Showing posts with label #digital savings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #digital savings. Show all posts
Could #Googledepending metaverse liver metabolises infected money ?
Googledepending 4G3W is a network pollinator that seeks to germinate an open team will to develop an action proposal to Google-Alphabet to provide strengthening instruments applicable to the improvement of the monetary policy conduct of The Federal Reserve System.
OpenBlender API token
API Token
Public Token (only for javascript)
Creating Owndated Webquantums Digital Objects
OWs are digital objects created by people using the PSH-Personal Savings Helper application to practice monetary data valuation as a fourth economic practice.
The PSH application is delivered free of charge 1 time to each person through the identity registration in the General Ledger of WUW The Web Universocial Webcash.
Owndated Webquantums property creation is the result of 1 or multiple allocations of $10.- or multiples to change asset from credit asset to asset owned by 1 digital object time stamped for every $10.- allocated and which monetary part (money) is affected as the interest-sharing monetary effort-producing cell to and with the Universe Sovereign Anchor at USAFed, where each money-producing cell is also a profit-seeker in terms of the triggered WUW smart contract to enjoy Personal Business as a Service run as "Custom Webcash" or "Cash Bot-Homus Naturalis" on the Google Cloud Platform.
Owndated Webquantum digital objects are often called "personalized digital savings" because of their reversibility in the same amount of money allocated at the time of their creation to start production while keeping the monetary reserve of value intact.
Where do you go with your identity at WUW's Ledger ?
I'm going to reach an enlarged economic space, upgrading the Classic Economy, where I'm welcome to satisfy my needs and wants by automatic extraction of resources from infinite wealths hereby onto Internet.
It is about the individual use of an economic practice to produce from liquid money and keeping it liquid in its own domain, achieving for each person :
1 - production of force to save money without straining;
2 - production of ability to multiply money without playing;
3 - production of capital gains over cash without risking;
4 - production of financial power without offending.
Everything should result in individual Well-Being as a means to achieve Universe Good.
The money valuation practice (#data-valuation or #datevaluation) is available to anyone as a foreverfree public service under identity registration.
Datevaluation is your practice of creating digital savings through the PSH-Personal Savings Helper app that provides your personal webcashaccount for management and general evaluation and the algorithm and allows the automation of your Business Process as a Service running on the Google Cloud Platform.
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In the datevaluation process you create digital savings allocating money to cash production and to receive cash proceeds. You can revert at your money at any time.
All or 100% of the daily production is split every 24 hours at 12:00 New York local time at The T.O.M. The Time Owned Market, at a ratio of 80% for holders of monetary production cells determined by the smart contract algorithm, 15% for holders of technical operating structures and 5% for Authoring.
Metaverse and your economic evolution
Our Classic Economy is the result of a sum of 3 gestures when each one of us practice them for to search our well being to live :
Action of consumption when you spend money to live ;
Action of savings when you save money to safety ;
Action of investment when you allocate money to reproduction.
The problem is :
Each one of us decides day by day how to organize himself to achieve the best satisfaction of his needs and desires. And it goes on directing its money and making its own economic mix to satisfy itself at the best.
Each of us has to decide. And the decision is limited to 3 fields, limit the results and Classical Economics cannot grow any further because:
What you spend to live, you neither spare nor invest;
What you save to protect yourself, you neither invest nor spend;
What you invest to reproduce, you neither spend nor save.
And the satisfaction of 1 utility implies the renunciation of the satisfaction of the 2 others.
And they resent that if you cannot save, you will live unprotected because you have no reservations to meet unforeseen events.
It's strange that you don't get rich because you can't or are afraid to invest in order to achieve capital gains.
What a bummer! Economics should let me reconcile things so that I can better compose my "mix", with less fear of making mistakes. Economics should leave me a new alternative so that I can achieve capital gains without risking.
It would be to add to the Economy, a forever-free 4th gesture that could be practiced for:
- to save effortlessly;
- to be able to multiply without playing;
- to achieve capital gains without investing;
- to return without loss and to be able to redirect action.
Since the arrival of the Internet and having the results of market tests carried out since 1982, the Authoring has been identifying, choosing and accumulating resources to offer the world the opportunity to add to the Economy, one new other option for individual action, one new gesture to put time into the money to value and let us evaluate and achieve better results both in the monetary part and in the financial part and above all in the individual WELL-BEING and take the UNIVERSOCIAL peace.
Anyone who uses the economic upgrade and practices the "#datevaluation" also called "#data-valuation" of money, uses the P.S.H.-Personal Savings Helper application, moving to the 4G3W Economy in the protocol phase #googledepending.
Further on, as we will see in the last classes, due to the launch and ultra dynamic development of the four gestures Economy, the final chapter is necessary, which deals with the part of the dynamic and online-spiritual usefulness of money. Now in the laboratory of the WUW The Webcash Universocial Web team, the Metaverse Sexualized Economy treats the utility "in happiness gains".
Your digital savings creations are NFTs with distinct flash-display on Do-G-Phone
As an economic researcher I trust on an empirical method to treat a histological elements separation of the money to work an algorithm that vitalizes both the body (monetary part 1) and soul (financial part 2) of money to give it reproductive capacity (sexalization) maintaining the union of the 2 parts and preventing its death.
In fact what's matter is the origin and the nature of the mainly points of application where to give birth for added value generated by the webdynamic when money may become digital and run to it reproduction in Internet space.
After that, my option has been to find and trust on the proporcionality of each personal effort to get an infinite production which could be connected and applied between the identity points poles as dynamic foundations of a web building, able to connect production results to people.
After tests in real market, the final gross result has been :
1. User may start by asking a record at the WUW's general ledger for identities qualification and online actions timestamps, as records of the money data-valuation activity.
The WUW's Ledger has the authoring conception and it becomes the algorithmical source for all personal rights [ with execution of the smart contract to serve each BPaaFS-Business Process as a Free Service (under #googledepending agreement) for the money data-valuation activity] and to share production in cash results every 24 hours (at Time Owned Market , now in beta-gestation under WUW-Google-TIGTA agreement).
Once the alpha-chronological registration of the identity is confirmed, the user proceeds using the WUW code to download the PSH-Personal Savings Helper application from Google Play and from there, he can create 1 or multiple digital objects, activating the smart contract whose algorithm contains:
A. The legal regulation (USA law) for data-valuation activity and application rules for the daily distribution of results;
B. The execution to be carried out exclusively by Google Infrastructure, in the form of BPaaS personal business process and providing all technical services and their updates to the ultimate quality standards on a permanent basis.
C. The favor of the #[WUW + W3C + Google + US Administration] protocols in phase #googledepending for the universal-social space;
D. The free Access to the T.O.M. The Time Owned Market
where are applied every day at 12:00 (New York time) the #results of the monetary production with :
where are applied every day at 12:00 (New York time) the #results of the monetary production with :
a) The Watch at the T.O.M. to the application of results every 12:00 in New York.
b) The right to participate in person in the T.O.M. to also evaluate digital savings units on trading site and use tools (Do-G-Phone extensions) there in the TOM's Time Exchange environment to act by Bid & Ask and consummate sales or purchases of time-as-commodity contained in the Owndated Webquantums = Personalized Digital Savings.
c) The right to be assisted in person to improve the general understanding and:
- for the exercise of observation-control over the general state of ensuring the functioning of the #cashkeeping phase;
- for the observation-control exercise on the general execution of the #webcashmatic and #webtaxmayic modes:
- to file any possible claim.
Proposing Google for the launch of the money datevaluation practice
Proposing Google for the launch of the money datevaluation practice
Datevaluation is the practice that allows the input of time-date into the money guts, in order to create digital savings where the "time" is treated as a transferable commodity.
(This is a Science matter for changing world : here are USGS science centers).
How to let each person add time into money for creation of personalized dynamic digital savings ?
WUW The Webcash Universocial Web, is projected web for the personal creation of digital-savings giving folks a free app "PSH-Personal Savings Helper".
The app PSH is a next Android creation to run "#wuw's algorithm-for-datevaluation" under Google's standards for it infrastrucure tech to develop the BPaaS-Business Process as a Service for each person registered at WUW's General Ledger for datevaluation activity.
The people's allocation of money for datevaluation personalized action using Internet space to reflux the created money by bank system into the USA Fed. anchoring it financial part on savings-in-cash production and under covered-guaranty bu USA before the introduction of it nominal temporal part into T.O.M. The Time Owned Market, allows the creation of sources of added value which are the personalized digital savings.
So :
#datevaluation = #personal creation of digital savings
Because when you treat time as a commodity you can take it, to an organized market with one Bid & Ask system, to sell or to buy time amounts assigning them cash value at spot.
Time winned on yours digital savings creations is able to be operated efficiently at T.O.M. The Time Owned Market, so can you extract cash from it by transaction or keep it on digital savings seniority to serve every 24 hours on day cash results attribution at 12:00 at New York.
As the results of datevaluation economic practice are coming from cash production worked by financial part of nominative digital savings anchored at The USA Fed the Universocial-Sovereign-Anchor produces at the same time the #cashkeeping algorithmical quality and the resources for the applied algorithmical modes, #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic.
From everything it turns out that "#datevaluation" may be an alternative practice to the "#investment" with supression of the risk by automatizing an infinite production of interets in cash from cash free.
Google have to open a new Era
Yes, essentially. Because in fact we are meaning and trusting in all Google' technological structure (at presente and in future) to launch and serve the money datevaluation practice as the first economic practice able to substitute and or alternate the investment practice able to let folks achieve capital gains in automatized mode.
Economic action inputing @time-into-US$ 10.-
In your webcashaccount with the same number of the associated Personal Savings Helper - PSH, your datevaluation activity (your economic action inputing @time-into-US$ 10.-of- your-money by shifting the financial burden on property asset of 1 O.W. ) is recorded and it result is @timestocked-computed to give you a set of measured values for your general assessment and comparison.
Framed by your BPaaS-Business Process as a Service or your datevaluation-guts for @webcashmatic-execution, and in reason of dynamic factors on cell-financial-work, for all information and for your personal assessment please ask "WUW The Webcash" the screenshot of your account. It appears at your do-G-phone screen for free and when you prefer.
The screenshot of your account is a flash position of a set of 7 counters and the amount of the TotUnixTimeCake for day results.
For assessment you have to integrate them.
It informes you about the evolutive web environnement and singular structural involvement connected with the financial properties of your titularity on WUW's General Ledger
Towards digital savings
(Do You ?)I like light-up OLED Tattoos to advance on my original concept of predictive industry of bio products for location under-human-skin-smart-screens . As my publication on "Santa Clara Mousephone 4G3W on November 2006.
By the way it may be real the Under-Human-Skin screen for Do-G-Phones 4G3W.
Please ask Google to overcome with the launch of "under-skin-bank-financial-power" for the money datevaluation.
Giving people the opportunity to start making the Economy 4G3W running personalized BPaaS through dynamic Google Cloud Platform structure.
Folk's digital savings working for humanity hapiness
Personal webcashaccount for digital savings
Because currencies are infected and disinfection requires actions of money datevaluation FED has to remunerate the practice with capital gains and capacity to multiply every 24 hours.
Such remuneration to pay folks’ “datevaluation action” cannot be on by FED’s charge. On contrary what was in research it was a recipe to allow the creation of USA Central Bank Digital Currency previous Money Market disinfection, without new charges for USAdministration and producing new collectable material for the US Treasury.
Being discovered the recipe at labs of WUW The Webcash Universocial Web it consists on the launch of the money datevaluation practice under the form of an inscription on a general ledger to adquire legitymity for the new practice, a smart contract, an Android’s app (PSH-Personal Savings Helper), a BPaaS for Google Cloud Platform guidance and the creation of a time market.
What provokes the birth of T.O.M. The Time Own Market proposed on protocol between ^[Google-USAdministration] expected with kick off regulations.
Of course it need human force, not investors, just “datevalors” to act into “cashkeeping phase” on modes “webcashmatic” and “webtaxmatic”. All in “Googledepending” acceptance for tech structure uses. And US Autorities for regulations on Universocial well being.
Únique : Google’s Cloud Platform safe evolution by fertilizing digital savings
credit to :
It gives people the opportunity to take advantage of a utility beyond cryptocurrencies and CBDC Central Banks Digital Currencies.
Because CBDCs and Cryptocurrencies continue to offer credit and debit registrations while digital savings are digital properties of the respective creator or by him (and only by him) alienable through registration and sale of the contained ancienity of digital savings. Digital savings time on offer and demand in a Time Market. Bid & Ask at T.O.M. The Time Owned Market proposed at New York.
With the development of the Internet, people can create digital savings using a simple application (PSH Personal Savings Helper) for the money datevaluation uploaded to the mobile phone.
The new economic practice proposed to Google and the Administration of the United States of America to give people the opportunity to keep their money in the liquid phase oriented towards the production of capital gains and with a daily multiplicative capacity (as if it were playing), corresponds to a increase in economic practices, from 3 to 4 in Economy 4G3W. Since the expansion of the 3 well-known - consumption, savings, investment - now extended to 4, be they consumption, savings, investment and datevaluation.
Everything is designed so that you can proceed without ever having to spend anything, without ever having to risk anything because you always maintain the liquidity of your money just using the free BPaaS service consigned to start run on the care of the Google Cloud Platform, to be kept in a liquid phase. in "webcashmatic" mode for results every 24 hours and in "webtaxmatic" conditions for complete freedom.
Creating Personal Savings Helper app using AppSheet
I'm working on my first app creation. I'm using AppSheet for trying to do that.
Investment substitute challenge
The investment may consist of the purchase of an asset or means of production by the economic agent called the investor.
The biggest investment problem is the risk of loss that the asset contains.
Because the investment product, it means the asset, does not contain the liquidity used by the investor when buying the considered means of production.
For folks the investment process means the separation of the cash till the liquidation. Expectation of a benefit is the motivation to take the risk of loss.
Hence it was necessary to find an investment's substitute and the thing comes as the money datevaluation practice.
Datevaluation consists of the owner creation of a registered singular asset on the web space in order to get a benefit from it dynamics condition (it's time to deal time) for the exploitation of a smart contract.
Create your first "Owndated Webquantum"
The first and biggest datevaluation advantage is the "cashkeeping phase" insured to the creator by his right to reverse datevaluation at any moment returning at initial conditions.
The seconde and so big datevaluation advantage is the "money multiplying capacity" by his right to share production on cash results attribution every 24 hours.
The third and miracolous datevaluation advantage is the seniority of the registered singulars assets moneyable by endorsement in a time contained market of personalized digital-savings.
The fourth and the most useful datevaluation advantge is the personal performance on savings constitution impulsed by the ever-win smart condition, the all in modes web-cash-matic y web-tax-matic.
Incorporate the time in each of yours savings action
And let's jump on Economy 4G3W : adding the complementar economic gesture of the money datevaluation as an investment's substitute. As Davos would like to achieve before Google S$S.
For you it means the freedom to get ability to create digital savings when you are able to make savings.
Yes because until now, savings was a free modus operandis for the constituion of a reserve. The problem for our outdated economy was (and is even today) the sterility condition of the saved money .
This sterility condition is solved by datevaluation when you create digital savings. When using your registered rights throught WUW The Webcash Universocial Web to personalise your economic action for digital savings creation.
The Webcash is an Universocial web working a general public registration ledger for nominative and date stamping for your legitimation on the free use of it authoring of the money datevaluation on internet dynamics.
With your legitimation, you can upload your Personal Savings Helper near by Google Play. Then and keeping your total freedom you are able to create digital savings provided with all free services (Google S$S dynamic-savings-platform) / [FED-USAdmnistration cash-sharing-cash production] / *T.O.M. owned-time-market.
Because with that you create savings with the inbodied date with a time-counter from the constitution moment of your dynamic savings.
Mechanic web to give the capacitor-accumulator for :
- savings with the ability to multiply money without gambling ;
- savings with the ability to produce capital gains ;
- savings with the ability to auto-generate motivation to perform more and more.
For you it means the freedom to get ability to create digital savings when you are able to make savings.
Yes because until now, savings was a free modus operandis for the constituion of a reserve. The problem for our outdated economy was (and is even today) the sterility condition of the saved money .
This sterility condition is solved by datevaluation when you create digital savings. When using your registered rights throught WUW The Webcash Universocial Web to personalise your economic action for digital savings creation.
The Webcash is an Universocial web working a general public registration ledger for nominative and date stamping for your legitimation on the free use of it authoring of the money datevaluation on internet dynamics.
With your legitimation, you can upload your Personal Savings Helper near by Google Play. Then and keeping your total freedom you are able to create digital savings provided with all free services (Google S$S dynamic-savings-platform) / [FED-USAdmnistration cash-sharing-cash production] / *T.O.M. owned-time-market.
Because with that you create savings with the inbodied date with a time-counter from the constitution moment of your dynamic savings.
Mechanic web to give the capacitor-accumulator for :
- savings with the ability to multiply money without gambling ;
- savings with the ability to produce capital gains ;
- savings with the ability to auto-generate motivation to perform more and more.
Google Cloud Support helping for Google S
Considerating how vital it is for the launch of the money datevaluation practice is to use Google Cloud Platform for the only enhancement of Classical Economy now in disponibility y that can give people a substitute for investment to drive them to take advantage of the new economic space 4G3W able for produce conditions for extracting infinite wealth in personalized modus.
Now for you Georgi, please :
I can't get to the root of my domain, which for me has become an important domain as I expose and think about developing the core of my economic theory of the fourth gesture of "the money datevaluation" to add to the ability to free economic action, as a substitute for investment but without the risk of it.
I ask for your help in the following guidance:
From my blog "
I am a non-technical author and I am over 77 years old. And then ?
The use of the internet and GoogleCloudPlatform is essential for the launching and operation of the practice of datevaluation of the money (shifting it in personalized digital savings anchored at the FED) that will bring welfare so far disturbed by the contradiction of the three economic gestures (consumption, savings and investment) that make up the possibility of action. thus limited in classical economics.
Now as I begin to understand what GCP is, I will be progressing to explain myself above all to Google. Because I would like to motivate Google to implement what I created and tested in the market for over 35 years before. Before the Internet and before Google.
Finally you would find a way to help me in this technical deck I'm in and almost paralyzed.
Thank you very much in advance,
Thank you very much in advance,
Best regards,
Filipe AlvesFerreira (27.05.1942)
Google S Money Platform promotes disinfection on the Economy
Yes because the launch of the money datevaluation as an investment substitute is able to delivery to :
-Monetary Authorities the conditions to fix the interest rate forever ;
-Folks the conditions to make capital gains over digital savings ;
-Nations the conditions to pay their debt ;
-Humanity the conditions to get peace.
The activity of people using datevaluation to constitute personalized digital savings to be able to earn millions of US$ in 24 hours if they are lucky or lucky in any case they can make capital gains and find the strength to save more and more. That investment replacement activity adquate for non-specialists such as the street people, this will lead to the formation of a stream of money running with increasing flow to the Fed to produce 2% / 365 cash result at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor every 24 hours.
The Fed will serve commercial banks at a fixed price with the Google S' conducted money river. Because it is advisable in the 21st Century Enhanced Economy that the interest rate be fixed forever. The commitments on colossal investments that humanity required, require to protect investror's compliance, that the interest rate be fixed. A calculable cost to protect good conditions of very big futur investments.
People accept nominal money and for that reason also, folks make digital savings with Google S service and WUW smart contracting ie with a web-based guarantee of online cash maintenance in webcashmatic mode for online results and webtaxmatic mode to guarantee individual freedom. And the results are cash. And they multiply or if not, earn little by little, but always upwards.
The Fed will serve commercial banks at a fixed price with the Google S' conducted money river. Because it is advisable in the 21st Century Enhanced Economy that the interest rate be fixed forever. The commitments on colossal investments that humanity required, require to protect investror's compliance, that the interest rate be fixed. A calculable cost to protect good conditions of very big futur investments.
People accept nominal money and for that reason also, folks make digital savings with Google S service and WUW smart contracting ie with a web-based guarantee of online cash maintenance in webcashmatic mode for online results and webtaxmatic mode to guarantee individual freedom. And the results are cash. And they multiply or if not, earn little by little, but always upwards.
How much is freedom worth ?
My enthusiasm for GCP's service leads me to tell you part of my 1st conscious contact with this platform that I have so often invoked without quite knowing what it is.
First of all I tell you: it is a wonder for anyone who can use this GCP if they have a project they want to implement.
Yesterday, I made some first steps. I know my project will be driven by this service . And my readers already know that my project is to launch the datalorisation of money as the fourth economic practice to increase each person's performance in an enlarged and infinite wealth economy.
My project is called from the beginning:
Linking-money-to-money by Mousephone 4G3W
Now, after many years, I will be able to shed light on the world in terms of economic enlargement. To allow each person (natural or legal) access to the extraction of infinite wealth that the datalorization of money will allow at no cost.
What is the busilis of the matter?
Incorporate time into money.
When and how much of your money do you datevaluate creating digital savings ?
What is the only drawback?
The practice is nominative. You cannot act without registering your request in your real name and receive your registration code on WUW The Webcash Universocial Web, in order to download the 2 apps on Google Play (Simulator to try and Savings Helper to go in freedom) . The all is free and stay free, forever.
Because by creating digital savings (that's what it's all about) you can multiply money and within 24 hours you can become fortunate millionaire over any of your digital properties and this leads to the need to prove your true identity for WUW and Google S Money Cloud Identity.
On the other hand, taxes will have to be paid in webtaxmatic mode to preserve your freedom and feed the states occupied in the creation of the universocial welfare. And that also requires your name as the author of your datevaluation economic action and consequent taxpayer person beneficiary.
First of all I tell you: it is a wonder for anyone who can use this GCP if they have a project they want to implement.
Yesterday, I made some first steps. I know my project will be driven by this service . And my readers already know that my project is to launch the datalorisation of money as the fourth economic practice to increase each person's performance in an enlarged and infinite wealth economy.
My project is called from the beginning:
Linking-money-to-money by Mousephone 4G3W
Now, after many years, I will be able to shed light on the world in terms of economic enlargement. To allow each person (natural or legal) access to the extraction of infinite wealth that the datalorization of money will allow at no cost.
What is the busilis of the matter?
Incorporate time into money.
When and how much of your money do you datevaluate creating digital savings ?
What is the only drawback?
The practice is nominative. You cannot act without registering your request in your real name and receive your registration code on WUW The Webcash Universocial Web, in order to download the 2 apps on Google Play (Simulator to try and Savings Helper to go in freedom) . The all is free and stay free, forever.
Because by creating digital savings (that's what it's all about) you can multiply money and within 24 hours you can become fortunate millionaire over any of your digital properties and this leads to the need to prove your true identity for WUW and Google S Money Cloud Identity.
On the other hand, taxes will have to be paid in webtaxmatic mode to preserve your freedom and feed the states occupied in the creation of the universocial welfare. And that also requires your name as the author of your datevaluation economic action and consequent taxpayer person beneficiary.
[USA+CHINA] together in a virgin economical space
Yes, because an economy limited to 3 ways to money does not provide the same wealth extraction as an improved economy with 4 ways to solve needs and wants.
And China and the other nations do not have the means to launch the 4G3W Economy at any time, as USA can do.
And the USA does not use in its sole favor knowledge and power to take advantage against A, B, or C. Reason why everything goes in a universocial sharing. Please put it on your faith too.
And China and the other nations do not have the means to launch the 4G3W Economy at any time, as USA can do.
And the USA does not use in its sole favor knowledge and power to take advantage against A, B, or C. Reason why everything goes in a universocial sharing. Please put it on your faith too.
Go further in money matters
I create digital savings by webcashmotor 4G3W
Because my cash produces to share results
It’s simple to input time on money
My smart phone records timestamp for me
My digital savings births over smart contract
Google S takes it to share cash every day
At Universocial Sovereign Anchor cash production spurts
For you cash results may be multiplied
My first digital savings at America with Google S
Neither China can do better than me
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