Showing posts with label doctorats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctorats. Show all posts


Google may give folks instruments to get money by Do-G-Phone : enough and now.

buzz this
How ?

By upgrading your smart phone into a Do-G-Phone.
Whose added function is to connect money-with-money to you get much-more-money.

The #googledepending launch decision have to get the political will of USA for the adapted legislative framework.

Because in technical terms for the treatment of the useful concept and in terms of the infrastructure to conduct safe execution, the realization of the improvement of the Economy, as can already be predicted by theory and market tests, waits while the tax treatment is evaluated to apply to the new source of capital income.

For you the evolution is packed with all automatic utilities extracted from essential parts of the money. 

Because in technical terms for the treatment of the useful concept and in terms of the infrastructure to conduct safe execution, the realization of the improvement of the Economy, as can already be predicted by theory and market tests, waits while the tax treatment is evaluated to apply to the new folks source of capital income.

From face-to-face money to the bearer, through post-war scriptural money, we took a long time to use the Internet to move it and then transfer it, encrypting it to ensure executions with more or less adaptable returns and covered with more or less human responsabilities.
However, following this recent historical evolution, now, with the proposal of the economic upgrade that introduces the practice of data valuation of money, for the 1st time we are proposed to deal, from the #googledepending determination, with the 4 different parts of money simultaneously and as a result of a unique gesture embedding time in creatures in liquid phase taken as digital savings worked in units "owned webquantums".
For the first time in history, people will be able to add computational resources to money themselves, injecting time and life into it, communicating autonomous abilities to money guts. 

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