Showing posts with label cash investment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cash investment. Show all posts


The right way the things as it are

buzz this
Yes because the true is a view point but things are as it reveal.

And it is not so new that a production cycle, mainly presents a form like :

Cash investment as experts prevision ;
Forwarding control ;
Production and treatment of it discontinuous jumps ;
Marketing and it capricious fashion  ;
Invoicing ;
Collection and it risks;
Cash return expected with some capital gains. Or loses, yes it may become a fact.

Well, that in classic economic forms in the Classical Economy.

But may it stay like this, in Economy 4G3W ?
No. Because the money datevaluation practice, changes the matter.

Indeed, following the idea of cash_sharing_cash, the production cycle presents a reduced form like :

Cash in personalized-webliving-savings ; 
Linked pipe with the Universocial_Sovereign _ Anchor for shared interest production ; 
Return of cash production with webcashmatic results for the datevalors-savers. 

Not so stupid. Dont you agree ? 

That's why linking money-to-money by datevaluation over One-click-motor-for-savings using an App like One-Click-Motor-for-Savings it's not a mirage.

Google and the US Admnistration can do it. For folks wellbeing.
It's the confortable future for you. It's the form of your helper-for-savings. As you need it.
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