Showing posts with label #filipealvesferreira authoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #filipealvesferreira authoring. Show all posts
What means cashkeeping ?
The creation of personalized dynamic digital savings is a #cashkeepping process to shift the monetary asset into property asset with permanent garanty of cash reversible acces.
The creation of personalized dynamic digital savings is a #cashkeepping process to shift the monetary asset into property asset with permanent garanty of cash reversible acces.
Tags : #cashkeeping, #cashkeeping phase, #economy 4G3W, #digital savings phase
PSH-Personal Savings Helper to make you go cash
WUW- The Webcash Universocial Web is aiming at providing an access to cash services forever free on the mobile devices Do-G-Phone.
We have developed a safe and secure process for the valuation of money. Our algorithm allows for a better understanding of how much data is being held, and how that data can be valued. Your Personal Business as a Service is executed through Google's Cloud Infrastucture, WUW The Webcash Universocial Web, TOM The Time Owned Market, US Fed's Universocial Sovereign Anchor and TIGTA.
WUW's goal is to help folks to save by personalized digital savings constitution , giving them a capacity to multiply money without gaming, automatize for them capital gains formation without the investment's risks and giving them freedom by automatized payment of all taxes in the new era of the money data-valuation technology.
The guts of China's digital Yuan e-CNY don't match the US Fed's DNA
China's digital Yuan is not processable under the Fed's required US digital dollar standards. It's the currency's DNA question.
An e-CNY digital currency wants to serve a top-down driven economy. The other UUS$$, admissible by the US has to serve a free economy for individual human handling decision or bottom-up.
Draft legislation that seeks to induce more momentum in the US Fed to launch the digital dollar to compete with rivals such as China e-CNY.
..."Democrat Representative Maxine Waters has drafted legislation that aims to have the Fed further study the prospect of a digital dollar and create a path for it to come to fruition, The Wall Street Journal reported "...
It would be nice if the US Fed were willing to launch a digital dollar stagnant in an inefficient design that doesn't contain the essentials of the US dollar's innards. These guts of an energetic, healthy and strong nature, presenting all the useful resources for their handling by people and appropriate for Well-Being.
It is already clear that e-CNY does not teach content that could serve the US Fed's digital dollar. Simply because the guts of the Yuan are not the same as the guts of the dollar. So, expressing these 2 currencies similarly or simply admitting that the digital Yuan precedes the digital dollar is an understatement.
To launch the US digital dollar the design must contain the concept of universociality and the complete processability in individual human hands.
It's easy to see that such design has to allow the construction as proposed at .
3. Could a CBDC affect financial inclusion? Would the net effect be positive or negative for inclusion?
3. Could a CBDC affect financial inclusion? Would the net effect be positive or negative for inclusion?
Filipe's answer :
Considering in the first place the possible launch of the US CBDC as a liability of the central bank and fearing multiple launches of similar CBDCs, I have the intuition of certain storms in the field of financial inclusion where the US dollar digital presupposed in your paper of January 2022, even if with unmistakable value support, it may lack the simple features that I see in the launch of USA FED's CBDC or Universocial US$$ giving it in a way linked to the value support:
- as cash production cell (1st monetary part processable as personal savings growing advantage ) +
- a counter @stamping of the time in production of the cell and its antiquity in the production of distributable wealth (2nd financial part processable as capital gain as the time go) Time Market Bid & Ask +
- a webtaxmatic cloud function as a release value of the webcashmatic income of the new taxable amount that the US Treasury thanks (3rd part processable as "freedom" gain) +
-a tagvaporator of the personal orientation option for the free exercise of the owner of the digital object UUS$$ regarding the eventual limit destination (democratic folks control of investments) of the monetary load allocated in the "Universocial Sovereign Anchor" which production is distributed every 24 hours (4th part processable as "multiplicative capacity" gain).
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Management of money as a composite of 4 processable parts
How sum the 4 advantages of your processable money ?
Thinking of money as a multipliable day wealth source
Your PSH app propells your economic performance guided by your personal Business Process running #googledepending cloud & quantic service to extract cash & happiness from all 4 parts of your digital savings.
Your datevaluation activity is accounted in dynamic counters which set on flash of instant position may the shape basis for your free management.
All units of O.Webquantums are connected to the USAnchor The Universocial Sovereign Anchor going to share cash production and so got the right to share cash results as WUW's algorithm.
What could be the money guts on Google hands ?
What could be the money guts on Google hands ?
- Satisfaction of folks needs and wants.
- Countries working toghether.
- Humanity living in Peace for good.
Roots of "data valuation of money" using histology of cash
The research started in the early eighties that led to the discovery of a method capable of suppressing the money investment risk while maintaining it the characteristic of the only practice providing added value, led to the launch tests for public use of the new practice proposed.
Pionered from October 13, 1982 and what was the pioneering substitute for investment was called "transinvestment".
At that time, for the real market tests, the name "transinvestment" wanted to make us see the monetary results that had been distributed weekly and had been cash produced and achieved without the risk of losing money. Hence, beyond "investment" was born the "transinvestment" which had produced and have distributed net results with the personal capacity to multiply without gambling and with the personal capacity to realize capital gains without investing avoiding risk but only "transinvesting money" adding it ingredients of "recorded time" and of "transinvestor's name" to the allocated money.
Since 1995, research has been oriented towards the application of economic practice renamed "datevaluation" in the Internet environment, envisioning the use of the free growing disponibility of production factors for free, that could be used to build a proposal for economic practice that would lead to the results of " transinvestment".
Hence the 4th economic gesture at 3 W (#4G3W)and since 2005 the gesture of "datevaluation" was born, now "#data valuation" with the launch proposed by the author team to [Google + W3C + US Administration].
The upgrade for Economy 4G3W was born.
Filipe_Alves_Ferreira_ 1 slice of copyrights
The Author in Economy 4G3W owns the knowledge and offers a copyrights slice to share with you at the WUW team when you collaborate working free of costs with Google Cloud Platform in order to create the app to give folks the PSH - Personal Saving Helper.
Google Cloud Support helping for Google S
Considerating how vital it is for the launch of the money datevaluation practice is to use Google Cloud Platform for the only enhancement of Classical Economy now in disponibility y that can give people a substitute for investment to drive them to take advantage of the new economic space 4G3W able for produce conditions for extracting infinite wealth in personalized modus.
Now for you Georgi, please :
I can't get to the root of my domain, which for me has become an important domain as I expose and think about developing the core of my economic theory of the fourth gesture of "the money datevaluation" to add to the ability to free economic action, as a substitute for investment but without the risk of it.
I ask for your help in the following guidance:
From my blog "
I am a non-technical author and I am over 77 years old. And then ?
The use of the internet and GoogleCloudPlatform is essential for the launching and operation of the practice of datevaluation of the money (shifting it in personalized digital savings anchored at the FED) that will bring welfare so far disturbed by the contradiction of the three economic gestures (consumption, savings and investment) that make up the possibility of action. thus limited in classical economics.
Now as I begin to understand what GCP is, I will be progressing to explain myself above all to Google. Because I would like to motivate Google to implement what I created and tested in the market for over 35 years before. Before the Internet and before Google.
Finally you would find a way to help me in this technical deck I'm in and almost paralyzed.
Thank you very much in advance,
Thank you very much in advance,
Best regards,
Filipe AlvesFerreira (27.05.1942)
Acting on 3 and 5 and without 7, I arrived and already got "Welcome to App Engine".
It was 18:15 local time in Pontevedra, Spain, when I first saw it on my "Welcome to App Engine" screen and was working using Google Suite with in my fight (started on Wednesday 13.10.1982) for the launch of the money datevaluation to the free use of people all to let start the 4G3W Economy in a broad economic space with the new practice.
Thanks Google / Alphabet.
Going forward, progress will be greatly facilitated by my understanding of what an application built with Google App Engine is on the Google Cloud Platform. Because the Classic Economy is outdated.
Everything behind and on my blog "", since my first post here on "Linking money by Mousephone 4G3W" and that followed my previous blog Santa Clara Mousephone 4G3W (today only retouched in images and with comments received from the died Steve Jobs or some jesting that he put on), everything will be fulfilled if I have health and life.
Because I acquired tech independence today to be able to do it, with my team or without it. (See here for my future publication regarding the formation of my "Open Team for Economy 4G3W" and the policy I propose on sharing my copyright.
Thank you Google Cloud Platform. The world will see Money Cloud Platform born, which means the give birth The Webcash Universocial Web to give people 1 "one-click-engine-for-savings".
Thanks Google and I hug you with a heart full of joy. It is a pity that I cannot share on continuity hapiness with my dear Clara do Mar, who died on 3 May 2018.
Yes :
Thanks Google / Alphabet.
Going forward, progress will be greatly facilitated by my understanding of what an application built with Google App Engine is on the Google Cloud Platform. Because the Classic Economy is outdated.
Everything behind and on my blog "", since my first post here on "Linking money by Mousephone 4G3W" and that followed my previous blog Santa Clara Mousephone 4G3W (today only retouched in images and with comments received from the died Steve Jobs or some jesting that he put on), everything will be fulfilled if I have health and life.
Because I acquired tech independence today to be able to do it, with my team or without it. (See here for my future publication regarding the formation of my "Open Team for Economy 4G3W" and the policy I propose on sharing my copyright.
Thank you Google Cloud Platform. The world will see Money Cloud Platform born, which means the give birth The Webcash Universocial Web to give people 1 "one-click-engine-for-savings".
Thanks Google and I hug you with a heart full of joy. It is a pity that I cannot share on continuity hapiness with my dear Clara do Mar, who died on 3 May 2018.
Yes :
13 october 1982
There are Architects on our Google Earth.
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