Showing posts with label universocial sovereign anchor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label universocial sovereign anchor. Show all posts


Linking money is enchaining money

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Yes because "blockchain" is a technology able to link your money parcels with the Universocial Sovereign Anchorat the FED as preconized by on-challenging draft "Googledepending-USAdmnistration".

Yes because it places your name in each "owndated webquantum" of your creation in timestock counting for production of "webcashmatic results". Out of any mistake.
Nothing to do with Bitcoin or others Ethereum. Blockchain tech in common, yes. Your exclusive economic datevaluation is for going up forever, because your dynamic savings are webgoing with a couple of eggs as it is a personal source for webcashmatic results. Yes for you, only going up results please. Show me every 24 hours. At 12:00 New York local time, at the T.O.M. (Timestock Owndated Market).


How much is the annual production in interest of 1 trilion US $ ?

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What is it divided by 365 days ?

Well, at the rate of 2% if the debtor was safe as it could be the Fed, such production would be 2/100 * 1'000'000'000'000 / 365 = 27'397'260, - US $ every 24 hours.

What should you do to get the right to attend the daily sharing of this cash production generated by the Universocial Sovereign Anchor ?

To share results you have to be owner of at least 1 unit of digital savings. So you have to create one or more Owndated Webquantums connecting plots of 10 € with the USAnchor. Increasing production with at its own dynamics savings recorded in your account web_cash.

This is a part of the mechanical web within the process "linking money by mousephone 4G3W".


Shift asset for cashkeeping mode

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Because the investment's substitute is the cash.

And  you prefer cash. And better if you make capital gains keeping it.

With cashkeeping mode you get a cash fountain for free. Just linking money at U_S_A the Universocial Sovereign Anchor. Depending of Google financial structure support, then depending of President Obama and US Admnistration.


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