Showing posts with label mobile people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile people. Show all posts


Expecting Google to resolve world economics

buzz this

Yes because Google may be more efficient than the Davos' World Economic Forum :

1. Google has an universocial infrastructure screen connected with world mobile people ;
2. US Admnistration can trust on Google to implement digital savings for folks ;
3. Barak Obama may agree with the opportunity to enlarge economic spaces.

That's why the money datevaluation practice, linking money by the creation of personalized digital savings, 10€ each cell,  at an Universocial Sovereign Anchor of 1 trillion $US in FED's harbour for sharing a cash production, then to share cash results day after day with an earning time-price in webcashmatic function, has to overcome all  personal savings motivation. For you, for me and for universocial wellbeing.


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