Showing posts with label smart contract. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smart contract. Show all posts


Give folks a mix containing an alternative to investment

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Give people a mix with an alternative to investment

Yes, the money datevaluation is a practice limited to the internet space because it can only work there.

In fact, the creation of a substitute for investment, was desired to work alongside him but extripating the risk he contains, often resulting in losses of part or even all of the money invested.
For this reason of risk, almost all people do not invest and no longer saved due to the lack of remuneration withdrawn by the banking system without even covering the inflation rate with an interest rate that would at least avoid the loss of value.
We find that in this world almost all people have only a reasonable choice and must spend everything consuming.

It is to this infected situation that the money datevaluation comes to financial antibioticize as a substitute for investment, solving the risk, vitaminizing savings and making the freshness of earning money sporty.

Because to replace, the capital gains that the investment can provide to boost enrichment by accepting risk of loss, datvalorization (datevaluation) begins by not abandoning the liquid phase of money (it is the "cashkeeping" mode and the individual creation of registered digital savings objects on WUW's Ledger) making him travel on the date (@timeStamp) of arrival (Google Cloud Platform) to the Federal Reserve USA, that is when executing a "smart contract" that provides for the return to the holder whenever he demands by "cashcall" it until then in a situation of participation to an organized interest production and at the fixed rate determined forever (ad eternum) by the US Government (it's the linking money at the USAnchor - Universocial Sovereign Anchor); from anchoring money in a production task to the singularity of digital savings travel (GCP) without luggage to T.O.M. (Time Owned Market) to assert the production time (WUW's smart contract) at the time of the daily New York 12:00 sharing assisted by the US Treasury's TIGTA that delivers to the T.O.M. the amputated production of fees (it is the "webtaxmatic" mode served by GCP) and here the 10'000 digital savings quantums that by extraction by luck take 80% of the production of the day, are nominative and contain seniority at work, so 1st account the luck of being one of the winners of the production because it was then drawn in 2nd place the share in capital gain is successively smaller due to the seniority to the production (scale of distribution of the "smart contract") then the immediate payment order is born because everything works under a Business Process aa Service regime.

And then those who do not win, lose at least one interest that they could achieve in the commercial banking system?

No, the story is not over. Because in T.O.M. all the quantums of savings are present in the sharing of results and we have already seen that they can exercise greater multiplicative capacity if they are lucky and benefit from the best seniority.
Now the digital savings items can be transferred and there is a "Bid & Ask" in the T.O.M. and there is a preference for old savings. In transfers, the holder is a master in the order of registration of new ownership and sets the price to dispose of one or more digital savings objects.
Now 1 O.W. always has a financial charge of 10.- US $, but can be sold for 20, 100 or 10'000, -US $.
The digital savings holder always wins.

And when you don't make capital gains, you gain strength to save and improve your Well Being.

And here goes the investment substitute, called datvalorization. That ensuring the individual, also resolves the Universocial (we will see the predictable influence on social security, the development of investment with capital at a definite fixed rate and the full employement guaranted)

datevaluation (datevalorization).


Can an investment substitute resolve US debt ?

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Indirectly, through the use of this investment's substitute practice by people, but yes. Yes it can.
In essence, the value of money is directly aimed at solving people's needs and desires. And that solves it. Folk's needs and wants are solved by this investment substitute presented by the authoring with the name of "datevaluation".

Then there may be side effects of direct and conscious activity of using a solution to itself-assuring:

1. Permanent reserve of liquid resources to meet contingencies;
2. Production from cash for cash income;
3. Achieving daily cash multiplicative capacity;
4. Market presence for digital savings with supply and demand of seniority, as a source of capital gains against action time.

With this solution emerging from the investment substitute, it is normal for anyone to feel more or less willing, more or less in a hurry, to practice the money datevaluation, that is, the practice of creating digital savings.
Especially if, and it is the case, everything is available by mobile application with a smart contract and tailored to each person in Business Process as a Service provided by the conjunction WUW'sAutoring-GoogleCloudPlatform-U.S.Administration. And if, as is the case, all it happens to each person :

1. 100% free and forever;
2. with unlimited results and day cash payments, New York 12:00 local time, 365 days year after year ;
3. runned from A to Z in liquid phase for availability of the immediate cash resource;
4. everything automated on the internet and on the personal communication engines for Universocial Well-Being.

And then, how folks can start use the investment's substitute ?

Saying they want it and providing identity to gain legitimacy at the source of datevaluation rights. That is :
1. register in the WUW Register Book (WUW's General Ledger);
2. downloading the PSH Personal Savings Helper app;
3. start up the PSH menu and demarcate your own space to extract wealth from the into internet dynamic Economy.
And then, only with that, can the USA debt be paid?

Yes, in fact.

And how is it done?

In a webmatic way, again.

Consider and think:

1. Creation of a new economic space post Internet maturity there it mooves taking dynamics and where people insert time on their personalized money to create digital savings utility treating the time as a good;
2. Requiring Google / Alphabet and USAdmin to give folks the opportunity to use a one-click-device to solve money needs;
3. The source of the infinite wealth that will be distributed comes from the improvement of the Economy in which time is treated as a commodity.


The baptism of our money

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B@ptism of our money

It was necessary to discover an environment where Man could overcome the hesitation and error around the classic dilem: save or invest.
Essentially, because the act of consuming is often an absolute constraint.

As the classic gestures were not reconcilable, it was necessary to be able to propose a gesture to make possible a practice adapted to the satisfaction of the three economic motivations at the same time. Without that in order to gain an advantage you would have to give up the other two, as it is in front of the trileme imposed by the Classical Economy in our tense days.

The new economic counterpart of the money datevaluation is of the "fast-food-4G3W" type. This by providing a sandwich result of savings, investment and of the pleasure of living without_financial_risks. Because the shelter of "cashkeeping phase" to act is the security of the recourse to the liquidity necessary to face the unforeseen.

Within the resulting Economy, there should not be the obligation of choice: either the cup, or the coffee, or the sugar.
Yes in Economy 4G3W the coffee is in the cup and fine to your taste. Everything is ready there.

The gesture that must be able to be a substitute for investment is only waiting for its baptism on The Universal Market. 

Gesture of "datevaluation" ?  Inserting time into the money ?

On your WUW's self_marqued_space there is a special economic action to resolve your cash needs. 

In fact at the moment the pre_beta availability is presented exclusively on the WUW The Webcash Universocial Web. By moving towards the Universocial Cash Economy. Waiting USAdministration and Google/Alphabet to give people a One-click-app to better perform for life.
And for you the use of the investment substitute is automatised by a WUW's smart contract on a Business Process as a Service seated trought Google Cloud Platform. All served for free in webcashmatic extraction over your digital savings creations and webtaxmatic treatment in protection of your economic freedom.

Because datevaluation realizes the economic agent, because each person finds his account:

A. Reconciliation as to the satisfaction of personal economic motivations;
B. Increase in personal performance in terms of the nature and volume of the result.

And this is because:

The action of datevaluing each US$ 10.- gives a triple result:

First: maintein of US$ 10.- 100% available 24/7, on the personal savings field ;
Second: US$ 10.- in ownership of 1 dynamic unit of factors of production that generate added value;
Tercio: US$ 10.- in cell multiplication capacity,  for hope and utility on pleasure of life which guarantees peace and relaxation.


WUW The Webcash Universocial Web : one projected web for the personal creation of digital-savings

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It is in public proposal.
Reserves to become an user (datevalors quality) requires :

- Identity inscription form at the WUW's General Ledger ;
- Acceptation of the smart contract for datevaluation as a BPaaS ;
- Downloading app PSH Personal Savings Helper at Google Play ;
- Trigger on the smart contract by datevaluation actions, on freedom.

All the process is free forever. No fees, no running costs.

The ownership of digital savings objects allows an upgrade of personal economic performances because each creation originates the formation of cash results further than a reversible reserve of cash as savings.

This is the finality of the smart contract achieving the steps for you to share cash production getting the regulated right to reverse, or to stay on production to share random multiplied results on cash, applied each 24 hours.

The cash production is insured by the connection of capital burdens at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor (USAnchor) in draft protocol with FED into ^potential agreement between [USAdministration/Google Alphabet/WUW Authoring].

The execution of the smart contract regulations for daily fixation of random results runs at T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market using Google Cloud Platform .

The audits, investigations, and inspections are provided by Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) to insure and perfect the basis for WUW's delivery all results on modes webcashmatic and webtaxmatic for individual wellbeing.


WUW The Webcash Universocial Web at Spreadsheet

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On seeking for collaborators against a slice of my copyrights on the discovery of the money datevaluation as the fourth economic practice as a new economic option for people to convert/revert money into digital savings earning cash results and capital gains which generate new forces to save more and more, I'll publish hereby the drafts of my spreasheets on order to try the creation of the smart app PSH Personal Savings Helper. Welcome aboard !

To get the free app PSH, people have to reserve the BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) product owned by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web which distribution and running on 100% free forever.

Entered into for intenting start app creation


Folks pooling a Sea of Money in the USA

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Yes because the initial $ 1 trillion magnet at the launch of the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor is the result of a political-economic decision that should allow the start of the 4G3W Economy (improved by the practice of Internet money-datevaluation).

And being the rules of smart contract the basis dedicated to the investment substitute that WUW The Webcash Universocial Web promotes in favor of each person, then the execution entrusted to the Google Smart Cloud Platform structures the function "cash-sharing-production-for-sharing -cash-results".
People start to create digital savings in the form of "Owndated Webquantums" with a financial burden of $ 10, - each OW, digital objects that join the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor to contribute and take advantage of the cash-sharing-cash function and also to take place at the Timestock Owned Market (TOM) in which all cash results are applied to over 10,000 OWs (in favor of their owners) every day at 12:00 local time New York.
The flow of digital savings in permanent creation brings together a WebSea of ​​Money in the USA and everyone wants the advantage of being able to value themselves through the "Personal Webcashmotor 4G3W" free of charge distributed at the base of the citizen card.

As you can see from the U.S. NationalDebt Clock in real time a volume of 22 or 23 trillions differs only by less than 5%. The political-economic decision is justified to root out the evil of debt growth without any other proposal for a solution other than the launch of the legal valuation data created by USA Congres and the structure supported by Google S (Smart it may be).


Web tool for stabilization of interest rate

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It is an improvement for the Economy. The practice of datevaluation is launched and become publicly available as another choice besides investment, savings and consumption. The Economy becames enhanced with 4 gestures to make results, instead of the three classic ones and the Economy 4G3W can run with the #datevaluation in the Internet. And causes the stabilization of the interest rate.

Yes because the recipe may be applied based on a triple initiative of the U.S.A. Administration :
! Legislation is created for the free exercise of datevaluation ;
!! USAnchor is provided with 1 trillion of US $ whose interest yield at the fixed rate of 2% / 365 is payable day by day ;
!!! The people are allowed to directly link digital savings to the FED via GCloudP to add at the USAnchor the volume of the custom financial burden and increase overall output. To receive as a counterpart rights to share in daily production and the basis of the smart contract that regulates the mode "sharing-cash-production-to-share-cash-results".

The smart contract offered publicly to all is personalized for each physique person, legal person and even entities, sovereign fonds and foreign governement, through the collaboration between Google / Androïd, W3Consorsium, WUW The Webcash Universocial Web and T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market. For the people all benefits are : the.#cashkeeping, the #webcashmatic, the #TOM-bid&ask and the #webtaxmatic.

And what is the basis of the operation of everything that has to be solved in a safe, effective and definitive trend, for the stabilization of the interest rate?

The basis is the replacement of the interest rate, by the right of sharing 80% of the USAnchor's production which is materialized by capital gains + multiplicative capacity.


Your webjuris quality

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The contract-register webjurisperson 4G3W (now smart contract), should be able to regulate the questions related to the modifications of the legal support of any physical or moral person having taken foot in the webspace wuw to the creatures sui-generis.

Wuw being the Webcash_Universocial_Web, WUW, in the format web2.0 and reserved for the exercise of the datevaluation in Economy 4G3W.

This contract is put in search by Filipe Alves Ferreira, because it would seem wise to find the form to create legal web supports where we can anchor the relations exclusively webcontained, weblimited, webliving.

And in the case of a legal personality assuming exclusively reports confined to the webspace, to be able to create the person:

FilipeAlvesFerreira WebJuris4G3W supports its property rights and its relationships with, for example, the web thing: "owndated webspace quantum" by translating literally the "quantum of webdate space". The owner + his thing and his webcadré relations.

FilipeAlvesFerreira WebJurisWUW

or the person:

DerSpiegel WebJuris4G3W
DerSpiegel WebJurisWUW
DerSpiegel WebjurisGOOGLE

And so on to become involved in web things and webpublic exercice. The whole thing is entirely free and responsible.

The staff consented as public and limited use to the webpublic and "in webspace limits".

This is the Webjurisvalidity with its Stop_in_Web

The limits of the webspace framing to distinguish this one, for example of the space framed by the happy Treaty of Rome born well before the Web and as such Stop_out_Web:

The Thing "Owndated Webspace Quantum" is looking for his Web_Chancellerie Stop_in_Web. With its public Web_Sheets for webjuris validation of the Stop_in_Web concept.

The Web_Scellement to certify the domain of "beings-relations" distinguished by the webspaced existence and its confinement. For the creation of these Web_Sceaux too, it is time to create both the WUW and elsewhere. I preconize it. [(Filipe Alves Ferreira (1942)]


Predictive app : Personal Savings Helper

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In reason of the near enlargement of the Classic Economy from 3 gestures to 4 gestures, we are working over the app which have to enable folks with the results of datevaluation.
Here by you can find a presentation in a set of slides :

 app webcashmotor or Personal Savings Helper
