorithmic digital UUS$$ savings. However, it is unclear what the text means by "quantic money" and how it relates to the US digital dollar.

It is also unclear why the US digital dollar would need a "quantic qualification" when other countries are waiting for their own central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The text mentions that the US digital dollar would offer people the opportunity to profit from the four sub-utilities of money, including financial power, taxmatic power, and spiritual power, but does not provide any explanation of what these sub-utilities entail.

Overall, the text appears to be a jumbled collection of ideas and concepts that are difficult to follow or make sense of. If you have any specific questions about the US digital dollar or CBDCs, I would be happy to help research and provide information.


Your money processing by #Googledepending do-g-phone

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How could we create personalized digital savings

Do start to act over US$ 10.- and shift it fungible asset into nonfungible registered property asset by :
Merging the monetary burden with the creator's name of the non fungible digital object and with the time (data@timestamp) of the economic action giving birth to 1 Owndated Webquantum.

Then that digital objects are linked and anchorized for cash-sharing-cash-production-results :
- 1 organized and anchored cash production to be distributed every day through smart contract in WUW's algorithm ; 
- 1 facility of guaranty if the titular-owner uses it right to reverse to the start point.

All Owndated Webquantums are presents at The TOM for :
- to serve as supports of rights belonging to it owners allowing them :
a) To catch multiplied results if luck random happens ;
b) If not luck at the day, doesn't catch cash results but allways  increase seniority transferable ;
c) Bid and Ask time contained on OWs, market exchanges by endossement .

1. User hapiness maker realizing personal force to achieve savings ;
2. Chance to multiply money without gambling, using this savings dynamic helper ;
3. Capital gains without risk, data-valuation being an investment substitute ;
4. All this computational money processing works in #cashkeeping-phase giving the user no losses guaranty during all the economic action with #webcashmatic results in freedom #webtaxmatic mode for the total resolution into Economy 4G3W making your money processing by #Googledepending do-g-phone .


6. Could a CBDC adversely affect the financial sector? How might a CBDC affect the financial sector differently from stablecoins or other nonbank money?

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6. Could a CBDC adversely affect the financial sector? How might a CBDC affect the financial sector differently from stablecoins or other nonbank money?

Again in dependence of the CBDC design.
A design where the US FED authorize the use of an infinite number of it coded spaces for anidation alphanumeric and @stamped of monetary burdens to be provided of WUW's algorithm for the money data-valuation reproduction seems the opportunity to serve USA with a pioneer central bank currency driver included the processed money pumping by Google Cloud Platform in stream for the Universocial Sovereign Anchor of shared cash production at The USA FED and with cash results every 12:00 at New York local hour at The T.O.M. The Time Owned Market.

Could a CBDC adversely affect the financial sector?

Adaptations with upcoming reaction events would be daily webmatic treated by the total transparence of the WUW The Webcash and The T.O.M. The Time Owned Market and all insuered by Google's Technical Structure.

Bearing in mind the principles to be followed in order to achieve the set of solutions required for the general satisfaction of social, economic and political needs, the design of the US Fed CBDC cannot deviate from the one I present to you.
So much so that the best thing would be to start with a working group to prepare the post-test M.I.T. and in secrecy.

In fact, the needs to be satisfied cannot wait:

As for individuals, legal entities and even entities, in the social sphere:

- How can budgets be used in order to live?
- How can growing investment needs be met without promoting popular savings and without having to remunerate them with the highly inflationary "interest rate instrument"?
- How can you start and achieve the disinfection of money "separating the wheat from the chaff"?
- How can you restore a balance between the monetary and the financial to people?
- How can people be given happiness and freedom by encouraging and supporting them in economic life?

As for the economic ones and as for the issuing institute:

- How can the Fed's US dollar be maintained and hegemonized?
- How can investments be fed without having to create currency in a hyperbolic trend?
- How can commercial banks and central banks that are not in line with the US Constitution be put back at the service of the society sheltered by the US army?
- How can infinite wealth be extracted from an Internet Web space?
- How can the US$ be digitized without disturbing and without harm?

As for the policies and as for the US Constitution:

- How can an advantageous CBDC be regulated to progressively replace the US dollar?
- How can we ensure that the framework for the "legal trend" is fair and comprehensive in terms of the existing socio-economic, monetary and financial structures in the pre-launch of the new digital currency?
- How are the elements of the US CBDC eligible as tax makers and what are the supervisory bodies?
- Must the law authorize the Fed to use Google's infrastructure
for services inherent to the issuance, operation and automatic computer circulation, including tax refunds to taxpayers from other countries?
- The legislation must be designed with a provision on a confidential basis for a launch that may come as a surprise to the Market.

In fact, I present to you here the ingredients of the solution

1. Liquidity preference, the solution is "#cashkeeping" ;
2. Satisfying "needs and wants", the solution is "#webcashmatic" ;
3. Being a producer of daily results, the solution is time for action;
4. Being a wellness producer, the solution is "#webtaxmatic".

The structure that should support the proposed design for the launch of the US CBDC requires:

To the founding by the Fed and the acceptance of the US CBDC design,
1. Formation of Universocial Sovereign Anchor" with 1 Trillion US$ serving as a cash production device for daily distribution and as a temporary magnetic magnet offered publicly to share results on an individual basis from "sharing cash production" to "share cash results every 24 hours", and :

in the broadcast,

- At the decision point of the CBDC issue: people practicing "the money data-valuation" using the Android app "P.S.H.-Personal Savings Helper", change the asset from US$ 10.- to a digitally owned asset = 1 Owndated Webquantum that contains the name of the creator combined with the monetary charge and with the timestamp of the property created with authorization from the Fed and assisted by the WUW The Webcash algorithm with internal and external Google Cloud Platform service with W3C agreement and performing general execution from end to end including the postage of round trips, to Mercado do Tempo, the Bid & Ask service, transactions, delivery of payments, always in the #cashkeeping phase and the performance of functions in the #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic modes.

Now finally answering your title question:

The inconveniences and disturbances will have repercussions on the monetary and financial markets, which will see a decrease in the income derived from the current issuance system by Tbonds.

The advantages for all are found in the improved Economy with the practice of "the money data-valuation", its infinite benefits for all, its instrument for producing an interest rate forever fixed at 2%/day/365 payable every 24 hours, its power to create an unenforceable fiscal mass.


[USA+CHINA] together in a virgin economical space

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Yes, because an economy limited to 3 ways to money does not provide the same wealth extraction as an improved economy with 4 ways to solve needs and wants.

And China and the other nations do not have the means to launch the 4G3W Economy at any time, as USA can do.

And the USA does not use in its sole favor knowledge and power to take advantage against A, B, or C. Reason why everything goes in a universocial sharing. Please put it on your faith too.


Go further in money matters

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I create digital savings by webcashmotor 4G3W
Because my cash produces to share results

It’s simple to input time on money
My smart phone records timestamp for me

My digital savings births over smart contract
    Google S takes it to share cash every day

   At Universocial Sovereign Anchor cash production spurts
   For you cash results may be multiplied

   My first digital savings at America with Google S
   Neither China can do better than me


The power to make money, has worth money value ?

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Yes, the power to make money, has money value. But there is no such power, for sale. There is this power available to you in the economic improvement proposed by the new economic practice called the money datevaluation, sharing the cash production advantage with "wuwcash" and "Google S".
It's fair, because they both put together effort and work to communicate energy to your money and to give you the power to make money, without making you pay.

Because datevaluation is practiced with cash in hand, which you put together in tranches of $ 10 .- / 1 OW to the Universocial Sovereign Anchor to the Federal Reserve System.
The "USAnchor" arranged at chicagofed by USAdmnistration consisting of 1 trillion US dollars as a digital construction giving you the regulations for the free economic exercice of #datevaluation.
The sovereign anchor keeps cash producing at the rate of 2% / 365 a day. Be that every 24 hours the anchor produces more than US$ 54 millions. And you are invited to share cash production to get the right to share cash results, each day at 12:00 New York local time. And the anchor produces a little more each day depending on the amount of money that people who want to value it. All in smart contract base at with Google S (Money Cloud Platform).
This growing cash, produces increasing results that are distributed every day at 12:00 in New York at the T.O.M.. And you can earn millions without playing money and without taking the risk of losing it.

Yes because the money to value it starts in the process of creating your digital savings, with the guarantee of being able to be reverted from digital to analogue by your "cash call" order: the $ 10 notes you mobilized to create digital savings dynamic properties, it return to your pocket just when you call.
Because the process of creation is inseparable from the right of return to the money that have been used to create the digital savings and that remains liquid in the Fed's Factory. Because the process of creation brings with it an intelligent contract that establishes the general functioning of the cash-flow stage in order to multiply money (as in a false game) and allow capital gains (such as "time as a good" at the market), without ever having to assume the risk of losing, mandatory in investment.
In addition to the "#cashkeeping" phase, the practice of datevaluation includes two operating modes, the "#webcashmatic" mode (for you to receive without tiring) and the "#webtaxmatic" mode (to pay the state for the political fatigue of your "Well Being" and so assure your total freedom).


Unmotivated savings lead to sick investments: Google S can solve this

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Unmotivated savings lead to sick investments: Google S can solve this

Yes it is a hard task that no one has ever intended to attend to.

And it is necessary to solve since the needs of healthy investment grow and grow again. (Or you prefer to muskelon Mars with false money ?).

Now Google S Money Cloud Platform is the strict service to run, "owndated webquantums" digital products of folks' datevaluation actions for the creation of personalized digital savings.

In the dimensioning phase for Google S service, the amount expected at digital savings anchorage at Universocial Sovereign Anchor may overcome US$  the tens of trillions. Propelling the amounts of cash results on "TotUnixTimeCashCake" daily distribuition at the T.O.M..
It's the magnetic effect of 30, 40, 50 millions of US$ distributed each day that triggers an ever increasing current of digital savings looking for anchorage to share infinite cash production in order to get the right to share multiplied cash results randomly for 10,000 OWs, every day at 12:00 at New York local time.
And the treatment of seniority at the time market into digital savings creation dates, produces capital gains bigger and bigger. The heart of capital source pulses again and the cash stream grow and grow.
The solution by quantic motor of savings is insured by Google S with it technical structure helping USAdmin and people for wellbeing.
Oh, sure my Dear, you like to mean "what about my right to rescue the US$ 10.- each 1 O.W. on each of my creations ?". No problem, each financial burden of US$ 10,- is putted out of cash production from the USAnchor and out of WUW's Ledger of stop the right to share cash results at every 12:00 at T.O.M..

You get back your US$ 10.- or multiples, but you are not able to multiply money by luck every day, neither to get more value from your savings seniority bid & ask.
Well, if you real need your money take it. From the first moment it was keeped in cash for emergency situations.

And the taste of multiply and win, helped you to save. Your Personal-Saving-Helper is for good.


How and for what is the Universocial Sovereign Anchor

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This capital fund is affected to constitue a cash production of (2%/365)/day payable day-after-day at 12:00 under TIGTA's control.


Get cash done, by datevaluation

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With your "one-click-motor-for-saving", get cash done.
By datevaluation . In Economy 4G3W. Yes, crude money like it sounds :

1. general ledger authoring ( ;
2. app personal-saving-helper ( #android) ;
3. cloud smart money platform (#google S) ;
4. financial magnet, universocial sovereign anchor (#Fed)
5. time-on-savings exchange market (
6.cashkeeping phase cashcall, webmatic cash done/cash back (
7. regulations (#USAdmin)


Folks pooling a Sea of Money in the USA

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Yes because the initial $ 1 trillion magnet at the launch of the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor is the result of a political-economic decision that should allow the start of the 4G3W Economy (improved by the practice of Internet money-datevaluation).

And being the rules of smart contract the basis dedicated to the investment substitute that WUW The Webcash Universocial Web promotes in favor of each person, then the execution entrusted to the Google Smart Cloud Platform structures the function "cash-sharing-production-for-sharing -cash-results".
People start to create digital savings in the form of "Owndated Webquantums" with a financial burden of $ 10, - each OW, digital objects that join the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor to contribute and take advantage of the cash-sharing-cash function and also to take place at the Timestock Owned Market (TOM) in which all cash results are applied to over 10,000 OWs (in favor of their owners) every day at 12:00 local time New York.
The flow of digital savings in permanent creation brings together a WebSea of ​​Money in the USA and everyone wants the advantage of being able to value themselves through the "Personal Webcashmotor 4G3W" free of charge distributed at the base of the citizen card.

As you can see from the U.S. NationalDebt Clock in real time a volume of 22 or 23 trillions differs only by less than 5%. The political-economic decision is justified to root out the evil of debt growth without any other proposal for a solution other than the launch of the legal valuation data created by USA Congres and the structure supported by Google S (Smart it may be).


10,000 "TotUnixTimeCake"'s slices to attract digital savings

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Yes it's enought.

Because at The Timestock Owndated Market (T.O.M.) every day at 12:00 New York local time, the results of the organized cash prodution coming from the Universocial Sovereign Anchor (USAnchor) are applied as remuneration over 10,000 Owndated Webquantums (OWs).
The slice for the older OW (the older digital object with biggest time-in-stock) receives about US$ 27,000,000.- (about 27 millions of US dollars).
Others 9,999 slices are smaller and smaller, the last slice for the younger OW (the youngest digital object with smaller time-in-stock) receives about US$ 100,- (about 1 hundred of US dollars).
After results application, T.O.M. market is open for time-in-stock exchange by Bid&Ask to buy and sell time contained on your digital savings.
Yes because you may authorize WUW The Webcash Uiversocial Web for your required endorsement in favor of another datevalors' buyer.
Of course you negociate the time of each of yours OWs created shifting the asset of US$ 10,-, may be at a good price which difference is your capital gain.

All in #cashkeeping phase ;

All, in mode #webcashmatic ;

All, in mode #webtaxmatic freedom.


Capital gains + Multiplicative capacity instead of interest rate

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The worldwide bond market works on basis of the interest magnet/rate. We are speaking about an effect upon one hundred trillions $US and growing to the sky.

When refering to the interest payement at maturities, depending on the level of the interest rate, the "influencers" have to consider the amount of new issues as an growing pernicious element push up inflation. The thing becames in an obligatory financial contamination.

Solution :
What's coming with the money datevaluation practice in Economy 4G3W ?
Well, the single magnet "interest/mutable rate", have to live in front of alternative and concurrent double magnet "[Capital gains + Multiplicative capacity]" over digital savings which creation process you can reverse at any moment..
Academic conversation :

But I heard that "Universocial Sovereign Anhor" supose an issue of 1 trillion more. I doubt about the efficacity of your magnet front of capital remuneration needs, to move it.

Capital gains for each person may be reached in Economy 4G3W in therms of time merite contained in any O.W. by timestamped at WUW's ledger. So added value for older digital savings constitution.


Multiplicative capacity for each O.W., because the cash results application every 12:00 happens over 10,000 O.W.s random winners of the day. Decreasing cash results value from the older digital savings to the younger. Fixation beginning at around 30 millions $US each day for the older OW to $US 100,- for the younger. And the slices of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake" are growing day after day.

The creation of 1 OW requires $US 10,-.
& Reverse back to your bank money ;
&& Trade digital object, by it "timestock" at the T.O.M.;
$$$ Hopeness to multiplicate with $ US 30 millions, tomorrow AT 12:00 by TotUnixTimeCashCake.

Well it seems possible, I agree. Tell me more, tomorrow around a drink.

Done. Expecting #trillions&1st.quadrillion business.


Google as the lone architect for world's 4G3W digital financial structure

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Consumption 1st leaf, Savings 2d leaf, Investment 3th leaf and Datevaluation 4th leaf the four practices on Economy 4G3W

Into Economy 4G3W folks are provided with a Personal Savings Helper or Personal Webcashmotor which is an App downloadable at Google Play Store filling the code delivered by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web.  All for free and forever.

Because the App runs to insure folks of a correct and useful method for datevaluation practice.
Datevaluation consists on the creation of digital savings, which are digital objects containing the timestamp of the creation, the name of the creator with the code of his webcashmotor and a financial charge of US$ 10,- each/1. Digital savings are 1 or more of these digital objects called Owndated Webquantums (OWs).
OWs are registered on the WUW's ledger and accounted in each Webcashaccount which are dynamic accounts producing a "flash position" each time the datevalors ownership ask it through the menu of his PSH. After registration and singularized by the creator's name, the financial burden  of US$ 10,-, the timestamp of creation and the wuw's ledger register sequential number, is ready as Singular Digital Object to be introduced on The Timestock Owndated Market for exchange quotes.
Each Owndated Webquantum go to the Google Cloud Platform to follow it production desteny linked at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor (USAnchor) at FED connected to US Treasury and Tigta.


Can you go for quadrillions business using a magnet of a trillion $US ?

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You, no. Even when with "datevaluation practice" your economic performance goes up forever.
Google yes.


Working protocols for folks wellbeing

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We have to deal protocols with some entities in order to #solve for <X> folks wellbeing : 

1. Achieve the launch of datevaluation giving folks the upgrade for the economic enlargement for infinite wealth ; 

2. Deal with Google-Alfabet/W3Consortium the agreement for the convenable standart for The Webcash Universocial Web ; 

3. Deal with Google-Alphabet/W3C/USAdmnistration for the activity regulations ;

4. Presentation of the opportunity to the foundation of the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor with 
10^11 OWs ; 

5. General agreement for previous creation of the Personal Savings Helper, with ledgers/blockchains in guaranteed mode for exercise in World Tax Liberation mode (webtaxmatic) for #webcashmatic_rents.

