Showing posts with label BPaaS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BPaaS. Show all posts


9. How might domestic and cross-border digital payments evolve in the absence of a U.S. CBDC?

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Filipe's answer :

With great difficulties.

That if absence of a U.S. CBDC.

Now considering one U.S. CBDC acorded between The FRB and Alphabet-Google with both acceptation of the schematique Filipe's design, with W3C standards as agreemented roof with the founders of WUW The Webcash and Time Owned Market  on W3C standards, so :

Domestic and and cross-border digital payments could be made by titularity by endorsement of ownership in the historic accounting record of the WUW The Webcash Universocial Web `[benefiting from its internal protocol with Google] with update on the change of the BPaaS-Business custom's on wuw service Process as a Service (GCP by WUW).

It could give full satisfaction for both Fed-BIS and for folks users of the money data-valuation practice allowing the creation of Personalized Digital Savings properties (Owndated Webquantum) processables further than the clasic payments limits (the us fed's digital dollar could bring to the world "the notion of dynamic payments with in board shift asset".


18. Should a CBDC have "offline" capabilities? If so, how might that be achieved?

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Filipe's answer :

Capabilities offline as Google's standards for works on human heath.

Personalized digital savings anchorized at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor under Federal Reserve System and US Treasury as derivative of folks  money data-valuation economic operations on insuance of digital dollar (UUS$$) would preserve capabilities offline refered :

1. For each person with digital savings properties or UUS$$ universocial digital dollars, even when not connected to a network would benefit "offline", by valuation of all 4 money's body parts because it stay covered by pre-monetized allocations by one of other 2 types of money at US central bank and working in productive advantages (just on sine qua non web on-line dependency for cash collection of results, owned time market deals and display of positions flash of each individual accounts) ;

2. For people and for whole society the money data-valuation practice and it economic  social consequence stay being capable to go on  peaceficator action, to go on with the compress inflation effect and to go on health action with spiritual contribute for general wellbeing.
Being that the economic upgrade proposed of the money data-valuation practice could bring for universal use the option facility of the first investment substitute opening giving folks the opportunity to get a personal business as a free service riskfree (BPaaS) from Google's platform hapening by smart AI do-g-phone as-time-go "CashPUT-for-much-more-CashCALL" each day at T.O.M.-The Time Owned Market.

3. For element addition in the human nature as an digital US$ containing "dream-dynamic" ever-present even offline, and being able to stand as a brain reasoning enhancer  on germination actions for predictable and unpreditable creation fields in digital dollars over the physical and psichical world. 

Think about the activation of all 4 parts of money's body into the proposed design of Fed's UUS$$
Part 1. Monetary part :
Part 2. Financial part :
Part 3. Taxmatic part :
Part 4. Spiritual part :

All 4 parts + owned time,  into each singular, 1 UUS$$ Fed's CBDC

Each Owndated Webquantum would have to be created by the shift asset of US$ 10.-  by PSH-personal savings helper app to a registered property asset with same reversible burden, under Fed's  coded space at WUW's General Ledger and authorized to run in Internet as singular owned object "Personalized Digital Savings" on WebCash-W3C's standards executing WUW's BPaaS algorithm by Google's Cloud Platform free service for UUS$$.


What could be the money guts on Google hands ?

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What could be the money guts on Google hands ?

- Satisfaction of folks needs and wants.

- Countries working toghether.

- Humanity living in Peace for good.


How looks counters of a Personal Webcashaccount

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At the personal webcashaccount each user of money datevaluation ability may read the flash position of a set of 9 counters that presents the instant value of the most important parameters for global self evaluation and management.

A set of counters and a set of values to considerate for satisfaction of your needs and wants because when you create digital savings properties the smart contract for datevaluation on your Business Process as a Service works automatized by Google Cloud Platform in smart adquation on 3 separated fields to extract 3 kinds of value :

Monetary field = Universocial Sovereign Anchor ;
Financial field = T.O.M. The Time Owned Market ;
Spiritual field = Wellbeing and freedom

Your webcashaccount is a dynamic one, that's why you only can read a flash position of it at any moment that you ask it and you receive it display at the screen of your Do-G-Phone.

This account is organized with a set of 9 counters which values resume your activity on creation of digital savings properties from your adquired time records on WUW's General Ledger.
The evolutive quality of yours Owndated Webquantums properties, during it monetary live in cash production and during it financial live as time going flows into their "time containers", seizes numbers to make more objective your data-valuation.
The counters "webcashmatic" and "webtaxmatic" show the amounts you have received and the taxes you have payed to enjoy your money in freedom.
The human force (your social growing capacity), the multiplicative monetary capacity, your financial power at the Time Market and your spiritual force seize other numbers on other counters to add references and let you become a balanced money-data-valuator. 


Proposing Google for the launch of the money datevaluation practice

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Proposing Google for the launch of the money datevaluation practice

Datevaluation is the practice that allows the input of time-date into the money guts, in order to create digital savings where the "time" is treated as a transferable commodity.
(This is a Science matter for changing world : here are USGS science centers).

How to let each person add time into money for creation of personalized dynamic digital savings ?
WUW The Webcash Universocial Web, is projected web for the personal creation of digital-savings giving folks a free app "PSH-Personal Savings Helper". 
The app PSH is a next Android creation to run "#wuw's algorithm-for-datevaluation" under Google's standards for it  infrastrucure tech to develop the BPaaS-Business Process as a Service for each person registered at WUW's General Ledger for datevaluation activity.  

The people's allocation of money for datevaluation personalized action using Internet space to reflux the created money by bank system into the USA Fed. anchoring it financial part on savings-in-cash production and under covered-guaranty bu USA before the introduction of it nominal temporal part into T.O.M. The Time Owned Market, allows the creation of sources of added value which are the personalized digital savings.

So : 
#datevaluation = #personal creation of digital savings

Because when you treat time as a commodity you can take it, to an organized market with one Bid & Ask system, to sell or to buy time amounts assigning them cash value at spot.
Time winned on yours digital savings creations is able to be operated efficiently at  T.O.M. The Time Owned Market, so can you extract cash from it by transaction or keep it on digital savings seniority to serve every 24 hours on day cash results attribution at 12:00 at New York.

As the results of datevaluation economic practice are coming from cash production worked by financial part of nominative digital savings anchored at The USA Fed the Universocial-Sovereign-Anchor produces at the same time the #cashkeeping algorithmical quality and the resources for the applied algorithmical modes, #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic.

From everything it turns out that "#datevaluation" may be an alternative practice to the "#investment" with supression of the risk by automatizing an infinite production of interets in cash from cash free.


Connectable money to Internet dynamics

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To connect money to the Internet, it is first necessary to transform it into digital savings.
The shift process is achieved using a PSH-Personal Savings Helper application whose download code is obtained free of charge by entering personal identity data in WUW's General Ledger.

When you download the PSH app to your smart phone you are immediately enabled to freely create digital savings. These digital objects run on the Internet to produce daily cash results thanks to the algorithm that governs its BPaaS (Business Process as a Service), heart of your PSH-Personal Savings Helper.

The algorithm governs your BPaaS producing the effects required for the liquid-phase of datevaluation economic practice, in webcashmatic and webtaxmatic modes.

From the download of the application on the Play Store, your Business Process runs on Google Infrastructure both to support and record all your PSH menu operations and to guide the production of results with the USA's FED and treatment and general control of the market (TOM The Time Owned Market) of savings-production times and conduct of results with delivery of automatic and tax-free payments for you to enjoy in total freedom.

Related :


Economic action inputing @time-into-US$ 10.-

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In your webcashaccount with the same number of the associated Personal Savings Helper - PSH, your datevaluation activity (your economic action inputing @time-into-US$ 10.-of- your-money by shifting the financial burden on property asset of 1 O.W. ) is recorded and it result is @timestocked-computed to give you a set of measured values for your general assessment and comparison. 
Framed by your BPaaS-Business Process as a Service or your datevaluation-guts for @webcashmatic-execution, and in reason of dynamic factors on cell-financial-work, for all information and for your personal assessment please ask "WUW The Webcash" the screenshot of your account. It appears at your do-G-phone screen for free and when you prefer.

The screenshot of your account is a flash position of a set of 7 counters and the amount of the TotUnixTimeCake for day results.
For assessment you have to integrate them.
It informes you about the evolutive web environnement and singular structural involvement connected with the financial properties of your titularity on  WUW's General Ledger


Tagvaporation of digital savings inputing financial usability

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Tagvaporation is the inputting sensitive data action creating restrictive regulation for  the extended use of the financial burden contained on digital savings properties.

The software's design of your app PSH-Personal Savings Helper contains the tagvaporator's chooser menu for restrictive options to be proposed on BPaaS' anchoring process.

Tagvaporation it's also a facultative window allowing the predictives derivatives industries of products and markets.


Your Business Process to start making your money reproductive

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Well. I'm Author in Economy 4G3W. That on the idea to offer folks fun fishing real cash money on way WebSea, collecting disponible dynamics factors (factors on free disposal and plentiful on Internet Space) for  production of cash results comming from personal digital work of implanting resources on Internet space web located as cultivation (#datevaluation) of own digital objects properties.
I gave birth to WUW The Webcash Universocial Web to give access to the practice of this new gesture to value your money in phase cash, doing it by your hand (on your computer or smartphone) and in your own way, for free and without any cost or charge, forever and producing ininteruptly by Internet for you on the web.

As you can imagine it paints well but it sounds like a fairy tale.
Perhaps by asking yourself and spending a few seconds of your time, you can sentence: ... "- if the thing is realy true, its execution cannot be anything simple and this is not for me".

In view of the foregoing and in this case, the complexities that are very numerous and in different areas of evolutionary knowledge, these difficulties were removed thanks to the conception of an application running the procedural generator method for personal-computer when using the money datevaluation practice to get capital gains as time go. 
And also to earn the right to multiply money without having to gamble assuming bad luck and risk of lossing.
The app PSH-Personal Savings Helper that gives you better economic performance and luck to multiply every day at 12:00 (New York local time) , serves you to create digital savings and to register it at your "self_marqued_space" with @time_stamped on each unit . This stamped date reveals the time-financial-action embodied into each digital object [now in property asset] and origines dynamic accounting values. The functional time of each digital cell defines it ancienity and affects the titulary's right to share-cash-produced.

At the same time, your PSH app will run all the procedures, always guaranteeing cash results thanks to the execution of the smart contract shaping your BPaaS-Business Process as a Service. 
And for you now, all is going in #cashkeeping phase and in modes #webtaxmatic and #webcashmatic.


Towards digital savings

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(Do You ?)I like light-up OLED Tattoos to advance on my original concept of predictive industry of bio products for location under-human-skin-smart-screens . As my publication on "Santa Clara Mousephone 4G3W on November 2006.

By the way it may be real the Under-Human-Skin screen for Do-G-Phones 4G3W.
Please ask Google to overcome with the launch of "under-skin-bank-financial-power" for the money datevaluation.
Giving people the opportunity to start making the Economy 4G3W running personalized BPaaS through dynamic Google Cloud Platform structure.


Is Google essential to let folks create digital savings ?

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No. But in fact... yes. Yes.

Not because there are other service providers on the cloud; but rather, because of the predictable quality of the Google cow's uterus to foster, lead and deliver specific economic well-being in the way of each person.

Datevaluation is the action of creating digital savings. 

This new economic practice adds a resource of substitute of investment to the Classic Economy, allowing to obtain capital gains maintaining the availability of the liquid phase of the money only reversibly while, assigned for the creation of digital savings.

And if you have to combine technologies to generate growth it's better if you can download your app PSH-Personal Savings Helper and achieve by webcashmatic mode the resources to cover your needs and wants. By WUW's BPaaS using Google Cloud Platform.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


As published on thepracticaldev

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Result of search for an investment substitute

As the result of the research was that of a practice we baptize "the money datevaluation", the team I lead is now working on the public launch of the practice (it's here you can help sharing the pool copyrights).

We are committed to a publicated offer asking Google to conclude an agreement with the United States Administration and with the W3C Consortium in addition to the associated request for the Google Cloud Platform to make SaaS and IaaS available for our BPaaS app product PSH-Personal Savings Helper.
It is about offering publicly for the use of each person the opportunity to create digital savings that offer the advantages of investment substitution, "datevaluation" and which are:

1º Act in the liquid phase "#cashkeeping";
2nd Create and become owners of "digital savings";
3º Achieve a multiplying capacity "cash";
4th Realize "capital gains" without taking risks.

Everything is offered to the international public (for the use of individuals or companies) in the form of BPaaS and free of charge for everything and forever. It only requires a chronological-nominative registration in "WUW's Ledger" also 100% free. Everything else, online accounts for digital savings properties, PSH-Personal Savings Helper app download, use of Google's SaaS and IaaS, mode "webcashmatic" flash, mode "webtaxmatic" freedomer, using "datevalors" rights and access to Merdado do Tempo - TOM The Time Owned Market is all 100% free. Only the T.O.M. will charge 10% commission on the capital gains (net values) that digital savings account holders make by giving up the "time" contained in digital savings units.


Give folks a mix containing an alternative to investment

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Give people a mix with an alternative to investment

Yes, the money datevaluation is a practice limited to the internet space because it can only work there.

In fact, the creation of a substitute for investment, was desired to work alongside him but extripating the risk he contains, often resulting in losses of part or even all of the money invested.
For this reason of risk, almost all people do not invest and no longer saved due to the lack of remuneration withdrawn by the banking system without even covering the inflation rate with an interest rate that would at least avoid the loss of value.
We find that in this world almost all people have only a reasonable choice and must spend everything consuming.

It is to this infected situation that the money datevaluation comes to financial antibioticize as a substitute for investment, solving the risk, vitaminizing savings and making the freshness of earning money sporty.

Because to replace, the capital gains that the investment can provide to boost enrichment by accepting risk of loss, datvalorization (datevaluation) begins by not abandoning the liquid phase of money (it is the "cashkeeping" mode and the individual creation of registered digital savings objects on WUW's Ledger) making him travel on the date (@timeStamp) of arrival (Google Cloud Platform) to the Federal Reserve USA, that is when executing a "smart contract" that provides for the return to the holder whenever he demands by "cashcall" it until then in a situation of participation to an organized interest production and at the fixed rate determined forever (ad eternum) by the US Government (it's the linking money at the USAnchor - Universocial Sovereign Anchor); from anchoring money in a production task to the singularity of digital savings travel (GCP) without luggage to T.O.M. (Time Owned Market) to assert the production time (WUW's smart contract) at the time of the daily New York 12:00 sharing assisted by the US Treasury's TIGTA that delivers to the T.O.M. the amputated production of fees (it is the "webtaxmatic" mode served by GCP) and here the 10'000 digital savings quantums that by extraction by luck take 80% of the production of the day, are nominative and contain seniority at work, so 1st account the luck of being one of the winners of the production because it was then drawn in 2nd place the share in capital gain is successively smaller due to the seniority to the production (scale of distribution of the "smart contract") then the immediate payment order is born because everything works under a Business Process aa Service regime.

And then those who do not win, lose at least one interest that they could achieve in the commercial banking system?

No, the story is not over. Because in T.O.M. all the quantums of savings are present in the sharing of results and we have already seen that they can exercise greater multiplicative capacity if they are lucky and benefit from the best seniority.
Now the digital savings items can be transferred and there is a "Bid & Ask" in the T.O.M. and there is a preference for old savings. In transfers, the holder is a master in the order of registration of new ownership and sets the price to dispose of one or more digital savings objects.
Now 1 O.W. always has a financial charge of 10.- US $, but can be sold for 20, 100 or 10'000, -US $.
The digital savings holder always wins.

And when you don't make capital gains, you gain strength to save and improve your Well Being.

And here goes the investment substitute, called datvalorization. That ensuring the individual, also resolves the Universocial (we will see the predictable influence on social security, the development of investment with capital at a definite fixed rate and the full employement guaranted)

datevaluation (datevalorization).


Ask Google and US Administration to deal for one-click-for-digital-savings

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You can invest from any currency (more than half from the US $), from cryptocurrencies (there are more than 2,000 more or less similar, more or less different), from digital currency issued by CBDC central banks, from exchanges and exchanges, but always to invest it is necessary to separate from the more or less liquid phase of the payment method used to acquire the production factors appropriate to the investment.

And to separate yourself from the liquid phase at the time of payment, it is necessary to pull resources.

In the world of free economy, Markets work according to people's interests and it is necessary to motivate them so that they pull resources and can attend to payment acts (consumption and investment) and the immobilization necessary to create reserves (savings).
Then the Markets are intertwined between taxation and other Political Economy regulations and financial agents (mainly central banks and the general banking system, insurers and insurers, risk classifiers, sellers of state bonds and other liquidity seekers, social funds, investment funds) and an endless number of creators-speculators-managers of a wide variety of financial instruments more or less adapted to the solution and supply of liquid assets
necessary for investment by States, large multinationals and provisions for filling the big gaps or imbalances resulting from the hunch of the economy (examples of the hunch of the economy: implementation of political programs, social temperatures, fashions and passions).

The liquid phase is always the market preference.

For people too. And when we decide to separate from the liquid phase and we are going to invest, then we think about the difficulties of controlling, guiding and thinking about the risks of losing or the difficulties of liquidating if we have to deal with the disease or the lack of peace.
And we abandoned the idea of ​​investing, letting who knows and who can control it. We people are self-excluded as investors and cannot get rich.
We then turn to the savings and deliver resources for the benefit of others, until we see maybe we achieve an income that overcomes inflation. Poor taste in the mouth after a while the liquid means lose strength, despoiled by the banking system or even by government bonds.
People, we can only consume. And there goes our means as a whole.

But the worst is that: can an economy work when people are limited to the gesture of consumption?

The practice of the money datevaluation is the salvation of the economy and ensures the well-being of each one of us.

Because anyway, it is not so difficult to give people the opportunity to use an investment substitute. That does not contain risk. That produces capital gains for certain enrichment. That allows me to revert to my liquidity at all times.
That gives you a daily multiplicative capacity. Let it be simple and with webmatic counters. Let it be like What Apps, free and effective.
Yes, we will use Google Cloud Platform to build each of us, our own BPaaS.
It is just a matter of setting the date (@timestamp) of the 10.- US $ that we have allocated to constitute each quantum of digital savings.
And because they are digital objects of our creation, they are individual financial properties.
And because they are dated on the web and guided by the hunt for free production factors abundant on the Internet, I can never do what you do nor you can do what I do.
The digital savings properties are unique. All.
Like the grounds. If I want yours, I have to pay you to your satisfaction.

The Time Market was born, contained in your digital savings. It's webtaxmatic.

Ask Google and USAdministration to deal for one-click-motor for -savings.


Can an investment substitute resolve US debt ?

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Indirectly, through the use of this investment's substitute practice by people, but yes. Yes it can.
In essence, the value of money is directly aimed at solving people's needs and desires. And that solves it. Folk's needs and wants are solved by this investment substitute presented by the authoring with the name of "datevaluation".

Then there may be side effects of direct and conscious activity of using a solution to itself-assuring:

1. Permanent reserve of liquid resources to meet contingencies;
2. Production from cash for cash income;
3. Achieving daily cash multiplicative capacity;
4. Market presence for digital savings with supply and demand of seniority, as a source of capital gains against action time.

With this solution emerging from the investment substitute, it is normal for anyone to feel more or less willing, more or less in a hurry, to practice the money datevaluation, that is, the practice of creating digital savings.
Especially if, and it is the case, everything is available by mobile application with a smart contract and tailored to each person in Business Process as a Service provided by the conjunction WUW'sAutoring-GoogleCloudPlatform-U.S.Administration. And if, as is the case, all it happens to each person :

1. 100% free and forever;
2. with unlimited results and day cash payments, New York 12:00 local time, 365 days year after year ;
3. runned from A to Z in liquid phase for availability of the immediate cash resource;
4. everything automated on the internet and on the personal communication engines for Universocial Well-Being.

And then, how folks can start use the investment's substitute ?

Saying they want it and providing identity to gain legitimacy at the source of datevaluation rights. That is :
1. register in the WUW Register Book (WUW's General Ledger);
2. downloading the PSH Personal Savings Helper app;
3. start up the PSH menu and demarcate your own space to extract wealth from the into internet dynamic Economy.
And then, only with that, can the USA debt be paid?

Yes, in fact.

And how is it done?

In a webmatic way, again.

Consider and think:

1. Creation of a new economic space post Internet maturity there it mooves taking dynamics and where people insert time on their personalized money to create digital savings utility treating the time as a good;
2. Requiring Google / Alphabet and USAdmin to give folks the opportunity to use a one-click-device to solve money needs;
3. The source of the infinite wealth that will be distributed comes from the improvement of the Economy in which time is treated as a commodity.


Webtaxmatic mode of datevaluation allows to pay US debt

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Datevaluation is an investment substitute and a new economic practice proposed to give folks a Personal Savings Helper in app form and free downloadable at Google Play Store (as soon as posible).

By datevaluation you can to shift the asset of cash parcels of US$ 10.- in digital savings properties in
order to get "webcashmatic" cash results applied every 24 hours at 12:00 New York local time at the predictible TOM The Time Owned Market.

See the unique benefits that your PSH provides:
  1. act cash and keep your cash cash while it works to produce capital gains and multiplier capacity that can be achieved daily;
  2. obtain a Business Process as a Service, without paying a jeep and out of any risk;
  3. come and extract wealth freely in a virgin economic space that you mark in your own way.
You just create your digital savings with the help of your Personal Savings Helper, and then everything happens in the cash phase and in the following modes:
  • registered properties of personalized digital savings containing time as a good in a market ;
  • webcashmatic mode that delivers cash results over the network;
  • webtaxmatic mode that deals with taxes for you to enjoy in freedom.
Collaterally WUW The Webcash Universocial Web pay US debt by applliance of the webtaxmatic function, against the creation work of regulations and imposition agreement over the new source of tax base.


How much is worth your money with past time embeded on it

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Question solved a TOM-The-Timestock-Owned-Market.

Yes, because at TOM the time is treated as a commodity.

For you it's cool. Because it's free, #cashkeeping, #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic for your freedom.

Being that WUW's product is enabling for free Business Process as a Service for people with registered  "webjuris datevalors quality", the Administrator of Engineering & Control is responsable for our apps and for the standards of accessed via Internet-based technologies SaaS and IaaS.

Imagine ^[W3C + Google + USAdministration + 4G3W Authoring] giving you a personal motor to make digital savings by smart phone. Winning cash or even multiplying cash day after day. In web automatic mode. For you. For folks and for universocial wellbeing.
