Showing posts with label #one-click-motor-for-savings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #one-click-motor-for-savings. Show all posts


Acting on 3 and 5 and without 7, I arrived and already got "Welcome to App Engine".

buzz this
It was 18:15 local time in Pontevedra, Spain, when I first saw it on my "Welcome to App Engine" screen and was working using Google Suite with in my fight (started on Wednesday 13.10.1982) for the launch of the money datevaluation to the free use of people all to let start the 4G3W Economy in a broad economic space with the new practice.
 Google Cloud Platform

Thanks Google / Alphabet.

Going forward, progress will be greatly facilitated by my understanding of what an application built with Google App Engine is on the Google Cloud Platform. Because the Classic Economy is outdated.
 Getting started
Everything behind and on my blog "", since my first post here on "Linking money by Mousephone 4G3W" and that followed my previous blog Santa Clara Mousephone 4G3W (today only retouched in images and with comments received from the died Steve Jobs or some jesting that he put on), everything will be fulfilled if I have health and life.
 Economie 4G3W
Because I acquired tech independence today to be able to do it, with my team or without it. (See here for my future publication regarding the formation of my "Open Team for Economy 4G3W" and the policy I propose on sharing my copyright.

Thank you Google Cloud Platform. The world will see Money Cloud Platform born, which means the give birth The Webcash Universocial Web to give people 1 "one-click-engine-for-savings".

Thanks Google and I hug you with a heart full of joy. It is a pity that I cannot share on continuity hapiness with my dear Clara do Mar, who died on 3 May 2018.

Yes :
13 october 1982
There are Architects on our Google Earth.


May Google becames folks's source connection for money needs ?

buzz this

Yes and no.
No because Google-Alphabet is too big and alone you need a compass.
But yes with Google Cloud Platform, yes. Probably yes. Because folks need it.  And in double because : the FED need it. And in triple because : USAdmin need it.

Is Google so important ?
Did you say vital ? Yes Google is becaming vital for human social live. Soon may be it algorithms in biologics too. I.e. personalizing your Bio-Savings-Defenses. That's going forward. Personalizing your genetical imunity ? Hey, oh !  Did you sunburn your head ?     

May folks pay GCP service ? No, but costs are solved  by fooded on the time transactions at The Timestock Owned Market where people are extracting infinite webmatic resources when sharing the "TotUnixTimeCashCake" every 12:00 New York local time. GCP's slice results cover costs.                 

That's why GCloudP as popular and public bridge for FED's acess preparing instance of changes of financial pumps is proposed as a free service by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web. We hope that this new formatting #webmatic saves you time and makes you feel the freedom of yours #webcashmatic results endowed #webtaxmatic slice on the all useful one-click-motor-for-savings .

Oh, I'm desappointed. The pregnant mountain give the birth to a mouse...or I haven't say nothing. Mouses and apples, no please.

Oh that the money's web plug ?

Yeah, until you find better disponibility for folks use. Or a better investment's substitute.
