Showing posts with label wellbeing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wellbeing. Show all posts


Is Google essential to let folks create digital savings ?

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No. But in fact... yes. Yes.

Not because there are other service providers on the cloud; but rather, because of the predictable quality of the Google cow's uterus to foster, lead and deliver specific economic well-being in the way of each person.

Datevaluation is the action of creating digital savings. 

This new economic practice adds a resource of substitute of investment to the Classic Economy, allowing to obtain capital gains maintaining the availability of the liquid phase of the money only reversibly while, assigned for the creation of digital savings.

And if you have to combine technologies to generate growth it's better if you can download your app PSH-Personal Savings Helper and achieve by webcashmatic mode the resources to cover your needs and wants. By WUW's BPaaS using Google Cloud Platform.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Consumption, savings, investment, datevaluation, what is better for me ?

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Well, all and each of the four economic gestures are the better for you. In dependance of what effect are you looking for at the moment when you take your economic option. Then the mix to get results on your wellbeing, happens.

All the matter have to keep out of any economic confusion. Because :

1. When you are looking for to maintain or enjoy your life, you have to choose one economic gesture of consumption,i.e. you have to buy a T-bone ;
Clarification 1 : consumption practice is to live or to enjoy the life

2. When you are looking for to keep your security, your have to choose one economic gesture of savings, i.e. controling a quiet hideaway ;
Clarification 2 : savings practice is to defend needs of the life

3. When you are looking for wealth and plus values, you have to choose one economic gesture of investment, i.e. buying a production factor or stocks ;
Clarification 3 : investment practice is to run for reproduction effects on the life

4. When you are looking for all #webcashmatic advantages with the same money, you have to choose one economic gesture of datevaluation, i.e. shifting money in personalized-dynamic-savings ;
Clarification 4 : datevaluation practice is to upgrade economics and better perform the life


Capabilities coming up from utilities for wellbeing

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Internet of Things (IoT) is infused with instruments, interconnections and intelligent data and it's able for the treatment of all invented utilities for folks wellbeing  by personalized use of new capabilities. People have only to impulse with their personal dynamics IoT's systems to create and operate into real-time the results return of such utilities. #webcashmatic-basis.

It's understandable now that why the personalized-webliving-savings have to be the fundments for an universocial value creation throught the folks practice over a one-dactil-move-for-wellbeing.
Well, your personal webcashmotor will do that for you. For riskless. For free and for freedom. #cashkeeping. #keep-your-personal-bank-financial-power.


Your savings in web cash are easy to get

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Day after day when you feel strong cash multiplication factors we think about a savings action, to increase our wellbeing. 
Yes because, when you scent that your cash is running juste to gain web dynamic functions, in order to make webcashmatic results presented every day at 12:00 (New York local time), sometimes in multiplied cash results and always in accumulated plus values, then you will be pushed to make savings action.

Yes because,linking money-to-money or date valuation action,is not so different of a smart charge for your G-Nexus, but another Androïd's App like an one-click motor-for-savings in Gool-Bama-Cash mode. US Admnistration, has to promote an agreement between W3C, Google and FED opening people acces to make smart-savings directly in US Central Bank, switching capital pumps, from folks-commercial banks-FED into folks-FED-commercial banks.

Yes because I prefer my smart cash plugged into the WWW-Google-FED. Yes because so it becames in dynamic-cash-production with cash with absolute security for my smart-cash-results. And you, what you think about this investment's substitute ? In absolute free cashkeeping conditions for you, for me and for everybody.


Google Ventures, Google Wave and Gool-Bama-Cash

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We need Google for universocial wellbeing structure. Because we need to launch the money datevaluation practice in order to upgrade our ending Classic Economy into smart-mobile Economy 4G3W . Google expert in infrastrucure giving folks free opportunity for linking money at U_S_A (Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor).

We need President Barak Obama for universocial structure regulations. US Admnistration can do that.

Let people make added value over personalised-webliving-savings. For free and in cashkeeping conditions. Linking money for much-more-money by datevaluation and using financial waves. Both we can do that.


Why Google dont help on Obamadepending financial act

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Because linking money to money may seem a danger for bank system.

The creation of personalized Financial Waves is a solution proposed to reform.

For succes. Because Google and Obama they have to give folks free instruments for wellbeing.


G-20 have to ask Googledepending

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For money-to-money links, into Google Cash-for-Cash pipes.

Can you imagine people linking money at U_S_A The Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor like a plug-in for cash results :

To share cash production , sharing daily multiplied cash results ;

To get webcashmatic gains from personalized webliving-savings ;

To shift from credit assets into registered properties assets.

Then faster Obamadepending Regulations may implement the solution. Universocial solution for folks definitive wellbeing.
