Showing posts with label economy-4g3w. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economy-4g3w. Show all posts


What is the better design for the US CBDC digital dollar ?

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The economy-4g3w aims to become an upgrade to the Classic World Economy giving humans the opportunity to add the economic results of the money data-valuation practice, to the results of the other 3 economic practices, consumption, savings and investment which total result expresses the Economy as it was possible and limited before the Internet. Internet in standards of W3C brings the space, the  dynamic and the ever evolutive production factors for humain exercise the money data-valuation practice in order to extract wealth from a virgin infinite resource.

So data-valuation requires the Internet to deploy effects that are results of individual activity over the money in digital form and maintaining it cash phase (#cashkeeping phase) that lives in reversible form of personalized digital savings. 
It's this shifting of the fiat money asset into the monetary property asset of 1 digital object for each US$ 10.- (merged with the timestamp of creator's action), results in the Personalized Digital Savings is accounted with metadata and time and produces efects for the ownership creator.

Enabled people can create digital savings (US Fed's CBDC or digital UUS$$) using a PSH-Personal Savings Helper app delivered by WUW, The Webcash Universocial Web by a free inscription of the personal identity on WUW's Registry General Ledger that triggers and grants de license with personal habilitation by app identifier delivery. 

From download allows the user to merge time as a commodity with the allocated money for datavaluation and the all the activity results are accounted anchorized at The Universocial Sovereign Anchor as digital objects in sharing cash production monetary work with saved guaranty in cash phase. Here at the Sovereign Anchor the dynamic generation of time-at-work metadata further of quantitative cash production to share day results, produces also the seniority coeficient which is the point of origin on added value formation on the body of each #owndated-webquantum.

Having shared on cash production, the digital savings units (each of them a singular digital object) go on coexistence at T.O.M. The Time Owned Market for financial work. Here all digital objects (supposed digital dollars objects) are units of capture of shared cash results. First using luck to random for their owners cash results : 100'000 digital units take each day all 80% of the TotUnixTimeCashCake ; after ordonating by seniority coeficient to fix the cash quantity for each one of the lucky 100'000, from the older to the younger slices results decreasing and are #webcashmatic payed after #webtaxmatic liberation with TIGTA inspection and freedom on personal cash results .
At the end, the last but not the minor, at The Time Owned Market there are organized one Bid & Ask on cloud market displayed at the screen of each do-g-phone (where there are a menu for time-at-market orders and for #tagvaporation uses). For the user it's the opportunity to sell time and other metadata contained on each digital savings object. This is the advantage to make capital gains without having take a risk and far of cash phase like it has been the compulsive obligation on investment practice in the tradicional Economy. This compulsive obligation to enrich is solved by the money data-valuation here proposed in economy-4g3w (4 four gestures in Internet www) .


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