Showing posts with label webmatic counters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label webmatic counters. Show all posts


Ask Google and US Administration to deal for one-click-for-digital-savings

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You can invest from any currency (more than half from the US $), from cryptocurrencies (there are more than 2,000 more or less similar, more or less different), from digital currency issued by CBDC central banks, from exchanges and exchanges, but always to invest it is necessary to separate from the more or less liquid phase of the payment method used to acquire the production factors appropriate to the investment.

And to separate yourself from the liquid phase at the time of payment, it is necessary to pull resources.

In the world of free economy, Markets work according to people's interests and it is necessary to motivate them so that they pull resources and can attend to payment acts (consumption and investment) and the immobilization necessary to create reserves (savings).
Then the Markets are intertwined between taxation and other Political Economy regulations and financial agents (mainly central banks and the general banking system, insurers and insurers, risk classifiers, sellers of state bonds and other liquidity seekers, social funds, investment funds) and an endless number of creators-speculators-managers of a wide variety of financial instruments more or less adapted to the solution and supply of liquid assets
necessary for investment by States, large multinationals and provisions for filling the big gaps or imbalances resulting from the hunch of the economy (examples of the hunch of the economy: implementation of political programs, social temperatures, fashions and passions).

The liquid phase is always the market preference.

For people too. And when we decide to separate from the liquid phase and we are going to invest, then we think about the difficulties of controlling, guiding and thinking about the risks of losing or the difficulties of liquidating if we have to deal with the disease or the lack of peace.
And we abandoned the idea of ​​investing, letting who knows and who can control it. We people are self-excluded as investors and cannot get rich.
We then turn to the savings and deliver resources for the benefit of others, until we see maybe we achieve an income that overcomes inflation. Poor taste in the mouth after a while the liquid means lose strength, despoiled by the banking system or even by government bonds.
People, we can only consume. And there goes our means as a whole.

But the worst is that: can an economy work when people are limited to the gesture of consumption?

The practice of the money datevaluation is the salvation of the economy and ensures the well-being of each one of us.

Because anyway, it is not so difficult to give people the opportunity to use an investment substitute. That does not contain risk. That produces capital gains for certain enrichment. That allows me to revert to my liquidity at all times.
That gives you a daily multiplicative capacity. Let it be simple and with webmatic counters. Let it be like What Apps, free and effective.
Yes, we will use Google Cloud Platform to build each of us, our own BPaaS.
It is just a matter of setting the date (@timestamp) of the 10.- US $ that we have allocated to constitute each quantum of digital savings.
And because they are digital objects of our creation, they are individual financial properties.
And because they are dated on the web and guided by the hunt for free production factors abundant on the Internet, I can never do what you do nor you can do what I do.
The digital savings properties are unique. All.
Like the grounds. If I want yours, I have to pay you to your satisfaction.

The Time Market was born, contained in your digital savings. It's webtaxmatic.

Ask Google and USAdministration to deal for one-click-motor for -savings.


Your bet to reduce the production cycle "cash-more-cash"

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The cycle of production is [Money-Investment-Production-Billing-Money + or -].

In fact the production cycle of Classical Economy contains a series of sub-stages whose consideration helps to understand the difficulties of achieving a production by the economic action of investment.

Considering the main sub-stages, the classical production cycle is:

[Money - Selection of the type of production - Selection of the factors of production to be conjugated - Sizing - Settlement of the localization - Budgeting - Start up of the investment - Licensing - Production - Billing - Collection - Money + or -].

The economic practice of investment requires risk control specialists.
When all goes well, you get the gains that make you rich.

Even so, obtaining a production is never a process:
- neither immediate nor continuous (how good it would be to just immobilize money and feel it producing).
-neither never arises directly proportional to the amount of money invested (how good it would be to invest 1000 to produce 1 and to produce 100 it would be enough to invest 100,000).
-neither can never the investor give up and return to their initial money (which would be good to press the "cashcall" key and return to the initial money).
The investor never leaves the risk zone. And it is tied by the risk of liquidation losses.

This last set of facts pushes us to seek and practice an alternative economic practice to investment and that can provide a production capable of generating adding value for individual enrichment. The alternative practice has to comply with the following improvements:

 Investment's substitute to be of free exercise and to be run by personal decision over smart phone clicks;
 Control advantageseliminating the risk using a "cashkeeping" cycle, with information of the instant state of account;
 to provide permanent liquidity and the power of return without liquidation costs;
provide rights in the sharing of production, without ever having to pay anything;
provide a daily distribution of results with the ability to multiply money day after day;
provide free and fully automatic operation;
provide a freedom by the automatic payment of taxes on results and without declaratory costs;
to provide property registries and endorsements both inter vivos and mortis causa;
provide the negotiation of supply and demand in an Exchange Market.

Well, the public surrogate for investment is called "datevaluation" and is a robotically nominative practice. And, you can already book your own "Webcashmotor 4G3W" at, it's free and works in #cashkeeping, #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic modes, all for free for ever.

Our expectation is offered onto the tandem "Google S - USAdmnistration" decisions. The first is for the availability of the operating infrastructure, the second for the safety of the legal framework of the exercise and for taxation.

The "Personal WebCashmotor 4G3W" can also be called "Personal Saving Helper" or "One-click-motor-for-saving" because of its attributes of propellants of the constitution of the digital saving is a prototype in preparatory study at and Google S prefere it compatibility with standards agreed with Androïd with code willing to the free personal download in the Google Play Store.


What are the strongest points of datevaluation ?

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What are the strongest points of datevaluation ?

It is a :

Cashkeeping economic practice allowing instant “cashcall” returning your “cashput” creation by androïdapp ;

It is a :

Webcashfishing economic practice allowing capital gains by webmatic counters for timestock market;

It is a :

Savings makeup economic pratice allowing potencial for multiplied cash results applied each 12:00 ;

It is a :
