Showing posts with label #design for the US Fed's digital dollar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #design for the US Fed's digital dollar. Show all posts


Importance and relevance of data valuation overcoming today's digital economy and to provide the substance for the design of the Fed's US digital dollar.

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To start an introduction that could outline the importance and de relevance of data-valuation as an alternative and complementary economic practice besides the classic 3 practices of consumption, savings and investment in use for money orientation fiels/utilities satisfaction  when people has to decide struggling to life, we have to look how the results of the Economy are going and where we are (considering the World and US as it tractor).

Nowadays people are forced to confine themselves to spend in A consumption gestures : because people dont B save (cause lack of real remuneration) and because people dont C invest (cause complexity and risk of loss).
In this conditions do you think that the Classic Economy can go up in results ? 

On the other hand, A, B and C are not compatible : money you spend, you dont save neither invest ; money you save, you dont invest neither spend it ; money you invert you dont spend neither you save it.
In this conditions, people feel hesitations on the decision over the money orientation to resolve their needs and wants. The worse is the culpability sentiment much people feel when it happens a decision of investment or consumption on the eve of reporting a serious illness.

Well with the money oriented into data-valuation you can reverse your decision without loss neither costs.

Because the money data-valuation is an economic practice born with the Internet, living in it space and fooded by it dynamics. 
Because data-valuation concerns your input gesture of data into your money keeping the fredom to reverse and refind your fiat US dollar from your creation of Universocial US digital dynamic dollar, the UUS$$.
The new practice of the money's data-valuation, is able to solve folks needs and wants producing individual performances and happiness.
This is an upgrade for the Classic Economy in the Era Internet allowing people to compute data of their money making it digital and dynamic for production with no risks.
What about the data that you have to input for data-valuation of your money ?

Datum 1. You have to baptize your money with your name to became subject of cash benefices net with #webtaxmatic paied, and more important of all to became property owner being able to operate over in terms of the US' Commun Law System ;
Datum 2. You have to allocate US$ 10.- to shift into the registered property asset of 1 Owndated Webquantum digital dynamic object = personalized digital dynamic savings = 1 UUS$$ universocial digital dynamic US dollar Fed's authorized and as legal tender regulated by the Congress of USA ;
Datum 3. You have to register the date of your shift asset action, allowing accountabity related with web dynamics automatic effects around nominatibility, time-stock at production, algorithmical right to share results, general qualities contained on general ledger registrations.
Datum 4. You have to accept the date of downloading the app PSH-Personal Savings Helper that trigger your smart contract with the WUW-The Webcash Universocial Web in order to receive the benefices of your Business Process as a Service assisted by WUW's providers (for instance like #googledepending infrastructure tech service or like #usadministrationdepending regulations service).
Datum 5. You have to accept the integration of all properties OW-Owndated Webquantums to provide TOM-The Time Owned Market, the time market for time-exchanges contained in each one and all digital properties in order to allow :
- the application of the cash results each day ;
- the registration of transactions at the General Ledger ;
- the Tigta inspection of results and it #webtaxmatic liberation.

As I ask to improve my texte, my dear bot-writer gives me it answer as follow :

In your introduction, you can emphasize the importance and relevance of data valuation in today's digital economy. You can highlight how data valuation provides an alternative and complementary economic practice to the traditional practices of consumption, savings, and investment. By examining the current state of the economy and the struggles people face in their financial decision-making, you can raise the question of whether the classic economy can yield better results.

You can discuss the challenges people face in balancing consumption, saving, and investment. Due to a lack of real remuneration and the complexity and risk involved in investing, people often find themselves confined to spending. This lack of compatibility between spending, saving, and investing causes hesitation and guilt when making financial decisions, particularly in times of uncertainty or when faced with unexpected expenses.

Here is where the concept of data valuation comes in. With data valuation, individuals have the ability to reverse their financial decisions without incurring losses or costs. Data valuation, born with the advent of the internet, thrives in the digital space and leverages its dynamics. It allows individuals to input their data into their money, providing the freedom to reverse and reconfigure their fiat US dollars into Universocial US digital dynamic dollars (UUS$$).

This new practice of money's data valuation has the potential to solve individuals' needs and wants, leading to improved individual performance and happiness. It is an upgrade to the classic economy in the era of the internet, allowing individuals to compute data associated with their money, making it digital and dynamic for production without the inherent risks.

To engage in data valuation, there is specific data that needs to be input:

  1. Baptize your money by associating it with your name to become a subject of cash benefits net with #webtaxmatic paid. This also allows you to become a property owner, enabling you to operate within the framework of the US' Common Law System.

  2. Allocate $10 to shift into the registered property asset of an Owndated Webquantum digital dynamic object. This personalized digital dynamic savings represents 1 UUS$$, which is a Universocial digital dynamic US dollar authorized by the Fed and regulated as legal tender by the US Congress.

  3. Register the date of your shift asset action to ensure accountability and to enable automatic effects related to web dynamics, such as nominatibility, time-stock at production, algorithmic right to share results, and general ledger registrations.

  4. Accept the date of downloading the app PSH (Personal Savings Helper). This triggers your smart contract with the WUW (Webcash Universocial Web) platform, allowing you to receive the benefits of your Business Process as a Service, assisted by WUW's providers such as infrastructure tech services relying on Google or regulations services dependent on the US administration.

  5. Embrace the integration of all properties (OW-Owndated Webquantums) to facilitate TOM (The Time Owned Market). TOM is a time market for time-exchanges contained in digital properties, enabling the application of cash results each day, registration of transactions in the General Ledger, and Tigta inspection for liberation aligned with #webtaxmatic.

By following these steps and embracing data valuation, individuals can achieve improved financial outcomes and gain control over their money in a digital and dynamic manner.

I hope this helps you with writing your introduction!


When a US Digital Dollar make sense

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Preparing my answer for the Advisory Group of The Digital Dollar Project
At previous Digital Dollar Project privacy roundtables, participants generally agreed that a retail digital dollar should offer users a "cash-like" level of privacy for transactions below specific thresholds. Does this approach make sense for an increasingly digital economy?
Please include your perspective and/or any relevant research you have come across. 
May be that this approch has to be considered as basic depending on the design of the digital dollar and it incorporated utility. It seems to be the approch prefered by ongoing CBDCs projects. Another thing is to serve the economy first and foremost for people wellbeing.
That's why at the present time, taking into account the USA brand and to impulse a favorable evolution for human well being and to influence better guidance of the world situation, the concept CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) brings an outdated medicine that do not contain adapted ingredients for the progress of the Post Internet Economy and does not satisfy the will of the US nation to maintain and develop its  leader state reference.

On the design of the US digital dollar that I preconize it nominative register quality  is necessary even if it action concept #cashkeeping is "cash-like". The UUS$$  (the universocial US digital dollar) is taillored as a tool for folks as an investment substitute to allow capital gains and multiplicative money capacity without having to take any risk of loss. 

Applying enough ponderation over technologies domaine and over the US degree of economic-social evolution, the US digital dollar design  cannot seems as a delayed launch forced acceptation in the form of a CBDC mere concept neither with paints of crypto-currencies.
The thing has to surges as a singular USA's event over the economic money data by computer-assisted treatment on the US digital dollar bosting it largest utility for people.
In other words : the concept should consistently be presented as a unique event, discovered by the USA, focused on enhancing the processing of monetary data for the US digital dollar and maximizing now its utility on people hands.

The UUS$$  (the universocial US digital dollar) has to surges as a reversible shift asset action opportunity for personal creation of a registered property asset that is able to contribute on cash production and to serve as rights support of dynamic growing value. That type of singular value is extractable at any time as a remunerator result #webcashmatic served to the users in #webtaxmatic mode.

United States of America allied with Google on the launch of the money data-valuation practice allowing the processable digital dollar to give folks all four money utilities. The UUS$$  (the universocial US digital dollar) let folks get together monetary utility, financial utility, webtaxmatic utility and spiritual freedom for hapiness.


Is it so difficult to launch the US digital dollar ?

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Well, not so if you accepte that CBDC creations (Central Bank Digital Currency) is no more the solution and that the Economy has to be upgraded for Internet Era by people's adoption of a fourth economic practice (called data-valuation of money).

Now a design for the US digital dollar has to be able first of all, to be better than the fiat US dollar (which is the world's money).

The US Fed knows that the quality of money dollar is a tremendous responsability and that also it is associated to the interest rate tool, crossing inflation and mooving human life conditions. That's why Fed exclud itself to imaginate things and output disruptive ideas.

Data-valuation idea for US digital dollar creation is to understand and fill the utility what makes the data of money valuable or not, and the relation between its properties and its price.  We show that there are only four essential properties: whether it exists, what it does, since how much time (its dynamics) and how much there is.

We are proposing protocoles between W3C, Google, US Administration to impulse WUW The Webcash Universocial Web to give folks one-click-motor-for-savings connected to a Time Market, allowing the Fed's creation of the US digital dollar.

1. monetary action ;
reversible constitution of individual anchorized savings and cash production sharing ;
2. financial action ;
individual multiplying capacity and capital gains individual source
3. taxmatic action ;
social contribution by personal efectivation 
4. spiritual action .
 soul equilibration making individual hapiness.

Please : ask #googledepending to moove empowering folks with tech for #data-valuation of money.


Trying write with about money's data-valuation

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US FED Fiat USD is subject to a US Fed-led executive monetary system. This means that the US FED is neither a government agency nor part of any government entity. It owns no assets. The US FED has no physical cash on hand for the dollar it prints and distributes as "money." Nor does it print and distribute any kind OPPOf paper bill, coin or other financial instrument.

Project of design for  the US Fed's digital dollar going further than CBDC

From USA Fed fiat dollars, folks could create by shifting - asset with free reversibility , USA Fed digital dollars by adding in #cashkeeping phase to a fixed amount (US$ 10.-/1 Owndated Webquantum property) of fiduciary money it owner's identity and the time date of it monetary shifted allocation for anchorized production (at the USA Sovereign Anchor) to be applied as cash results (#webcashmatic) each day as triggered algorithmical smart contract for execution of data-valuation Personal Business as a Service.
