Call Google and US Administration to start launch Economy 4G3W

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Yes giving hands for good. One hand of technical structure + One hand for regulations.

For folks wellbeing.

Thinking about the trilemma that limits performances into the Classic Economy, I'm proposing a new practice for guiding money reaching enlarged utility and in which the cash phase is protected and the risk of loss is refused. . 
In fact :+1: The money you spend, you don't save neither invest ;
2 : The money you save, you don't invest neither spend ;
3 : The money you invest, you don't spend neither you save.
#datevaluation could become a practice to get a mixed utility that allows the 3 classic utilities without having to take the risk of investment, without having to take the sterility of savings and without having to take the performance recusation contained on spending for living.
The launch of the guidance opportunity into the money datevaluation practice add new economic results and upgrade Economy with a fourth economic gesture which is workable by internet (3w) and as 4th option to act (4th). Economy 4G3W is reached giving to each one a virgin economic space to make possible wealth extraction by singular web work by each one.
Thanks to visitors of https://www.osu.edu/


What if Google Cloud Platform delivered to USA FED a growing river of cash stream, coming from internet source feeded by 1 trillion of humains creating digital savings ?

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This monetary transfusion purifies the currency of the United States of America before any other and all just by implementing a fourth economic practice that humanity yearns for. 
Take a look hereby. Make some clicks too and think about your #personalis internet pecunia.


The investment substitute is a practice of digital properties creation

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By "shifting asset" action and in BPaaS.

In an economy with the availability of a practical substitute for investment, the limits of money are extended by changing the nature of the asset to be accounted for in the accounts of the holders and for the control and transfer of values.

In the case of datevaluation [1st investment substitute (better saying, first alternative management to get hopes for capital gains)] the change in assets is related to units of US $ 10.- each one employed in determination of 1 digital object to be born (to get origin and digital existence) by the creative will of an economic agent (datevalors person) of that singular digital object in formation and that will culminate with a registration in a date-time (@timestamp) for living, grow and relive into the Internet web space. So the new asset changed to 1 property asset (digital savings unit). 
It's the "shifting asset" proposed and treated by smart contract into the datevaluation process.
The creation of digital savings requires the record of a datevalors person' rights source an accounting of digital objects in favor of the creator, his legitimate owner of each registered property (each owndated webquantum liable to endorsement for change of ownership).
Digital savings are not just objects registered in a book like WUW's General Ledger (source of datevalors rights at Webcash Universocial Web);
Each digital savings unit (each property) carries a time record (date) of its birth on the W3Consortium Internet web: moment of constitution in a digital object and also determinant moment of its placement in a web space of dynamic and structural relationship (competently handled by the Google Cloud Platform service and by the regulatory service of the US Administration, example the US Treasury recommended as the collection provider to fill the "webtaxmatic mode" liberating the income to be paid to the owners of digital savings in "webcashmatic mode");

thus begins the life of digital savings for "universocial wellbeing" that develops for singular benefit of its creator (or of the possible future acquiring datevalors) and as people's economic propeller for one Economy shaping better individual performances without having to take investment's risks .

Web life of digital savings, which is essentially developed by the automatic and free use of the connectionship of each digital property asset unit with the cumulative factors of dynamic growing production and arranged in its sphere of relationship of that Self-Marked-WebSpace where it is anchored. It is the job of each digital savings unit. 

It is from this cellular work confined to a communicated web space that the cash yields distributed each day at 12:00 at New York TOM (The Timestock Owned Market) in webcashmatic mode and debugged in webtaxmatic mode arise, running all the BPaaS  the cash phase (#cashkeeping) to maintain cover recours on eventual emergency needs having to be attended by the "datevalors" person.


Can an investment substitute resolve US debt ?

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Indirectly, through the use of this investment's substitute practice by people, but yes. Yes it can.
In essence, the value of money is directly aimed at solving people's needs and desires. And that solves it. Folk's needs and wants are solved by this investment substitute presented by the authoring with the name of "datevaluation".

Then there may be side effects of direct and conscious activity of using a solution to itself-assuring:

1. Permanent reserve of liquid resources to meet contingencies;
2. Production from cash for cash income;
3. Achieving daily cash multiplicative capacity;
4. Market presence for digital savings with supply and demand of seniority, as a source of capital gains against action time.

With this solution emerging from the investment substitute, it is normal for anyone to feel more or less willing, more or less in a hurry, to practice the money datevaluation, that is, the practice of creating digital savings.
Especially if, and it is the case, everything is available by mobile application with a smart contract and tailored to each person in Business Process as a Service provided by the conjunction WUW'sAutoring-GoogleCloudPlatform-U.S.Administration. And if, as is the case, all it happens to each person :

1. 100% free and forever;
2. with unlimited results and day cash payments, New York 12:00 local time, 365 days year after year ;
3. runned from A to Z in liquid phase for availability of the immediate cash resource;
4. everything automated on the internet and on the personal communication engines for Universocial Well-Being.

And then, how folks can start use the investment's substitute ?

Saying they want it and providing identity to gain legitimacy at the source of datevaluation rights. That is :
1. register in the WUW Register Book (WUW's General Ledger);
2. downloading the PSH Personal Savings Helper app;
3. start up the PSH menu and demarcate your own space to extract wealth from the into internet dynamic Economy.
And then, only with that, can the USA debt be paid?

Yes, in fact.

And how is it done?

In a webmatic way, again.

Consider and think:

1. Creation of a new economic space post Internet maturity there it mooves taking dynamics and where people insert time on their personalized money to create digital savings utility treating the time as a good;
2. Requiring Google / Alphabet and USAdmin to give folks the opportunity to use a one-click-device to solve money needs;
3. The source of the infinite wealth that will be distributed comes from the improvement of the Economy in which time is treated as a commodity.


The baptism of our money

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B@ptism of our money

It was necessary to discover an environment where Man could overcome the hesitation and error around the classic dilem: save or invest.
Essentially, because the act of consuming is often an absolute constraint.

As the classic gestures were not reconcilable, it was necessary to be able to propose a gesture to make possible a practice adapted to the satisfaction of the three economic motivations at the same time. Without that in order to gain an advantage you would have to give up the other two, as it is in front of the trileme imposed by the Classical Economy in our tense days.

The new economic counterpart of the money datevaluation is of the "fast-food-4G3W" type. This by providing a sandwich result of savings, investment and of the pleasure of living without_financial_risks. Because the shelter of "cashkeeping phase" to act is the security of the recourse to the liquidity necessary to face the unforeseen.

Within the resulting Economy, there should not be the obligation of choice: either the cup, or the coffee, or the sugar.
Yes in Economy 4G3W the coffee is in the cup and fine to your taste. Everything is ready there.

The gesture that must be able to be a substitute for investment is only waiting for its baptism on The Universal Market. 

Gesture of "datevaluation" ?  Inserting time into the money ?

On your WUW's self_marqued_space there is a special economic action to resolve your cash needs. 

In fact at the moment the pre_beta availability is presented exclusively on the WUW The Webcash Universocial Web. By moving towards the Universocial Cash Economy. Waiting USAdministration and Google/Alphabet to give people a One-click-app to better perform for life.
And for you the use of the investment substitute is automatised by a WUW's smart contract on a Business Process as a Service seated trought Google Cloud Platform. All served for free in webcashmatic extraction over your digital savings creations and webtaxmatic treatment in protection of your economic freedom.

Because datevaluation realizes the economic agent, because each person finds his account:

A. Reconciliation as to the satisfaction of personal economic motivations;
B. Increase in personal performance in terms of the nature and volume of the result.

And this is because:

The action of datevaluing each US$ 10.- gives a triple result:

First: maintein of US$ 10.- 100% available 24/7, on the personal savings field ;
Second: US$ 10.- in ownership of 1 dynamic unit of factors of production that generate added value;
Tercio: US$ 10.- in cell multiplication capacity,  for hope and utility on pleasure of life which guarantees peace and relaxation.


Webtaxmatic mode of datevaluation allows to pay US debt

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Datevaluation is an investment substitute and a new economic practice proposed to give folks a Personal Savings Helper in app form and free downloadable at Google Play Store (as soon as posible).

By datevaluation you can to shift the asset of cash parcels of US$ 10.- in digital savings properties in
order to get "webcashmatic" cash results applied every 24 hours at 12:00 New York local time at the predictible TOM The Time Owned Market.

See the unique benefits that your PSH provides:
  1. act cash and keep your cash cash while it works to produce capital gains and multiplier capacity that can be achieved daily;
  2. obtain a Business Process as a Service, without paying a jeep and out of any risk;
  3. come and extract wealth freely in a virgin economic space that you mark in your own way.
You just create your digital savings with the help of your Personal Savings Helper, and then everything happens in the cash phase and in the following modes:
  • registered properties of personalized digital savings containing time as a good in a market ;
  • webcashmatic mode that delivers cash results over the network;
  • webtaxmatic mode that deals with taxes for you to enjoy in freedom.
Collaterally WUW The Webcash Universocial Web pay US debt by applliance of the webtaxmatic function, against the creation work of regulations and imposition agreement over the new source of tax base.


Your internet space investment substitute

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For your economic performance and to go up forever create and let live digital objects by datevaluation.
And remmember we need new source of tax base to solve USA debt. 


WUW The Webcash Universocial Web : one projected web for the personal creation of digital-savings

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It is in public proposal.
Reserves to become an user (datevalors quality) requires :

- Identity inscription form at the WUW's General Ledger ;
- Acceptation of the smart contract for datevaluation as a BPaaS ;
- Downloading app PSH Personal Savings Helper at Google Play ;
- Trigger on the smart contract by datevaluation actions, on freedom.

All the process is free forever. No fees, no running costs.

The ownership of digital savings objects allows an upgrade of personal economic performances because each creation originates the formation of cash results further than a reversible reserve of cash as savings.

This is the finality of the smart contract achieving the steps for you to share cash production getting the regulated right to reverse, or to stay on production to share random multiplied results on cash, applied each 24 hours.

The cash production is insured by the connection of capital burdens at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor (USAnchor) in draft protocol with FED into ^potential agreement between [USAdministration/Google Alphabet/WUW Authoring].

The execution of the smart contract regulations for daily fixation of random results runs at T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market using Google Cloud Platform .

The audits, investigations, and inspections are provided by Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) to insure and perfect the basis for WUW's delivery all results on modes webcashmatic and webtaxmatic for individual wellbeing.


How much is worth your money with past time embeded on it

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Question solved a TOM-The-Timestock-Owned-Market.

Yes, because at TOM the time is treated as a commodity.

For you it's cool. Because it's free, #cashkeeping, #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic for your freedom.

Being that WUW's product is enabling for free Business Process as a Service for people with registered  "webjuris datevalors quality", the Administrator of Engineering & Control is responsable for our apps and for the standards of accessed via Internet-based technologies SaaS and IaaS.

Imagine ^[W3C + Google + USAdministration + 4G3W Authoring] giving you a personal motor to make digital savings by smart phone. Winning cash or even multiplying cash day after day. In web automatic mode. For you. For folks and for universocial wellbeing.


WUW The Webcash Universocial Web at Spreadsheet

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On seeking for collaborators against a slice of my copyrights on the discovery of the money datevaluation as the fourth economic practice as a new economic option for people to convert/revert money into digital savings earning cash results and capital gains which generate new forces to save more and more, I'll publish hereby the drafts of my spreasheets on order to try the creation of the smart app PSH Personal Savings Helper. Welcome aboard !

To get the free app PSH, people have to reserve the BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) product owned by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web which distribution and running on 100% free forever.

Entered into appsheet.com for intenting start app creation


Economic generators to fix interest rate forever

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How people receive guided interest rate changes + dictated by the FED and ECB and other central banks?
Please, miraculate an economic environment to be able to fix the interest rate once and for all.

Because when among the participants in the Market, the channels of perception and the reactions of professionals to the dictates of Governments and Central Banks are well known. On the part of the remaining participants in the Market - the governed and financially regulated peoples - even though they may represent 70% of the generating forces of the general conjuncture, the research lags at work on the 30% of the professional sector, indicates lower results on the way in which perceptions, directions and predictability of reactions are formed Going to the Market.

Miraculate an economics environment to be able to fix the interest rate once and for all, it's the job now.

How people receive guided interest rate changes + dictated by the FED and ECB

Including other central banks?

Among the participants in the Market, the channels of perception and the reactions of professionals to the dictates of Governments and Central Banks are known.
On the part of the remaining participants in the Market - the governed and financially regulated peoples - even though they may represent 70% of the generating forces of the general conjuncture, the research lags at work on the 30% of the professional sector, indicates lower results and the way in which perceptions, directions and predictability of reactions are formed.

Question of channels of communication, of initiation in detail of the conjunctural factors, but above all questions of interests attainable by the struggle of resources.
And it is evident that the research of the predictability of the future conjuncture, inventorizing the elements of a conjunctural character, finds differences in both groups regarding the weight of interests (heads 30% / guts 70%):

AND... ?

Well group A intend to perpetuate the domain of resources (investment) to reach the gains in the enrichment process.

AND... ?

The consequence is for Group B closed in a Classic Economy with 3 contradictory gestures of which the savings gesture is regulated by the interest rate and the investment gesture is regulated by the complexity of risk control. That is why, in the current situation, Group B is limited to the gesture of consuming.

AND... ?

Group A play the delusion with negative rates ...

AND... ?

Ah ... my God you still don't understand? So don't you see that an economy limited to consumption gestures perpetuates crises and propel confrontations between blocs with aggressiveness and new repression needs?

...Oh yes, I see.

Launching the gesture of the money datevaluation, Google and the US Administration, have to resolve giving folks the oportunity to make capital gains, having to gave birth from cash phase.
Results are coming with the individual creation of digital savings by app PSH-Personal Savings Helper.

If you still do not think it reasonable to agree, check the arsenal of communication addressed to Group A and seek to balance research able to impulse the motivations of Group B:



Solution for the classic and every eternal challenge on savings-investment balance

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Excluding consumption acts, because mostly being human nature obligations .

Yes the solution for economic satisfaction with harmonic result have to concern essential the contradictory balance into the treatment for decision, I make savings or I do invest. Being that over consumption our decision power is very limited, requiring often 100% of our money. In this last case the economic decision is self-resolved.
Classic Economy (3G gestures lacking of Internet upgrade)
For the target research of harmonic economic gestures, you have to focus on the contradictory balance between if I make savings, I don't invest and I cannot get capital gains ; taking the alternative accepting the loss risk, if I invest, I don't save and I cannot get in safety.

And, stay the perpetual challenge of the work-life balance : how to find the sweet spot.

The solution in implementation (you can reserve your P.S.H. app for free) suppose the launch of a new practice called #datevaluation giving people the opportunity of a fourth economic gesture able to give results in "#cashkeeping" phase, "#webcashmatic" and "#webtaxmatic" modes.

To start, just you have to create digital objects, by your Personal Savings Helper (reserves at wuwcash.org). Your P.S.H. start working by Google's SaaS understanding.

Web based Economy (4G gestures containing inclusion Internet as an upgrade)


Very emotional game allowing savings

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Let Administration support very emotional game allowing make savings.
Yes, because Administration is your emanation and you can request it to satisfy your needs and wants.
By using the money datevaluation practice to better perform for your own universocial wellbeing.


When do you put production factors internet into your money ?

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Yes because Internet gives you the freedom to make better economic actions. Yes you can use Internet webdynamics factors to make cash results every day.

Which is key : the creation of digital savings. 

Before in Classic Economy you were limited into 3 options to drive your money and make your life : 

- Option for a consumption gesture ; 
- Option for a saving gesture ; 
- Option for an investment gesture. 

 As the lak of compatibility between the 3 gestures provoque neither feeling contrariety because when you spend, you don't save neither invest ; when you save, you don't invest neither spend ; when you invest, you don't spend neither save. 

To resolve now you have a fourth option in Economy 4G3W : 

 - Option for a datevaluation gesture. 

To make a datevaluation you have to go WUW The Webcash Universocial Web where you get for free your "P.S.H.-Personal Saving Helper" app. It serves you for the creation of "digital savings" units.
Each $US 10,-/ 1 O.W. goes and run on Internet using Google Platform to be linked for production work sharing the Universocial Sovereign Anchor production at US Fed. 

When you share production with your digital savings, you get the right to share the cash results applied on smart contract basis each day at 12:00. 
All the results are distributed in mode "webtaxmatic" because to enjoy in freedom your cash results USTreasury retains all taxes dues. 
First by random then by seniority your digital savings may get multiplied results for you, each day. If not by random cause, older digital savings are prefered by the market "The Timestock Owned Market" where you may deal your digital savings properties making capital gains. 


A small screenshot in french for 4G3W

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How researches achieve Economy 4G3W

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Overcoming the Classic Economy


Classic savings gesture is bad for cognition

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Yes, it was bad into the Classic Economy, 
because you was limited into the economic trilemma :

What you save you do not spend, nor invest;

What you spend, you do not invest, nor do you save;

What you invest, you do not save or spend.

Now, if Google deals with USAdmin to launch the "datevaluation practice" giving folks the opportunity to create personalized digital savings inputing nominative time at the money, sensitive digital savings change individual cognition and each person reaching hapiness by economic performance achieved .


Enjoy making savings

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That's the panorama coming for your daily economic life with the enlarge Economy 4G3W. Yes because with you personal savings helper (PSH the free software for folks use ) gives you the ability for the digital savings creation. And, what ? When you create one or more "Owndated Webquantums" you get a capacity to multiply money each 24:00 hours in random application results in quantities from greater to minus as the older or younger seniority of your digital savings creation (which one are registered digital properties refered in your web_cash_account with 7 singulars counters value). And what ? Well your economic advantages overcomes all you can make in our Classic Economy because it's not provided with datevaluation solution to make capital gains over the cash. Then valuate your new economic performance panorama : 01. You can reach a capital multiplication without gaming ; 02. You allways get capital gains from your savings ; 03. You revert from savings properties into cash at any time ; 04. You add free production factors by web dynamics ; 05. You enjoy a free smart contract for googlematic developement, which means expertise to execute webcashmatic (results on cashkeeping_going) and webtaxmatic (tax-paied results to enjoy your freedom). What have to be Googlematic ? The execution of the protocole between Google and USAdmin to launch datevaluation practice and upgrade the Classic Economy giving each person a personal motor for savings. Giving you the opportunity to make digital savings anchored directly at The FED by Internet integration, Googledepending platform mode.


The discovery of an investment substitute concerns USAdmin and Google, why?

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"Datevaluation" is the name of the proposed practice as the 4th economic gesture to give people the ability to achieve multiplicative capacity and added value with the simple creation of digital savings. All without risk because the agent "datevalors" will always keep the liquid phase of your money and can revert at any time without any cost. Since "datevaluation" is an economic practice that works side by side with the 3 classic practices - consumption, savings, investment - and now considering this 4th practice as the only one that introduces "the time factor" to develop the economic value of savings , the discovery justifies the launch of a "PSH - Personal Savings Helper" application so that people can have a "one-click-engine-for-savings" to access "webcashmatic results" every 24 hours with "webtaxmatic freedom" and all on "cashkeeping mode". It is a toning improvement for people's economic life and that produces a well-being universocial. The need for a Google-USAdmin protocol is understood.


What happens if the investment substitute always works in a liquid phase?

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You can say that your liquid money, remains liquid while gaining value and multiplicative capacity. It remains liquid (#cashkeeping) but how can it work then? Yes it works because when you carry out the economic action substituting the investment (#datevaluation), you change the asset "money" to the asset "digital property" creating portions of "digital savings". It is this property (or set of digital properties "Owndated Webquantums") that works to collect and accumulate factors of production freely available on the Internet, increasing the value of their properties. Since your digital savings are accounted for in the 7 singularity meters that characterize your creation and considering that you can assign the property, you realize capital gains. And since the savings seniority counter defines the highest remuneration for the oldest digital savings when distributing results multiplied up to millions of US $ each day, then everyone wants today the old savings you created yesterday or last year! And you either multiply money or give that ability to someone else by charging an added value as a legitimate remuneration for having been able to save while someone else is not. And the taste to multiply, serves to save. And you have not invested by separating yourself from the liquid phase of your money to take an uncertain risk and risk even losing everything, just to seek capital gains that you can now obtain with the replacement of the investment to value the money by datevaluation practice. And since you can multiply money each day at 12:00 New York local time, the substitute for investment is also the substitute for gambling. What would your economic performance be if you now had all the money that you had used gamble ? Are you ready for desinfected Economy 4G3W ? Ask Google and USAdministration for your free and Personal Savings Helper, reserves at WUW The Webcash Universocial Web.


Smartbrokers untreat available economic resouces for folks

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Although "Die Entwicklung des Smartbrokers" may be a procedural tool for intelligent development, the components integrated in it still remain insufficient, because they do not use the fourth economic gesture referred to as "the money datevaluation" and the only substitute for investment currently in availability management and release for use by the general public.
That's why WUW The Webcash refers to the tandem "Google S"/USAdmin for the launch of the enhanced economic life which serves folks with a free "motor-for-savings" to produce infinite results in cash to everyone and in modes #cashkeeping, #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic.
The 4G3W Economy (four Gestures by internet WWW) is much more than an "Entwicklung" because it obeys like an electrical switch in our homes. You install an outlet to take cash from it whenever you want. Switch In/Out. Your plug for Cash/Wellbeing.


Kicking USAnchor Magnet : give birth Economy 4G3W

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This presentation refers to the launch of the 1st investment substitute, it means the practice of the money datevaluation made possible and soon available thanks to the democratization of the use of the Internet and its dynamic factors for self-creation, organized reproduction and personal control.


Help with 2 trillions or help and solve with 3 trillions?

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Linking money by Mousephone: Solution to overcome the hesitation ...

As long as the economy (the production apparatus) is not working at full speed, it is normal for the US Congress to send only a set of instructions to the Federal Reserve to post money to the banking system's accounts, without the instruction to balance the corresponding tax coverage. .

After 2 trillions of US $ injected in a first saving estimate of our Classic Economy, we will look for the best response terms to the accumulated chocks in the Economy with the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic.
And the FED will receive completed instructions, post-instructions.

It remains that our challenge to launch the practice of datevaluation of money giving people the opportunity to be able to build their own digital savings, requires only an initial charge of 1 trillion US $ disposed at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor with the FED.

Soon after, everything is a matter of regulations and protocols for the launch of the PSH (Personal Savings Helper) with an intelligent contract from WUW The Webcash Universocial Web and with Google S $ S platform.

The issues related to the rebalancing of the then 3 trillions, are automatically resolved by the launch of "datevaluation" as a fourth economic gesture and substitute for investment. The transition from Classic Economy to 4G3W Economy is only harmonized by updating the Internet and its evolution.

Please ask The US Admnistration and Google to deal for implementation of the "datevaluation" upgrade in cashkeeping mode, webcashmatic remuneration and webtaxmatic equilibrium. 


Even Nipper would make money for his master’s needs and wants

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Oui, faire de l'argent, un jeux d'enfants avec Google S$S :
Ja, verdienen Sie Geld, ein Kinderspiel mit Google S $ S:


The substitute for money investment is also the substitute for gambling

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The fact is that datevaluation (name of the investment's substitute) is to put a double-effect over money  to call much-more-money on a triple advantage.

For people, the results of the money datevaluation practice, appear with capital gains, with daily multiplicative capacity and as a growing performance generator in strength to save.

It requires little from people thanks to the Personal Savings Helper application, that is 1 free one-click-engine-for-savings and  composte with web automatisms for results of dual nature and triple economic advantage when used to create digital financial registered properties, which are called "owndated webquantums" by shifting analogic US$ 10.- by act adding a "timestamp" on a digital financial burden property with reversible mode insuring the "cashkeeping" phase as guarant of non risk activity.

WUW The Webcash Universocial Web is able to distribute money as a gambling substitute, because that money comes as a result of an organized cash production with registered personalized time factor.

Into datevaluation economic actions 4G3W there are no money bets to make some  multiply receiving a part of all the bets. 
Here the application of daily results is made using random yes to qualify 10 thounsands financial quantums properties catching cash multiplied effects, then the final cash result is fixed  1 by 1 using the registered creation seniority and "webcashmatic" distributed to each owner . Older digital savings get more money than younger on the 10.000 qualified set of Owndated Webquantums.
Into datevaluation economic actions the smart contract automatic execution is refered to the person and to its creations, is refered to the time of action as an accounted "timestock counter" and refered to an algorithm defining rights for cash remuneration even when it stays into adquired capacity of money multiplicator without investment risk or gambling losses, just allied and disposed in a time market for eventual but always personal assignement,  producing capital gain by endorsement.

One personal requirement for a double-acting practice with a triple advantage. 
To feel and act for profit with an investment substitute and with a gambling substitute. 
1. Geting capacity to multiply money every day at 12:00 ;
2. Geting the invigorating app to save money and the power to reverse in accounted digital savings ;
3. Geting ability to deal in time-market with capital gains riskfree.
By registering at WUW with the identity of the qualification of the new subject "datevalors" beneficiary of the smart contract for free use of the money valuation by internet timestamp of shifted asset.

It is a unique registration or registration at WUW's Ledger to access the new economic space for personalized action "self-marked-webspace" granted free by WUW, only once and to a single person (physical or legal) for the free exercise of practice of data valuation of money and with an intelligent contract and to act and receive the results in cash money, in the "webcashmatic" and "webtaxmatic" modes in complete freedom and without risks or costs.

As "datevalors" you can now download the Personal Savings Helper (P.S.H.) application by entering the code received from WUW at Google Play.
The download makes the icon appear on your screen to excite you when you want to give orders to act in the 4G3W Economy.


Can the investment substitute automate the creation of added value ?

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Yes, it is its foundation and its end. Yes "datevaluation" it calls.

How can I take advantage of the investment substitute ?
It would be, how can I make "datevaluation acts" as you call ?

Creating digital savings.


Register as a "datevalors" at WUW The Webcash Universocial Web. From there you receive your "Personal Savings Helper" and the smart contract that allows you to create unique digital properties by adding the creator's name, the date of the creation of each registered property and a constant financial burden equal to US $ 10.- / each Owndated Webquantum.

The WUW smart contract with you is free and you never have to pay to obtain results that are always in the liquid phase and with self-liquidated taxes.
The nature and substance of your smart contract play a set of factors for creating added value from the start with the launch of your digital savings creations on the W3C Internet.

You just have to create digital savings using whenever you want your PSH application. You create  digital objects. Financial digital properties that are singular each of them.  They are recorded with the born timestamp and are accounted for automatic implementation with web dynamics counters in your favor.. You see the dynamic development of the value of your objects through a "flash" of your "webcashaccount". In your PSH menu you give orders and ask for what you want, when you want and always free of charge.

And how do you get value and money from the "investment substitute" thing?

WUW conducts the smart contract making it possible for a simple and singular fulfilment that looks fabulous in cash results. Yes, as hereby :

01. Everything takes place in liquid analogic / digital / analogic phase;
02. The financial burden changes reversibly from credit assets to property assets, ensuring the absence of risk: shift analogic cash / digital shift cash;
03. All operations are recorded at WUW's General Ledger;
04. Since acquiring its quality as a "datevalors" by simply registering its identity in G.Ledger, WUW continues to execute its smart contract and asks Google Play to provide the download of its Personal Savings Helper (its PSH is unique and works on all your Androïd devices);
05. Since the download of your PSH application on Google Play, WUW's General Ledger will register all your creative activity and request the Google Cloud Platform (Google $ S $) to continue the intelligent execution.
06. Each financial load arranged in the creation of each of your digital objects (Owndated Webquantums) is conducted and anchored by Google $ S $ at Universocial Sovereign Anchor, in other words, the cash-sharing-production for cash-sharing-results production apparatus "located in the FED producing 2% / 365 x US $ 10.- to share the general production every 24 hours, under the terms of the smart contract.
07. The production organized in automatic and directly proportional to the time and to the capital that gives rise to it, is distributed at 12:00 every day and applied to 10'000 digital properties with lucky rules that allow the concentration in a multiplicative capacity and with rules of antiquity of the digital properties that allow the market transaction of the time value contained in personalized savings (allowing capital gains to everybody).
The production is served by the FED for distribution in the T.O.M. (The Time Owndated Market) and inspection by TIGTA which retains fees by liberalizing results in "webtaxmatic" mode.

Essentially, it is understood that you can automate the creation of added value by simply creating digital savings using services with free development starting with WUW identity registration, downloading the PSH application on Google Play, dynamic management of records and protocols, execution programs and values ​​of the Google Cloud Platform (Google $ S $), organized production and defense of hedges at the FED, inspection by TIGTA and US Treasury, distribution of webtaxmatic and webcashmatic results in TOM The Time Owned Market where you are free to deal time-on-savings seniority making capital gains.


Google gives the world a gift

buzz this

 AppSheet essentials

AppSheet being a no-code application development platform in the belly of Google's pregnant cow will allow the birth of #"Google S $ S".

In fact, now using Google Platform / AppSheet to supply our need to write code, we will be able to create our App Personal Savings Helper.

We are already learning in GCP / AppSheet how
to create the app that we will offer people free of charge to improve their economic lives thanks to the free use of the first investment substitute (#datevaluation = the fourth economic practice).
