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Showing posts with label families. Show all posts


The digital currencies of the determining Central Banks are designed with a hook

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The ECB's digital euro is a CBDC designed with a hook.

Because the ECB must be able to maintain negative interest rates in order to be able to absorb the liquid currency issued and running on the markets and in people's hands.

And although the launch of CBDC digital currencies from the decisive Central Banks is a step forward in terms of the solution of the general payment system, the solution can be entangled with a currency-reducing device, during the transition from liquid to digital.
And in the ECB's CBDC project, the reducer is a Venturi tube for the purpose of being able to play with pressure differentials and debugging by imposing negative interest rates to remove the excesses of liquid and book-currency issues from the market.
The financial engineering prepared in the initial ingredients of digital €uro contains variable commands and has merit on the condition that the ECB could safeguard families and savers.
The bad thing is that the financial engineering commissioned by the ECB should be hurried and could be rustic for retail customers or even without safeguarding them, because (the good intention is granted) the first fishery must be that of the bigger fish and to work you have to let him eat the fish

It will be a matter of checking the exercise of Central Banks in the management of their CBDC farms.
However, the ECB's CBDC design, the already famous digital € uro, contains a Venturi hook adapted unfairly.
What can be understood as a spoiled solution.

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