Showing posts with label GCP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GCP. Show all posts


17. What types of firms should serve as intermediaries for CBDC? What should be the role and regulatory structure for these intermediaries?

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Filipe's answer :

No intermediaries at all. Just only providers for WUW The Webcash Universocial Web and for The T.O.M. The Time Owned Market two firms  with self feeded and under control of :

Congrès Law ;
Standards US Treasury ;
Standards US FED ;
Standards W3C ;
Standards Google-Alphabet ;
Standards Time Unix for @ stamping over money data-valuations ;
Inspections TIGTA over daily cash production and daily cash results.

Ponderation elements for general understanding

a) Lawmakers at US Congres would to have to frame the people exercice on the money data-valuation practice for the creation of personalized digital savings (included regulation of the pioneerable investment substitute use) :
a1. Determinations and definitions of the sources of right envolved for creation and protection of the enlargement on web-internet specific economic-monetary space ;
a2. Limites of configuration web-internet for the isuance of US digital dollar using Fed authorized algorithms which merge [identity+time +monetary burden] with creation of a monetary property asset as cell of [shared cash production for cash results applying randomity + seniority through the Owndated Webquantums properties on WUW's Ledger records] ;
a3. Regulations for the establishement of time markets ;
a4. Fiscality over cash results (#webcashmatic),  engendred by data-valuated money activity being the "new taxable dough" or "universocial taxable gain". This new taxable resources induces Tigta's inspection function also over cash multplication events that generate capital gains on each "owndated webquantum" property.

b) Providers as TIGTA, as Google Technical Structure Service and as WUW The Webcash Universocial Web,  would be feeded back itself :
b1. TIGTA by exercising on the unlimited growing taxable dough ;
b2. Google Cloud P. by eating part on day cash produced as slice of 
 "TotUnixTimeCashCake" in applied results ;
b3. The WUW by eating another part on day cash produced as slice of the same "TotUnixTimeCashCake" in same applied results  ;

c) T.O.M. The Time Owned Market as the first new predictable enterprise to be created to serve people on "social development data-valuation functional and derivated needs" is feeded with structural agreed prices fees and based on :
c1. Needs of endorsements and certifications from WUW's General Ledger data-valuation rights fountain ;
c2. Part of capital gains on digital savings titularity transmissions.


OpenBlender API token

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API Token


Public Token (only for javascript)


Creating Owndated Webquantums Digital Objects

OWs are digital objects created by people using the PSH-Personal Savings Helper application to practice monetary data valuation as a fourth economic practice.

The PSH application is delivered free of charge 1 time to each person through the identity registration in the General Ledger of WUW The Web Universocial Webcash.

Owndated Webquantums property creation is the result of 1 or multiple allocations of $10.- or multiples to change asset from credit asset to asset owned by 1 digital object time stamped for every $10.- allocated and which monetary part (money) is affected as the interest-sharing monetary effort-producing cell to and with the Universe Sovereign Anchor at USAFed, where each money-producing cell is also a profit-seeker in terms of the triggered WUW smart contract to enjoy Personal Business as a Service run as "Custom Webcash" or "Cash Bot-Homus Naturalis" on the Google Cloud Platform.

Owndated Webquantum digital objects are often called "personalized digital savings" because of their reversibility in the same amount of money allocated at the time of their creation to start production while keeping the monetary reserve of value intact.


What could be the money guts on Google hands ?

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What could be the money guts on Google hands ?

- Satisfaction of folks needs and wants.

- Countries working toghether.

- Humanity living in Peace for good.


Global investments require Google Cloud Platform on dry cash supply

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What for ?

For sucking up excess cash humidities : too much liquid causes rot pushing hyperinflation.

How you do that ?

Instrumenting folks (Instruments US Treasury) with a personal Business Process designed as a GDP Service for digital savings constitution.

Where expected results, do appear ?

In the security and growth of people's well-being.

Only by filling the hollow money with the vigorous substance contained in digital savings is it possible to engender infinite resources to satisfy investment needs present in the post Internet enlarged Economy.


Give folks a mix containing an alternative to investment

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Give people a mix with an alternative to investment

Yes, the money datevaluation is a practice limited to the internet space because it can only work there.

In fact, the creation of a substitute for investment, was desired to work alongside him but extripating the risk he contains, often resulting in losses of part or even all of the money invested.
For this reason of risk, almost all people do not invest and no longer saved due to the lack of remuneration withdrawn by the banking system without even covering the inflation rate with an interest rate that would at least avoid the loss of value.
We find that in this world almost all people have only a reasonable choice and must spend everything consuming.

It is to this infected situation that the money datevaluation comes to financial antibioticize as a substitute for investment, solving the risk, vitaminizing savings and making the freshness of earning money sporty.

Because to replace, the capital gains that the investment can provide to boost enrichment by accepting risk of loss, datvalorization (datevaluation) begins by not abandoning the liquid phase of money (it is the "cashkeeping" mode and the individual creation of registered digital savings objects on WUW's Ledger) making him travel on the date (@timeStamp) of arrival (Google Cloud Platform) to the Federal Reserve USA, that is when executing a "smart contract" that provides for the return to the holder whenever he demands by "cashcall" it until then in a situation of participation to an organized interest production and at the fixed rate determined forever (ad eternum) by the US Government (it's the linking money at the USAnchor - Universocial Sovereign Anchor); from anchoring money in a production task to the singularity of digital savings travel (GCP) without luggage to T.O.M. (Time Owned Market) to assert the production time (WUW's smart contract) at the time of the daily New York 12:00 sharing assisted by the US Treasury's TIGTA that delivers to the T.O.M. the amputated production of fees (it is the "webtaxmatic" mode served by GCP) and here the 10'000 digital savings quantums that by extraction by luck take 80% of the production of the day, are nominative and contain seniority at work, so 1st account the luck of being one of the winners of the production because it was then drawn in 2nd place the share in capital gain is successively smaller due to the seniority to the production (scale of distribution of the "smart contract") then the immediate payment order is born because everything works under a Business Process aa Service regime.

And then those who do not win, lose at least one interest that they could achieve in the commercial banking system?

No, the story is not over. Because in T.O.M. all the quantums of savings are present in the sharing of results and we have already seen that they can exercise greater multiplicative capacity if they are lucky and benefit from the best seniority.
Now the digital savings items can be transferred and there is a "Bid & Ask" in the T.O.M. and there is a preference for old savings. In transfers, the holder is a master in the order of registration of new ownership and sets the price to dispose of one or more digital savings objects.
Now 1 O.W. always has a financial charge of 10.- US $, but can be sold for 20, 100 or 10'000, -US $.
The digital savings holder always wins.

And when you don't make capital gains, you gain strength to save and improve your Well Being.

And here goes the investment substitute, called datvalorization. That ensuring the individual, also resolves the Universocial (we will see the predictable influence on social security, the development of investment with capital at a definite fixed rate and the full employement guaranted)

datevaluation (datevalorization).


The digital currencies of the determining Central Banks are designed with a hook

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The ECB's digital euro is a CBDC designed with a hook.

Because the ECB must be able to maintain negative interest rates in order to be able to absorb the liquid currency issued and running on the markets and in people's hands.

And although the launch of CBDC digital currencies from the decisive Central Banks is a step forward in terms of the solution of the general payment system, the solution can be entangled with a currency-reducing device, during the transition from liquid to digital.
And in the ECB's CBDC project, the reducer is a Venturi tube for the purpose of being able to play with pressure differentials and debugging by imposing negative interest rates to remove the excesses of liquid and book-currency issues from the market.
The financial engineering prepared in the initial ingredients of digital €uro contains variable commands and has merit on the condition that the ECB could safeguard families and savers.
The bad thing is that the financial engineering commissioned by the ECB should be hurried and could be rustic for retail customers or even without safeguarding them, because (the good intention is granted) the first fishery must be that of the bigger fish and to work you have to let him eat the fish

It will be a matter of checking the exercise of Central Banks in the management of their CBDC farms.
However, the ECB's CBDC design, the already famous digital € uro, contains a Venturi hook adapted unfairly.
What can be understood as a spoiled solution.

In the 4G3W Internet Economy, people create digital savings from the same material (money) that is required for converting to digital currency. But that alone (money) is not enough to create and own digital savings.
In the 4G3W Economy of the Internet, datavaluation is used, the substitute for investment and for that it is necessary to inject time into money and create digital objects known as "Owndated Webquantums", which are digital savings under the property registered at WUW's General Ledger, conducted in webmatic regime by the GCP and regulated by the USA Administration. And with tax-free daily results because webtaxmatic made by Google-USA first.

Take your "Personal-Savings-Helper". It's free. It runs on free mode your BPaaS to make digital savings with cash results every day at 12:00 New York local time under GoogleCloudPlatform and TIGTA's inspection from US Treasury.


Webcashmatic preparing webtaxmatic

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#Webcashmatic is one of the most useful qualities of the money datevaluation. Because it refers to the mode automatic used by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web into your dynamic app Personal Savings Helper.
Using the the icon on your mobile screen you see the options for your economic action at your elected moment :

1. Order a flash of your dynamic "webcashaccount" ;
2. Order "cashcall" to revert all or part of your "digital savings" ;
3. Implement a new "datevaluation" for 10€ or multiples ;
4. Link to the T.O.M. for last results and "Bid&Ask";
5, Verify your cashier of "webcashmatic" results.

Go to "" to summarize the essentials of a large number of results included and in the composition of # webcashmatic.

Because untill now we publish, in blogs, sites and other places before, about:

What is the 4G3W economy?
What is the restriction of the liquid phase "Accounting" reserved for the operations of evaluation of date?
Why does the "smart contract" ensure control?
Why does your identity have to be that of your civil registry?
Why does the WUW ledger determine the 2 applications for your mobile device?
Why should the use of the Google structure (Blockchain and GCPlatform) be protocolized before the launch of the Economy 4G3W?
Why should USAdmin regulations be filed, including TIGAS?
What is the usefulness of the "TimeStamp" registered in each of its evaluation dates?
Why are all the results in cash?
What is the origin of the results in cash?
What is the transformation of "asset displacement" required for each creation of O.W. property?
What is 1 O.W. owdated webquantum?
What is the usefulness of your digital properties?
How are the application rules for daily results?
How do your creations produce "webcashmatic results"?

These 15 questions are mainly questions. Some of the themes contain innovative solutions such as the economic upgrade by "datevaluation" is innovative with it "investment's substitute".

Now in WUW's domain "" you are going and taking contact with all the "webcashmatic" results coming free and cash upon your hand.


One projected web to make cash results : you have to be there.

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Using linking money-to-money for much-more-money , WUW The Webcash Universocial Web treat all requirements for you and for free :
  • Ledger registration delivering for free the code P.S.H. for your app download near by Google Play Store ;
  • Blockchain control connection into Google Cloud Platform ;
  • Connections WUW-Google-USAdmin at USAnchor ;
  • Connection at TOM The Timestock Owndated Market ;
  • Connection Cashput_Cashcall and 12:00 day results.
All connections are doing by WUW's G-tech-structure.

As soon as you receive the code for download the app of your Personal Savings Helper, please control at the mobile's screen the P.H.S.'s icon it means that your Personal Webcashtor 4G3W is setted to go for free use :

Open it options menu and choose :
  1. Ask your webcashaccount's "flash" to read it counters ;
  2. Ask "open gate" for datevaluation action ;
  3. Ask "input" for creation of digital savings ;
  4. When you receive OK back, ask a new "flash" and compare ;
  5. Turn on IN for WUW's general connections and for results next 12:00 N.Y. local time ;
  6. Order "cashcall" to receive US$ 10,- for each O.W. as "cash back" of digital savings ;
  7. Turn on T.O.M. go to the time market,  and deal time of your digital savings.
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