Showing posts with label economic motivations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economic motivations. Show all posts


Economic generators to fix interest rate forever

buzz this

How people receive guided interest rate changes + dictated by the FED and ECB and other central banks?
Please, miraculate an economic environment to be able to fix the interest rate once and for all.

Because when among the participants in the Market, the channels of perception and the reactions of professionals to the dictates of Governments and Central Banks are well known. On the part of the remaining participants in the Market - the governed and financially regulated peoples - even though they may represent 70% of the generating forces of the general conjuncture, the research lags at work on the 30% of the professional sector, indicates lower results on the way in which perceptions, directions and predictability of reactions are formed Going to the Market.

Miraculate an economics environment to be able to fix the interest rate once and for all, it's the job now.

How people receive guided interest rate changes + dictated by the FED and ECB

Including other central banks?

Among the participants in the Market, the channels of perception and the reactions of professionals to the dictates of Governments and Central Banks are known.
On the part of the remaining participants in the Market - the governed and financially regulated peoples - even though they may represent 70% of the generating forces of the general conjuncture, the research lags at work on the 30% of the professional sector, indicates lower results and the way in which perceptions, directions and predictability of reactions are formed.

Question of channels of communication, of initiation in detail of the conjunctural factors, but above all questions of interests attainable by the struggle of resources.
And it is evident that the research of the predictability of the future conjuncture, inventorizing the elements of a conjunctural character, finds differences in both groups regarding the weight of interests (heads 30% / guts 70%):

AND... ?

Well group A intend to perpetuate the domain of resources (investment) to reach the gains in the enrichment process.

AND... ?

The consequence is for Group B closed in a Classic Economy with 3 contradictory gestures of which the savings gesture is regulated by the interest rate and the investment gesture is regulated by the complexity of risk control. That is why, in the current situation, Group B is limited to the gesture of consuming.

AND... ?

Group A play the delusion with negative rates ...

AND... ?

Ah ... my God you still don't understand? So don't you see that an economy limited to consumption gestures perpetuates crises and propel confrontations between blocs with aggressiveness and new repression needs?

...Oh yes, I see.

Launching the gesture of the money datevaluation, Google and the US Administration, have to resolve giving folks the oportunity to make capital gains, having to gave birth from cash phase.
Results are coming with the individual creation of digital savings by app PSH-Personal Savings Helper.

If you still do not think it reasonable to agree, check the arsenal of communication addressed to Group A and seek to balance research able to impulse the motivations of Group B:



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