Showing posts with label money living into Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money living into Internet. Show all posts


It's one thing to make money circulate on the Internet, it's another thing to make it live there

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It's one thing to make money circulate on the Internet, it's another thing to make it live there.

To serve benefits without the inconvenience of money circulating there without living there. In other words: coming from Classical Economics, moving to 4G3W Economics (4 gestures on the WWW-Internet).

And when you want your money to live on the Internet, you have to:
- keep it yours and to your order from the date of entry and forever;
- normalize it in a standardized web dynamic unit;
- domiciliate it as someone who patronizes a place;
- register it in your name as a living financial substance capable of producing without cost.

So does it mean that each person can make their own money come to life by connecting it to the Internet just to take advantage of it?

Yes it is the PSH-Personal Savings Helper application.
With it you can give Internet life to your money organized in digital savings properties willing to generate cash income distributed every 24 hours and always charging benefits without incurring any cost.
It is the result that is up to the user of the BPaaS  (Business Process as a Service) in a proposed building between the WUW, Google, the W3C and the Administration USA.


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