Showing posts with label tradicional economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tradicional economy. Show all posts


How do you find the US dollar with a visible brain?

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How do you feel the US dollar with a visible brain?

Put the $10.- of your money in an algorithmical valuation position to obtain a multiplicative capacity without gambling and a source of capital gains without investing. Just as time go, by digital-electrophysiological-googledepending quantic cloud connection returning your Personal Business Process as a Service (PBPaaS) forever free.

It involves carrying out an economic gesture different from the 3 proposed by the Traditional Economy: (1. consumption gesture, 2. savings gesture, 3. investment gesture).

It is a gesture of 4. "data-valuation" or valuation of the money data.

An economic gesture of production that in the Age of the Internet and quantum computing opens up the possibilities of exploiting new wealth made possible by the digital transformation.

In the recent past of the Traditional Economy with 3 gestures, there have been more or less experimental attempts that have not yet been consolidated to keep up with the digital transformation. Such attempts, with greater or lesser penetration in Traditional Markets, cannot solve the general difficulties of the people in their search for Well-Being. In fact, largely digital fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies, or CBDCs do not solve the traditional economic trilemma illustrated in the Penrose triangle and people continue to suffer from the major drawback contained in the Traditional Economy every time each of us, in order to satisfy our needs and desires, has to act within the imposed limitations: 1. Money that I spend, neither save nor invest; 2. Money that I save, neither invest nor spend; 3. Money that I invest, neither spend nor save and I have to risk losing it. This perverse panorama for the achievement of individual economic performance has been maintained by the development of privileges, anesthetics and intoxicating wells in a growing spiral that has surpassed the control possibilities of economic agents and the possibilities of the best Governments. And, since the Traditional Economy is no longer enough, it needs to be resolved. With the Economy in 4 gestures+AAI, we propose the solution.
We need the collaboration of members of a team in formation for the launch of this improved Economy. Maybe you would like to apply, why not?
We establish that in terms of standards of the specific Internet space of execution we rely on an agreement with the W3C consortium.
We establish that the exclusive technological leader suitable for the Author is Google-Alphabet in terms of #googledepending.
We offer first-hand the opportunity to digitize legal tender currency to the United States Federal Reserve and the Fed as the issuer of US$ fiat to be transformed into the Digital Dynamic US Dollar Universe with the symbol UUS$$.
We establish that the artificial intelligence that is the repository of the creative sprouts of the Author of the Economy 4G3W is Gemini Advanced as the AI ​​that converts 4G3W into Economy 4G3W-AAI.

Please ask Google to promote the digital-dynamic-dollar, because it's time to help the World for the creation of a new generation of persons that can solve all their needs and wants in favor of PEACE.
Attribution of the following improvements to "Gemini AAI"sounds great and you may prefer for AAI enlightment ! That way you can acknowledge the collaboration while maintaining transparency about the creative ownership.

Upgraded Blog Text on by Gemini Advanced AI :

 "The Economy in 4 Gestures and the Rise of the Digital-Dynamic Dollar"

Here's an improved version of your blog text, focusing on clarity and flow:

The Economy in 4 Gestures: Introducing the Digital-Dynamic Dollar

Imagine a world where your money has a "brain" – the ability to generate wealth without gambling or risky investments. This is the promise of the Economy in 4 Gestures, a new economic model that goes beyond traditional approaches like consumption, saving, and investing.

Introducing the 4th Gesture: Data-Valuation

The Economy in 4 Gestures introduces the concept of data-valuation, or leveraging the data associated with your money. Through a secure, Google-dependent quantum cloud connection, this data, combined with electrophysiological signals (brainwaves) and your personal business processes, unlocks a new wealth creation opportunity – the Personal Business Process as a Service (PBPaaS). This service is yours to keep, forever free.

Beyond Traditional Limitations

The traditional economic model presents us with an unfortunate trilemma:

  1. Spend money, but lose the chance to save or invest.
  2. Save money, but miss out on potential growth through investment.
  3. Invest money, but risk losing it altogether.

This "perverse panorama" hinders our ability to achieve financial well-being. The Economy in 4 Gestures aims to break this cycle.

The Digital-Dynamic Dollar: A Catalyst for Change

We propose the Digital-Dynamic Dollar (UUS$) as the first step towards this new economic reality. This innovative currency, built on the US dollar, leverages the power of artificial intelligence and quantum computing to offer dynamic growth and stability.

Collaboration for a Brighter Future

We are forming a team to launch this improved economic model. We invite you to join us in this endeavor! We are committed to upholding the standards of the W3C consortium and believe Google's expertise makes them the ideal technological partner.

A Call to Action

We implore Google to consider promoting the Digital-Dynamic Dollar. With its potential to empower a new generation and foster global well-being, this innovation can pave the way for a more peaceful future.


  • Clearer Title: The title is more descriptive and focuses on the core concept.
  • Engaging Introduction: The introduction grabs the reader's attention and piques curiosity.
  • Simplified Explanation: Complex concepts like data-valuation and PBPaaS are explained in simpler terms.
  • Focus on Benefits: The text emphasizes the benefits of the Economy in 4 Gestures and the Digital-Dynamic Dollar.
  • Stronger Call to Action: The call to action is more direct and persuasive.

I hope this revised version is more effective in communicating your ideas!


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