Author's in Economny 4G3W blogging the theorical principles for the money datevaluation as fourth economic gesture empowering folks with an app to better perform in economics achieving better wellbeing.
Yes because i-phones, don't resolves enough human needs.
Yes because i-phones, resolves narrow human needs.
Solutions for narrow needs and wants, limited by Apple's tired research .
Yes because folks and yourself from now, may ask uses to follow your dynamic savings on web-working activity to engender capital gains revealed by the Do-G-Phone 4G3W function.
Yes bringing webcashmatic money, to satisfy your needs and wants.
Dynamic savings are digital objects you create when you make the datevaluation action of some parcels of your money. Shifting the asset from the classic accounting credit/debit, going into the ownership asset of registered properties proposed by the enlarged Economy 4G3W.
These objects from folks creation are accounted and prepared to be followed and tagvaporated (the singular parcel's money genetic description) into the IoT. Things of folks economic lives under USAdmnistration control. Things which have to be treated by Google-FED protocol for the launch of the Economy 4G3W.
Well, at the rate of 2% if the debtor was safe as it could be the Fed, such production would be 2/100 * 1'000'000'000'000 / 365 = 27'397'260, - US $ every 24 hours.
What should you do to get the right to attend the daily sharing of this cash production generated by the Universocial Sovereign Anchor ?
To share results you have to be owner of at least 1 unit of digital savings. So you have to create one or more Owndated Webquantums connecting plots of 10 € with the USAnchor. Increasing production with at its own dynamics savings recorded in your account web_cash.
Yes. That is the economic upgrade skill, basis of Economy 4G3W. Datevaluation practice, or linking money-to-money practice, it means.
Because when you create Personalized-Webliving-Savings, you create one or more Owndated Webquantums (10€ each O.W.) which are registered properties.
The core of the datevaluation skill is that you shift each 10€ from the classical credit asset (able to purchase interest), into 1 asset of registered property at your name (able to purchase capital gains).
And, that financial property - each Owndated Webquantum at your webcashaccount - is a capital asset liable to be sold with bilateral requirement and endorsement of registration in favor of the new owner.
As the amount realized on the disposition exceeds your creation price, you make a capital gain. By webcashmatic result at the T.O.M. (Timestok Owned Market) where you sell the financial time contained in dynamic savings . Indeed, you sell your capacity of savings constitution on a past time.
The capital gain is the difference between the higher selling price and the lower and fixed 10€ parcel which you have to put for shifting by webcashmotor in the creation of each Owndated Webquantum.
Losses are eliminated because datevaluation is a cashkeeping economic practice. Because it is basicly an web helper-for-savings constitution. Because it's free to shift asset and to shift again.
This is the reason why datevaluation is the investment's substitute exclusive, and the fourth economic leg.
And it is also the reason why US Admnistration have to deal with Google for the technical structure able to support regulations for folks practice. W3C's agreement is contained.
Get capital gains from dynamic savings and go up more and more.
Yes. When you think to better perform your economic action, you have to decide it and kick off, first of all. Then look around. In internet environment. In landscape's of Apps, that guiding the human society to appropriate behaviors.
Require Google and Androïd to give folks such ongoing skills. Require USA Administration to frame predictibles regulations skills, for folks needs and wants.
Require both of them for a one-click-motor-for-savings. Delivered with your connected financial tool. Into Chrome, Nexus, or your future Gbrain-bio-internet communication under-skin.
Because you and your datevaluation actions, you are expecting Google infrastructure and the legal environment to go safe and forever. For universocial wellbeing. And for you, because you decide like GOD.
The constitution of classic savings is becoming more and more a bad option, because your saved amount + interest rate, dont cover inflation.
Now we are introducing datevaluation as a new economic practice to give folks the opportunity to make capital gains and multiplied webcashmatic results, by shifting the classic credit-bank asset onto an upgraded asset of Personalized-Webliving-Savings in registered properties (Owndated Webquantums). A few like you moove from bank to notary.
== Steps ==
# You have to fill the form at . Use your real name, the same of your identity card.Then, after confirmation you receive from the your reservation for the free delivery of your "Personal Webcashmotor Simulator".
## With your reservation, which is the confirmed sequencial number (ie : PWS0000001027) you own the right to receive your Personal Webcashmotor 4G3W for free.For free because at the you nerver have to pay nothing. Because onto the Universocial Cash Economy, the upgraded Digital Economy 4G3W, all results are coming from your digital-savings in cashkeeping cells-production quantums and organized for webcashmatic results (all taxes payed under US Obamadepending regulations and all web-support-costs free under Googledepending structure).
### That is all. You can get for free, your helper for dinamic savings contitution. It is a one-click motor-for-savings.
* Think that digitalizing things, are things that you have to create. The project "Personal Webcashmotor 4G3W" is just an app proposed for the first Do-G-Phone. A projected smart-financial-phone giving folks a personal motor-for-savings .It makes you start to run onto Economy 4G3W. Have fun and upgrade your economic performance keeping your bank-financial-power, just for you.
Have a looh at "How the economic machine works". This is going before the datevaluation concept with it "helper-for-savings".
From here by Ray Dalio, we have to upgrade introducing the money datevaluation practice in order to shift financial pumps getting Personalized-Webliving-Savings enlarging personalized economic spaces and creating the @web-time-counter in order to apply in folks dynamic-savings.
The proposed Economy 4G3W, linking money-to-money and cooked with Gool-Bama-Cash financial recipe, enables the personal-time-money relation and you will be able to deal the timestock of yours parcels of digital savings.
That's why we propose to enlarge the economic space giving folks a personal-motor-for-savings-constitution.
Money have it to do with genetics ? Linked money, is it organic money ?
Yes and no.
No because money, is not a discipline of biology.
Yes because money, when you make it datevaluation (linking money-to-money for much-more-money) it becames like an organism capable of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development with maintenance of homoestasis in a stable whole. Each 10€ = 1 Owndated Webquantum.
Such whole is your personalized-webliving-savings. Dynamic savings but absolutly stable in it web-biology, it web-genetic. Things of datevaluation practice. Gool-Bama-Cash solution for our economic upgrade. Entering in Economy 4G3W for universocial wellbeing.
Keep your savings_web_dynamic and let it live with you.
Plug-to-cash money is the stream which you create making the new economic practice of the money datevaluation proposed in Economy 4G3W. Because when you launch each 10€ parcel shifting asset from the credit asset of your parcel of bank money into 1 Owndated Webquantum in your ownership registered property communicated by your action on your personal webcashmotor's menu, you create in fact a new and single financial material to run the web soap, linking money-to-money ( your new 10€ parcel linked with a time-stock quantum at U_S_A the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor) for cash-production-cash-sharing-process.
To connect your plug-money (the money-link) you customize your savings in plots of 10 €uros merging units of bank money, with your name and best time of your webcashmotor THROUGH web. As if charging a cell phone.
No more and you will have 1 plot OW (Owndated Webquantums) for your 10 €uros webmarked custom. And OWs are your financial containers with your savings_web_dynamics in automatic time-control. Since the savings may be customized and made to work in a work universocial money-with-money plugged into your best possible data or your OT (the timestock owned).
Mean and say, money in his date of creation is now shifted in web-dynamic-savings.
Want to say and repeat: saving custom container placed in time-merit-value.
Mean and end: I want my cash, to produce cash and cash daily delivered results.
And so it is clear that your safe driving ability introduces your personal economic performance in highway for wellbeing :
- Personal money in cash savings_web_working and maintained in fresh acces for your needs/wants;
- OW money in property and financial power instead of credit / debit / and 1 rate of interest;
- With money in your webespace worker and force_web_inputed without investment risk.
Now if you'll also be able to say: Now-I-Save-By-Motor. Let me save my friend!
4G3W economics is that, whenever things go for you. On how your cash is cash and cashkeeping it have to produces results.
Simply replace the classic savings mechanism in box-cookies-venture investment bank, to keep for you your bank and financial power at your home.
Go up and forever. Always and always getting webcashmatic cashkeeping capital appreciation.
Even the elderly prefer dynamic-savings. And you? FilipeAlvesFerreira @filipe27
Linking money-to-money by datevaluation practice may resolve all financial problems first confessed as located in Grece. The fact may push the European Central Bank and J-C Trichet's team to overcome with datevaluation ressources as proposed in Economy 4G3W.
Because the creation of the personalized dynamic savings by folks on singularity application, allows asset control even when shifting reserves are not fungible like the money it is now in the Classic Economy for domestic and foreign finantial exchanges.
It is time to let people deal their added value when in matter of savings makers. Because we need all profits of all communication motors working among us. To cover wellbeing needs and refusing to do it with past and unconnected bonds. Bonds without energy plug-in even when ECB inflates with governments treasury bonds. Requering you and me and all of us. Because Economy is social and universal. It must be universocial. Welcome abord.
Let do with intranet and internet going and returning, free and webpowered.