Showing posts with label Lawmakers at US Congres. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lawmakers at US Congres. Show all posts


Requesting the US Admnistration and in particular, The US Fed

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Requesting the US Administration and in particular, The US Fed, the individual legitimity reconnaissance to praticate of the money data-valuation.

Because US dollar data-valuation gives folks liberty to operate all four parts of money body, upgrading personal economic performances, resolving the Penrose triangle limitation :
Money you spend for live, money that you can't save and money you neither  can invest ;
Money you save for safety, money that you can't invest and money you neither can spend ;
Money you invest for reproduction, money that you can't spend and money you neither can save.

This limitation has not only a bad consequence economic performances, the worst is the regret for a bad choice and the development of feelings of guilt, often leading to introspective shyness and even chronic psychological illness.

Now on Internet Era evolution, the US Lawmakers should frame the personal right to shift the US dollar asset into personalized digital savings activated with internet dynamics. Hugging the design of Fed's US CBDC or US digital dollar, even one UUS$$ prepared for universocial digital dollar on world markets. Money on folks hands with four processables parts working in Internet for people wellbeing  upgrading our Classic Economy making the data-valuation of the US$ and creating the US CBDC .


17. What types of firms should serve as intermediaries for CBDC? What should be the role and regulatory structure for these intermediaries?

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Filipe's answer :

No intermediaries at all. Just only providers for WUW The Webcash Universocial Web and for The T.O.M. The Time Owned Market two firms  with self feeded and under control of :

Congrès Law ;
Standards US Treasury ;
Standards US FED ;
Standards W3C ;
Standards Google-Alphabet ;
Standards Time Unix for @ stamping over money data-valuations ;
Inspections TIGTA over daily cash production and daily cash results.

Ponderation elements for general understanding

a) Lawmakers at US Congres would to have to frame the people exercice on the money data-valuation practice for the creation of personalized digital savings (included regulation of the pioneerable investment substitute use) :
a1. Determinations and definitions of the sources of right envolved for creation and protection of the enlargement on web-internet specific economic-monetary space ;
a2. Limites of configuration web-internet for the isuance of US digital dollar using Fed authorized algorithms which merge [identity+time +monetary burden] with creation of a monetary property asset as cell of [shared cash production for cash results applying randomity + seniority through the Owndated Webquantums properties on WUW's Ledger records] ;
a3. Regulations for the establishement of time markets ;
a4. Fiscality over cash results (#webcashmatic),  engendred by data-valuated money activity being the "new taxable dough" or "universocial taxable gain". This new taxable resources induces Tigta's inspection function also over cash multplication events that generate capital gains on each "owndated webquantum" property.

b) Providers as TIGTA, as Google Technical Structure Service and as WUW The Webcash Universocial Web,  would be feeded back itself :
b1. TIGTA by exercising on the unlimited growing taxable dough ;
b2. Google Cloud P. by eating part on day cash produced as slice of 
 "TotUnixTimeCashCake" in applied results ;
b3. The WUW by eating another part on day cash produced as slice of the same "TotUnixTimeCashCake" in same applied results  ;

c) T.O.M. The Time Owned Market as the first new predictable enterprise to be created to serve people on "social development data-valuation functional and derivated needs" is feeded with structural agreed prices fees and based on :
c1. Needs of endorsements and certifications from WUW's General Ledger data-valuation rights fountain ;
c2. Part of capital gains on digital savings titularity transmissions.


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