Showing posts with label Google's pregnant cow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google's pregnant cow. Show all posts


Folk's digital savings working for humanity hapiness

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Personal webcashaccount for digital savings

Because currencies are infected and disinfection requires actions of money datevaluation FED has to remunerate the practice with capital gains and capacity to multiply every 24 hours.

Such remuneration to pay folks’ “datevaluation action” cannot be on by FED’s charge. On contrary what was in research it was a recipe to allow the creation of USA Central Bank Digital Currency previous Money Market disinfection, without new charges for USAdministration and producing new collectable material for the US Treasury.

Being discovered the recipe at labs of WUW The Webcash Universocial Web it consists on the launch of the money datevaluation practice under the form of an inscription on a general ledger to adquire legitymity for the new practice, a smart contract, an Android’s app (PSH-Personal Savings Helper), a BPaaS for Google Cloud Platform guidance and the creation of a time market.

What provokes the birth of T.O.M. The Time Own Market proposed on protocol between ^[Google-USAdministration] expected with kick off regulations.

Of course it need human force, not investors, just “datevalors” to act into “cashkeeping phase” on modes “webcashmatic” and “webtaxmatic”. All in “Googledepending” acceptance for tech structure uses. And US Autorities for regulations on Universocial well being.


Do you make money datevaluation ? How fo you feel ?

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 Goog, very good.
 Ah... how is it, tell me...

 Well I put US$ 30,- to create 3 digital OWs. I receive the flash of my webcashaccount where I can see the 3 propertiesand I create. I like the thing, because I'm sharing a cash production to share cash results every 12:00 NYork time.
 Thirty dollars for the creation of digital objects ?
 Yes because with my 3 OWs I get US$ 30,- in digital savings at my webcashaccount.
  Thirty to thirty, what's the advantage.
 There is a secret...
 Bah...secret...what thing may it be ?

 You can't find, because it's so motherly that you can not guess ...
 It may be an italien Pizza !
 Cheers ! Quite find it, but no. It's a Google pregnant cow.
 Madonna Santa Barbara...a Google pregnant cow !
 My Google cow feeds me with cash money from her tits.
 It's a miracle then...
 Not a all. Datevaluation and Economy 4G3W are creations of my Personal Savings Helper. Then my digital savings receives safe treatements on Google Cloud Structure for FED's gestation of cash results. Any of my digital properties may multiply cash results every day at 12:00 at the T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market at New York.
And when I don't multiply I ask capital gains for my savings timestock. Look :
 How do you do that ?


Let sell time from your digital savings

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The Google's pregnant cow generate financial resources for folks.

Logarithmic spiral may serve to illustrate the development of added values as one of the results of the money datevaluation in function of the timestock contained in each Owndated Webquantum property registered on the WUW's general ledger.

The added value formation and it continouos growth produce capital gains when the owner accept transactions at the time market.

Bid & Ask is the unique mode of time exchanges contained in digital savings. The interest of the buyer is the biggest potenciality to share bigger cash results every day at 12:00 at The T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market.The interest of the seller is to deal and make individual results in capital gains.


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