Showing posts with label personal taxmatic freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal taxmatic freedom. Show all posts


Google Alphabet, Quantum Computing and Money Data

buzz this
The requirements adapted to the functional treatment of tractor attributes of economic utility must increasingly rely on the intrinsic data of money because only they can constitute the supports for functional developments.
From another angle, and since the utility has to serve each person to satisfy their needs and desires, money data must support identity, the times of personal actions, quantity counters, exchanges and payments, scopes of regulatory application, and of an extensive etc, etc, in growing dynamics with variable flows, fulfillment of fiscal obligations and diverse conjunctural crossings of infinite tendency.

All to mention that treating money as we do today, it makes no sense since the developments of the Internet and technological applications, opening up areas of utility in everyday life and which are totally wasted. Because current money cannot be processed by its intrinsic data so that each one can extract more wealth from it than it contains.
Because you have to get extration all from all 4 money's parts : your monetary performance, your financial performance, your taxmatic freedom and your spiritual hapiness.

This justifies the need to launch the individual practice of valuing money data, as we have seen proposing to Google and the US Administration. In #googledepending form.

Digital money has to be created by each one from the Fed's US dollar by changing its asset.
Because it has to incorporate monetary value, time of action in economic production and ownership of the creator (asset shifter) and its successive owner.

And all the marmalade has to be controlled without fail, in the dynamic Internet and on the dynamic of general economic conjuncture.

No problem. Quantum computing is there for that. Google knows this well.


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