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Showing posts with label taxmatic-freedom. Show all posts


Can the US Fed delay the launch of the digital dollar much further ?

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Can the US Fed delay the launch of the digital dollar much further ?

It would be an increasing risk and to the detriment of the supremacy of this recognized and preferred currency in the World. So yes and no.

Yes, because the Fed guides the life of the dollar for the good of all. For the good of dollar detractors too. AND the Fed has to :
- understand the origin and formation of the intentions of concurrent economic-financial policies;
- sense credible means for actions with potential for effectiveness with alternative improvement to supremacy;
- know the firmness of dentition and the muscular consistency of the mouths that may have more eyes than belly.

No, because there are studies, tests and even experiments around cryptocurrencies and even CBDCs that predict undesirable turbulence and no satisfactory economic solutions.
The dollar is on the other side of the river, on the other side of the ocean. His detractors want to cross the bridge and reach the dollar but they have neither the strength nor the means. Some even fear that they will not be able to return to dry land on the shore from which they left. And they cause disorder. And the US Fed has to arrange. And rebuild for the good of all. And America do it.

Therefore, the digital dollar will be legal tender, for everyone's use and with universal social functions.
Here is part of what can be disclosed about :
- the US dollar becomes reversible, from fiat dollar>digital dollar>fiat dollar;
- the digital dollar adopts the symbol UUS$$, because it is digital and dynamic;
- the UUS$$ is issued by each person with the capacity to induce monetary data-production time and with full coverage allocated to the sovereign anchor of productionsovereign anchor of production at US Fed;
- the UUS$$ is a dynamic currency that works and produces results in 4 fields of utility (monetary, financial, taxmatic-freedom and spiritual-happiness) with distribution in fiat-cash each day at 12:00 New York time;
- the UUS$$ (universal US digital dynamic dollar) has no cost of any kind and is in the #googledepending#googledepending phase applying principles if data-valuation into Economy 4G3W-AAI.

Thus, the bar is high for US dollar competitors. Who can launch a self-remunerating dynamic currency convertible at all times into US$ fiat?


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