Author's in Economny 4G3W blogging the theorical principles for the money datevaluation as fourth economic gesture empowering folks with an app to better perform in economics achieving better wellbeing.
Consumption practice is easy for kids, for folks and for experts;
Savings practice, kids have to learn, that folks fears , experts consternation; Investment practice nonexistent for kids, risks and losses for folks, big acrobatic wins for experts.
Then, in Economy 4G3W, datevaluation practice is proposed for brain relax as an investment's substitute like hopscotch for kids : make it as you like, you allways win. Or you save money. Or you multiply. Or you treat the time you give away.
Keep your savings_web_dynamic and let it live with you.
Plug-to-cash money is the stream which you create making the new economic practice of the money datevaluation proposed in Economy 4G3W. Because when you launch each 10€ parcel shifting asset from the credit asset of your parcel of bank money into 1 Owndated Webquantum in your ownership registered property communicated by your action on your personal webcashmotor's menu, you create in fact a new and single financial material to run the web soap, linking money-to-money ( your new 10€ parcel linked with a time-stock quantum at U_S_A the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor) for cash-production-cash-sharing-process.
To connect your plug-money (the money-link) you customize your savings in plots of 10 €uros merging units of bank money, with your name and best time of your webcashmotor THROUGH web. As if charging a cell phone.
No more and you will have 1 plot OW (Owndated Webquantums) for your 10 €uros webmarked custom. And OWs are your financial containers with your savings_web_dynamics in automatic time-control. Since the savings may be customized and made to work in a work universocial money-with-money plugged into your best possible data or your OT (the timestock owned).
Mean and say, money in his date of creation is now shifted in web-dynamic-savings.
Want to say and repeat: saving custom container placed in time-merit-value.
Mean and end: I want my cash, to produce cash and cash daily delivered results.
And so it is clear that your safe driving ability introduces your personal economic performance in highway for wellbeing :
- Personal money in cash savings_web_working and maintained in fresh acces for your needs/wants;
- OW money in property and financial power instead of credit / debit / and 1 rate of interest;
- With money in your webespace worker and force_web_inputed without investment risk.
Now if you'll also be able to say: Now-I-Save-By-Motor. Let me save my friend!
4G3W economics is that, whenever things go for you. On how your cash is cash and cashkeeping it have to produces results.
Simply replace the classic savings mechanism in box-cookies-venture investment bank, to keep for you your bank and financial power at your home.
Go up and forever. Always and always getting webcashmatic cashkeeping capital appreciation.
Even the elderly prefer dynamic-savings. And you? FilipeAlvesFerreira @filipe27
Yes, because for economic results, it is not the same to save now or to save latter. Thus it has to be a remuneration prime for earlier savings. In Economy 4G3W the price of savings is measured in it timestock .
When you link money the "bank-money financial charge" of 10€ becames, a new webjuristhing accounted asset in your webcash_ow's_inventory, your webcashaccount. (Go to waveGoogleWave).
Thus, for your personal money creation you have to shift one or multiples bank money parcels of 10€uros each (which are in credit assets) into personalized money or web-live-savings singular parcels (which are registered properties assets created at your better web date). It means that each of yours Owndated Webquantums creations contains the webdate as a dynamic growing stock of time. Contains a certain timestock .
This timestock in each parcel of your linked money, is the savings-price. Who is able to ask the price of savings-price ? The ownership of the personalized-webliving-savings. You, my Dear Datevalors. At the TOM (Timestock-Owned-Market) by free Bid&Ask .
Cycle zero or positif in digital time exchange business
The money datevaluation practice give the bird to "owndated webquantums" which are digital properties or dynamic digital savings, personalized digital objects.
Datevalors creators, in independence of automatic results in #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic modes, have the right and the utility to deal the time contained into their "O.W.s"being the opportunity to drive and make "capital gains" in the T.O.M. The Timestock-Owned-Market.
Would you like to get the property and the benefits of digital savings constitued at a past date ?
Go to the TOM and market : the ownership endorsement is guaranted by WUW's at TOM.
For datevalors the time business has a cycle from zero growing positif, more and more,
Another thing is the possibilities of speculation around the time and other attributes contained on "O.W.s" created by other persons-datevalors and which endorsement is now at your name because you have buy it paying an agreed price for the time-savings-brand of a singular "O.W.".
The refered economic cycle zero or positif has its roots in the cash money stage #cashkeeping :
Cashkeeping is a cash money stage when it is disposed to be putted or disposed to be called, into the creation effects or from the emptyings effects over of a digital property when the datevalors agent economic prepare one shift of the asset .
Also, "cashkeeping" is a cash money stage when it is in mutation from credit-debit asset into a digital object asset.
Because the digital property being digital savings properties, created by datevaluation, the creator-owner has the right to provoke the initial stade before the mutation, mutating again the property-asset into the credit-debit asset and restart with double effect :
-the digital property becames empty of financial charge breaking the creator link on the ledger registration ;
- the owner cash same amount he had datevalued on the digital creation.
Please ask Google and the USAdmin to launch "datevaluation" giving folks a PSHelper.