Showing posts with label economic performances advatages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economic performances advatages. Show all posts


Trigger your advantages with 4G3W Google S$S

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Creating digital savings to trigger my advantages in economy 4G3W


Treating digital cash by contract allows #quadrillion business for "Google Smart Platform"

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Treating digital cash by contract allows #quadrillion business for "Google Smart Platform"

Yes, because the treatment of individual savings on bank system offers demotivation counterparts to people.

This state of affairs has been aggravated by the evolution of the fintech on bank system and the forest of crypto-coins. At this juncture the confusion reigns and people want to escape it.

So an offer to treat individual savings through smart contracts "cashkeeping advantages" is a future opportunity for technological companies that dominate super-structures to run the Internet-of-Things. It is the challenge that the predictable "Google Smart Platform" can accept because Alphabet-Google has the proper panoply for the perfect execution of "smart-contract-for-digital-savings".
And executing the "one-click-personal-savings-helper" that gives people the possibility of creating personalized digital savings with added value reward and luck to multiply capital all with savings accelerator with Bid & Ask use in the predictable "T.O.M. The Timestock Owndated Market".

What is the financial service for the "quadrillion of US dollars" proposed for "Google S" in the space of infinite wealth available for extracting by the practice of money datevaluation?
It's a cloud financial service type musical instrument . It sounds like fintech-music orchestration for personal finance performance. People can feel the "Google S" service, such as a piano, a double bass, a violin, a xylophone, according to the financial music they draw from the instrument. And one can even attribute the feeling of playing various instruments by completing the extraction of wealth with singularizated ways of acting over personal money used as financial compound on the creation of personalized-digital savings. Running in web dynamics to share production to obtain cash-results and savings constitution motivation. This true saving helper is the latter advantage but not the less important. Soon you feel it power.      .
"Google S" has:

1st The channeling of cash cash flow thanks to WUW's app to load  exclusively on the Google Play Store;
2nd The maintenance of the webcashaccount of the users of the "Personal Savings Helper" app and the tripartite treatment of "timeStamping";
3º The anchorage of the "Owndated Webquantums" in the "U.S.Anchor" with the FED;
4 The information to TIGTA on the cash flow in production at 2% / 365 and the channeling of the FED result to TIGTA for webtaxmatic with payment to the US Treasury after the results are fixed in the T.O.M. every 12:00 local time New York;
5º The service of fixing results on 80% of USAnchor's production by random drawing of 10,000 OWs, with tripartite audit, WUWcash / Google S / TIGTA and webcashmatic payments to datevalors with dynamic writing of all movements in all webcashaccounts + their flash;
6º Publication of numerical-nominative results "webcashmatic" purged "webtaxmatic";
7º Daily charge of 10% of "USAnchor" production;
8º Bid & Ask organization and service and 2% of the capital gains in the endorsements of the T.O.M.
9º To run "Webtaxmatic" / "Webtaxmatic" payment to, 5% of the production organized by "smart contract" + 8% of the capital gains of the T.O.M .;
10º Payment to the reserve fund "authoring" fed by 5% of the "USAnchor" production for negotiation purposes in the award of T.O.M. The Time Market of Digital Savings Exchange.


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