Showing posts with label #cash-sharing-cash_production_to-share_cash_results. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #cash-sharing-cash_production_to-share_cash_results. Show all posts


The power to make money, has worth money value ?

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Yes, the power to make money, has money value. But there is no such power, for sale. There is this power available to you in the economic improvement proposed by the new economic practice called the money datevaluation, sharing the cash production advantage with "wuwcash" and "Google S".
It's fair, because they both put together effort and work to communicate energy to your money and to give you the power to make money, without making you pay.

Because datevaluation is practiced with cash in hand, which you put together in tranches of $ 10 .- / 1 OW to the Universocial Sovereign Anchor to the Federal Reserve System.
The "USAnchor" arranged at chicagofed by USAdmnistration consisting of 1 trillion US dollars as a digital construction giving you the regulations for the free economic exercice of #datevaluation.
The sovereign anchor keeps cash producing at the rate of 2% / 365 a day. Be that every 24 hours the anchor produces more than US$ 54 millions. And you are invited to share cash production to get the right to share cash results, each day at 12:00 New York local time. And the anchor produces a little more each day depending on the amount of money that people who want to value it. All in smart contract base at with Google S (Money Cloud Platform).
This growing cash, produces increasing results that are distributed every day at 12:00 in New York at the T.O.M.. And you can earn millions without playing money and without taking the risk of losing it.

Yes because the money to value it starts in the process of creating your digital savings, with the guarantee of being able to be reverted from digital to analogue by your "cash call" order: the $ 10 notes you mobilized to create digital savings dynamic properties, it return to your pocket just when you call.
Because the process of creation is inseparable from the right of return to the money that have been used to create the digital savings and that remains liquid in the Fed's Factory. Because the process of creation brings with it an intelligent contract that establishes the general functioning of the cash-flow stage in order to multiply money (as in a false game) and allow capital gains (such as "time as a good" at the market), without ever having to assume the risk of losing, mandatory in investment.
In addition to the "#cashkeeping" phase, the practice of datevaluation includes two operating modes, the "#webcashmatic" mode (for you to receive without tiring) and the "#webtaxmatic" mode (to pay the state for the political fatigue of your "Well Being" and so assure your total freedom).


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