Showing posts with label #datevalors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #datevalors. Show all posts


The substitute for money investment is also the substitute for gambling

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The fact is that datevaluation (name of the investment's substitute) is to put a double-effect over money  to call much-more-money on a triple advantage.

For people, the results of the money datevaluation practice, appear with capital gains, with daily multiplicative capacity and as a growing performance generator in strength to save.

It requires little from people thanks to the Personal Savings Helper application, that is 1 free one-click-engine-for-savings and  composte with web automatisms for results of dual nature and triple economic advantage when used to create digital financial registered properties, which are called "owndated webquantums" by shifting analogic US$ 10.- by act adding a "timestamp" on a digital financial burden property with reversible mode insuring the "cashkeeping" phase as guarant of non risk activity.

WUW The Webcash Universocial Web is able to distribute money as a gambling substitute, because that money comes as a result of an organized cash production with registered personalized time factor.

Into datevaluation economic actions 4G3W there are no money bets to make some  multiply receiving a part of all the bets. 
Here the application of daily results is made using random yes to qualify 10 thounsands financial quantums properties catching cash multiplied effects, then the final cash result is fixed  1 by 1 using the registered creation seniority and "webcashmatic" distributed to each owner . Older digital savings get more money than younger on the 10.000 qualified set of Owndated Webquantums.
Into datevaluation economic actions the smart contract automatic execution is refered to the person and to its creations, is refered to the time of action as an accounted "timestock counter" and refered to an algorithm defining rights for cash remuneration even when it stays into adquired capacity of money multiplicator without investment risk or gambling losses, just allied and disposed in a time market for eventual but always personal assignement,  producing capital gain by endorsement.

One personal requirement for a double-acting practice with a triple advantage. 
To feel and act for profit with an investment substitute and with a gambling substitute. 
1. Geting capacity to multiply money every day at 12:00 ;
2. Geting the invigorating app to save money and the power to reverse in accounted digital savings ;
3. Geting ability to deal in time-market with capital gains riskfree.
By registering at WUW with the identity of the qualification of the new subject "datevalors" beneficiary of the smart contract for free use of the money valuation by internet timestamp of shifted asset.

It is a unique registration or registration at WUW's Ledger to access the new economic space for personalized action "self-marked-webspace" granted free by WUW, only once and to a single person (physical or legal) for the free exercise of practice of data valuation of money and with an intelligent contract and to act and receive the results in cash money, in the "webcashmatic" and "webtaxmatic" modes in complete freedom and without risks or costs.

As "datevalors" you can now download the Personal Savings Helper (P.S.H.) application by entering the code received from WUW at Google Play.
The download makes the icon appear on your screen to excite you when you want to give orders to act in the 4G3W Economy.


Can the investment substitute automate the creation of added value ?

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Yes, it is its foundation and its end. Yes "datevaluation" it calls.

How can I take advantage of the investment substitute ?
It would be, how can I make "datevaluation acts" as you call ?

Creating digital savings.


Register as a "datevalors" at WUW The Webcash Universocial Web. From there you receive your "Personal Savings Helper" and the smart contract that allows you to create unique digital properties by adding the creator's name, the date of the creation of each registered property and a constant financial burden equal to US $ 10.- / each Owndated Webquantum.

The WUW smart contract with you is free and you never have to pay to obtain results that are always in the liquid phase and with self-liquidated taxes.
The nature and substance of your smart contract play a set of factors for creating added value from the start with the launch of your digital savings creations on the W3C Internet.

You just have to create digital savings using whenever you want your PSH application. You create  digital objects. Financial digital properties that are singular each of them.  They are recorded with the born timestamp and are accounted for automatic implementation with web dynamics counters in your favor.. You see the dynamic development of the value of your objects through a "flash" of your "webcashaccount". In your PSH menu you give orders and ask for what you want, when you want and always free of charge.

And how do you get value and money from the "investment substitute" thing?

WUW conducts the smart contract making it possible for a simple and singular fulfilment that looks fabulous in cash results. Yes, as hereby :

01. Everything takes place in liquid analogic / digital / analogic phase;
02. The financial burden changes reversibly from credit assets to property assets, ensuring the absence of risk: shift analogic cash / digital shift cash;
03. All operations are recorded at WUW's General Ledger;
04. Since acquiring its quality as a "datevalors" by simply registering its identity in G.Ledger, WUW continues to execute its smart contract and asks Google Play to provide the download of its Personal Savings Helper (its PSH is unique and works on all your Androïd devices);
05. Since the download of your PSH application on Google Play, WUW's General Ledger will register all your creative activity and request the Google Cloud Platform (Google $ S $) to continue the intelligent execution.
06. Each financial load arranged in the creation of each of your digital objects (Owndated Webquantums) is conducted and anchored by Google $ S $ at Universocial Sovereign Anchor, in other words, the cash-sharing-production for cash-sharing-results production apparatus "located in the FED producing 2% / 365 x US $ 10.- to share the general production every 24 hours, under the terms of the smart contract.
07. The production organized in automatic and directly proportional to the time and to the capital that gives rise to it, is distributed at 12:00 every day and applied to 10'000 digital properties with lucky rules that allow the concentration in a multiplicative capacity and with rules of antiquity of the digital properties that allow the market transaction of the time value contained in personalized savings (allowing capital gains to everybody).
The production is served by the FED for distribution in the T.O.M. (The Time Owndated Market) and inspection by TIGTA which retains fees by liberalizing results in "webtaxmatic" mode.

Essentially, it is understood that you can automate the creation of added value by simply creating digital savings using services with free development starting with WUW identity registration, downloading the PSH application on Google Play, dynamic management of records and protocols, execution programs and values ​​of the Google Cloud Platform (Google $ S $), organized production and defense of hedges at the FED, inspection by TIGTA and US Treasury, distribution of webtaxmatic and webcashmatic results in TOM The Time Owned Market where you are free to deal time-on-savings seniority making capital gains.


Fear of losing kills the idea of ​​investing money

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The resource for people is the money datevaluation that is a substitute for investment that works without risk.
Because money just goes online to produce and share results while remaining in a liquid phase.
In fact during datevaluation the first step is the creation of digital properties that are registered (WUW's ledger) in the creator's name, with the time stamp and with a financial burden of US $ 10 .- / each property Ow (Owndated Webquantum) .
The sum of these creations is being the creator's digital savings, and the financial burden will join the USAnchor (Interest Factory) to become a financial cell, begin to produce and participate in the formation of "TotUnixTimeCashCake" that appears cuted in 10,000 slices. Slices of decreasing volumes.
Because the fixing of results, to be made every day at 12:00 in the T.O.M (time market) of New York, refers to the intelligent contract [WUW-Creator "datevalors"] that is executed by the service Google S Platform of Cloud Money.
And the intelligent contract says that the sharing right lies with the creators of the 10,000 registered properties defined by a random draw from the universe of all OWs in production at The USAnchor (Universocial Sovereign Anchor) accumulated in the FED-USTreasury. Thus, the 10,000 OWs belonging to their owners who are entitled on that day to receive the multiplied results, are determined every day. And how much does each person receive? This depends on how many OWs have been extracteds on the person name and then depends on the position of each OW in the ordenation of all 10,000 OW by seniority of creation (either for longer or shorter production times).
Once the attribution of results has been made, tax obligation (webtaxmatic) is paid to the US Treasury, and the day's results are paid to 10,000 OW holders.

And then the holder who is not contemplated by luck, nothing wins. Yes. Who is unlucky don't multiply money that day. But it can multiply money, on the next day. From about US$ 100,_  for the most recent OW created, up to about US$ 27,000,000._ for the oldest created OW , the multiplied results distributed are useful to people and promote the creation of OWs. Attracting more capital for the production of interest at the  Anchor Factory.

And a lot of people are attracted to the practice of money datavaluation by web communication (by DoG-4G3W smart phone or another with the app Personal Saving Helper) because on the same day it can multiply money (as if it were a money game). However it's a fun "fake game" with which you can only win.
For whoever does not multiply money in one day can multiply it the next day, or the other, in the 365 days of the year or every day of the following years. Children, grandchildren and successors in general also because the OW properties, are inherit by "mortis causa" even if it are intangibles it are registered as property on the holder name.

And even more certain:

All OWs are accounted for in the webcashaccount of all headlines. And all OW's are exposed on the T.O.M. market of time.
Because seniority is appreciated and WUW only legitimizes the OW creators or the following holders by the endorsement of the properties given by the last owners in the WUW's ledger.

Given the rules of fixing the results, everyone would prefer to be the owner of the older OWs (they pick up a bigger slice, be more money or bigger result when they are lucky in the extraction).
Now, the sequential registration with a time stamp begins with the creation in the name of the buyer. Only he alone can give the endorsement order it registered in favor of a buyer to whom the property is assigned. For a price. This price is higher than the financial burden guaranted for reconversion. And the price is all the greater the earlier the digital saving in production is presented to the negotiation for transmission.
The price of time in saving, or its antiquity, is fixed by the beneficiaries in  Bid & Ask negociation, in the at it time spot.

The added value, of the time value going up as the time go on each property, are becoming more and more value and all the holders obtain capital gains from the generalized enrichment produced minute by minute.
The price of the other singularities of each OW can reach considerable values ​​in the market T.O.M. at New York . Please see the 7 counters of a "flash" of your webcashaccount. What happens when the production of the "Interest Factory on the Google Cloud Fed's  " rises?
And if it doubles from day to day ... the "TotUnixTimeCashCake" also doubles in size: the financial slices double in volume and the formation of value is strongly accelerated. Capital gains are greater. Well, may be you do not even want to sell. Because it can multiply money more strongly that you had believe, either by luck or by real value growth.
And best of all for you and for the Economy in general:
The taste of multiplying and the taste of valuing in security, (essence of the investment substitute) helps you to save and increase your personal economic performance.

And if you need your money, working in datevaluation?

There is not the slightest problem. Select the order "cash call" (on the menu of your Personal Saving Helper) and receive the code to cashier the financial burden reconverted from each of the OWs you hold, and receive in cash cash, in any bank and in any part of the World.
Because datevaluation is your economic gesture to keep your "finantial-personal-force" and to get more and more cash at Internet speed.


Smart Capital Extractor for you

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Giving each person a capacity for extracting virgin capital in unlimited quantities is a proposal to solve the needs and wants that lead to the individual WELL BEING.

Money is not everything, but it provides independence for each one, whenever when it is insufficient one can open the tap for more. Yes because the available wealth reserves to extract, are endless. Because never before had anyone put interest as an objective of compactable and distributable production as a self-motivating remuneration of savings formation.
That's why there is money for everyone. We are about solving your individual needs and wants. Thanks to the use of the individual bank-financial power in the creation of the personalized digital savings and placed in webdynamic production cash-sharing-cash.

The global solution was hidden. Now we have the recipe:

The location of virgin wealth reserves and the way of extracting it is a matter for WUW;

The smart cash extractor or "Your cash robot" is the subject and challenge for the "Your Androïd Cash Bot" app;

Infrastructure and the running of the application on the internet, is a subject and challenge for "Google Smart Economy" (GCPlatform for Your Cash Bot).
The design of the extractor requires standards compatible with definitions of a set of entities called for the improvement of the Classical Economy with the introduction of the money datevaluation practice to give an alternative to the investment practice, with risk purge in the search for capital gains.
This reason for compatibility between the services of the entities required to contribute to the operation of the "wealth extractor" that is intended to be individual, popular and free, justifies the request of the WUW's authoring to for the provision of a simulator app of the "one- click-engine-for-saving " to allow the training of all beginers "datevalors" and allow the convergence of the several standards, thanks to the exprimentation of utilities even less intense being virtual. An app that can simulate the creation of digital objects identified with personalized digital savings, should ensure an understanding of the unique virtues of the "money datavaluation" by dragging the economic expansion and making the 4G3W Economy appear.


Google as the lone architect for world's 4G3W digital financial structure

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Consumption 1st leaf, Savings 2d leaf, Investment 3th leaf and Datevaluation 4th leaf the four practices on Economy 4G3W

Into Economy 4G3W folks are provided with a Personal Savings Helper or Personal Webcashmotor which is an App downloadable at Google Play Store filling the code delivered by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web.  All for free and forever.

Because the App runs to insure folks of a correct and useful method for datevaluation practice.
Datevaluation consists on the creation of digital savings, which are digital objects containing the timestamp of the creation, the name of the creator with the code of his webcashmotor and a financial charge of US$ 10,- each/1. Digital savings are 1 or more of these digital objects called Owndated Webquantums (OWs).
OWs are registered on the WUW's ledger and accounted in each Webcashaccount which are dynamic accounts producing a "flash position" each time the datevalors ownership ask it through the menu of his PSH. After registration and singularized by the creator's name, the financial burden  of US$ 10,-, the timestamp of creation and the wuw's ledger register sequential number, is ready as Singular Digital Object to be introduced on The Timestock Owndated Market for exchange quotes.
Each Owndated Webquantum go to the Google Cloud Platform to follow it production desteny linked at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor (USAnchor) at FED connected to US Treasury and Tigta.


How folks runs one click to solve US debt

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Using a personalized helper for saving.
Throught the creation of digital properties. 
Free practice to trust on capital gains instead of interest rate. 
The time market do the rest.
Because, #cashkeeping, #webcashmatic, #webtaxmatic are three safe modes.


How and for what is The T.O.M. ?

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T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market is a predictable market with proposed location at New York.

In the resolution of the next need for public fixation of the results of the economic activity of "datevaluation" to be applied and distributed in cash every 24 hours at 12:00 New York local time in favor of the economic agents called "datevalors", WUW The Webcash Universocial Web is promoting the founding of TOM..
In addition to the results to be set every 12:00, the "datevaluation" activity produces a market for the transfer of digital savings properties that initially works with the organization in Bid & Ask spot market. Awaiting derivatives for later.

The creation of this market is necessary to allow the mercantile treatment of the time contained on digital savings.
It are dynamic time-units counting time and carriying US$ 10,- of financial compound redemable, each "Owndated Webquatum".

T.O.M. New York Time Exchange at virtual building

It is from the local headquarters of TOM that happens the final task :

 The application of FED deliveries as results, being:

a) Each day a "TotUnixTimeCashCake" due to USAnchor's production (Universocial Sovereign Anchor) with the supervision and surveillance collaboration of The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA);
b) Each day a "TotRedemedSavings" that will be derived in total and immediately to the Google Cloud Platform in favor of the cashcall rescues by the Personal Savings Helpers;
c) The payment of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake" slice to GDP for its services and in execution of the protocols;
d) The payment to the Authoring;
e) Payment to WUW.

  The oversight of the general function of the TOM .

 The general treatment of incoming questions.


Put your one-click-prevention-on-economics

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Datevaluation is a proposed economic practice to distribute money in the personalized creation of digital dynamic savings.

The economic  agent of datevaluation is called the datevalors person.
Datevalors with his action of datevaluation expects a mixed results of the 3 classic others economic practices :
- like in consumption practice datevalors get the hopes to get random results of multiplication, every day at 12:00 at T.O.M. ;
- like in savings practice datevalors get personalized-digital-savings as integral reserves to live with prevention ;
-like in investment practice, datevalors  get capital gains on transactions aptitute of registered savings properties.
All 3 results in one. In personalized cocktail  flavors. In reserved conditions to revert.

Because in Economy 4G3W, your one-click-motor-for-savings is a smart one, and it cleverness prevent any distraction.


Cycle zero or positif in digital time exchange business

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The money datevaluation practice give the bird to "owndated webquantums" which are digital properties or dynamic digital savings, personalized digital objects.

Datevalors creators, in independence of automatic results in #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic modes, have the right and the utility to deal the time contained into their "O.W.s"being the opportunity to drive and make "capital gains" in the T.O.M. The Timestock-Owned-Market.

Would you like to get the property and the benefits of digital savings constitued at a past date ?
Go to the TOM and market : the ownership endorsement is guaranted by WUW's at TOM.

For datevalors the time business has a cycle from zero growing positif, more and more,

Another thing is the possibilities of speculation around the time and other attributes contained on "O.W.s" created by other persons-datevalors and which endorsement is now at your name because you have buy it paying an agreed price for the time-savings-brand of a singular "O.W.".

The refered economic cycle zero or positif has its roots in the cash money stage #cashkeeping :

Cashkeeping is a cash money stage  when it is  disposed to be putted or disposed to be called, into the creation effects or from the emptyings effects over of a digital property  when the  datevalors agent economic prepare one shift of the asset .

Also, "cashkeeping" is a cash money stage  when it is in mutation from credit-debit asset into a digital object asset.  

Because the digital property being digital savings properties, created by datevaluation, the creator-owner has the right to provoke the initial stade before the mutation, mutating again the property-asset into the credit-debit asset and  restart with double effect :
-the digital property becames empty of financial charge breaking the creator link on the ledger registration ;
- the owner cash same amount he had datevalued on the digital creation.

Please ask Google and the USAdmin to launch "datevaluation" giving folks a PSHelper.
