Showing posts with label investment's alternative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label investment's alternative. Show all posts


Can Google drive your "one-click-engine-for-happiness"?

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Affirmative, it is enough that Google wants to conclude an agreement with the USA Administration for regulations and with W3Consortium for the dimensional enlargement of the Internet.

Yes, because the capacity of the Google Cloud Platform is adapted to the BPaaS service proper for the individual use of the resources of the money datevaluation practice, giving folks the opportunity to alternate the investment (by digital savings creation) and suppressing the risk to get cash gains.

And for you, what is the cash result?
It is the free availability of a new self-demarcated economic space for the exploitation of unlimited wealth, with "webcashmatic" fixing and paying results every 24 hours at 12 o'clock New York local time.

And it is with the use of your "one-click-engine-for-happiness" that you produce, from the exploration of your space, a "webtaxmatic" remuneration of broad spectrum adapted to the Internet Age and to the standards of the Constitution of new self- the USA and United Nations.


Smart Capital Extractor for you

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Giving each person a capacity for extracting virgin capital in unlimited quantities is a proposal to solve the needs and wants that lead to the individual WELL BEING.

Money is not everything, but it provides independence for each one, whenever when it is insufficient one can open the tap for more. Yes because the available wealth reserves to extract, are endless. Because never before had anyone put interest as an objective of compactable and distributable production as a self-motivating remuneration of savings formation.
That's why there is money for everyone. We are about solving your individual needs and wants. Thanks to the use of the individual bank-financial power in the creation of the personalized digital savings and placed in webdynamic production cash-sharing-cash.

The global solution was hidden. Now we have the recipe:

The location of virgin wealth reserves and the way of extracting it is a matter for WUW;

The smart cash extractor or "Your cash robot" is the subject and challenge for the "Your Androïd Cash Bot" app;

Infrastructure and the running of the application on the internet, is a subject and challenge for "Google Smart Economy" (GCPlatform for Your Cash Bot).
The design of the extractor requires standards compatible with definitions of a set of entities called for the improvement of the Classical Economy with the introduction of the money datevaluation practice to give an alternative to the investment practice, with risk purge in the search for capital gains.
This reason for compatibility between the services of the entities required to contribute to the operation of the "wealth extractor" that is intended to be individual, popular and free, justifies the request of the WUW's authoring to for the provision of a simulator app of the "one- click-engine-for-saving " to allow the training of all beginers "datevalors" and allow the convergence of the several standards, thanks to the exprimentation of utilities even less intense being virtual. An app that can simulate the creation of digital objects identified with personalized digital savings, should ensure an understanding of the unique virtues of the "money datavaluation" by dragging the economic expansion and making the 4G3W Economy appear.


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