Showing posts with label Google-Alphabet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google-Alphabet. Show all posts


Could #Googledepending metaverse liver metabolises infected money ?

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Googledepending 4G3W is a network pollinator that seeks to germinate an open team will to develop an action proposal to Google-Alphabet to provide strengthening instruments applicable to the improvement of the monetary policy conduct of The Federal Reserve System.


May Google becames folks's source connection for money needs ?

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Yes and no.
No because Google-Alphabet is too big and alone you need a compass.
But yes with Google Cloud Platform, yes. Probably yes. Because folks need it.  And in double because : the FED need it. And in triple because : USAdmin need it.

Is Google so important ?
Did you say vital ? Yes Google is becaming vital for human social live. Soon may be it algorithms in biologics too. I.e. personalizing your Bio-Savings-Defenses. That's going forward. Personalizing your genetical imunity ? Hey, oh !  Did you sunburn your head ?     

May folks pay GCP service ? No, but costs are solved  by fooded on the time transactions at The Timestock Owned Market where people are extracting infinite webmatic resources when sharing the "TotUnixTimeCashCake" every 12:00 New York local time. GCP's slice results cover costs.                 

That's why GCloudP as popular and public bridge for FED's acess preparing instance of changes of financial pumps is proposed as a free service by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web. We hope that this new formatting #webmatic saves you time and makes you feel the freedom of yours #webcashmatic results endowed #webtaxmatic slice on the all useful one-click-motor-for-savings .

Oh, I'm desappointed. The pregnant mountain give the birth to a mouse...or I haven't say nothing. Mouses and apples, no please.

Oh that the money's web plug ?

Yeah, until you find better disponibility for folks use. Or a better investment's substitute.
