Showing posts with label #cash-sharing-cash_production. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #cash-sharing-cash_production. Show all posts


Differences between investment and data-valuation

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Economy 4G3W is that resulting from the enlargement of the  Classic Economy limited to the three tradicional practices (1.consumption, 2.savings, 3.investment) by the add of the new practice of the money data-valuation in Internet space in order to produce capital gains riskfree. This without having to use the investment .The money data-valuation aims to become an alternative digital to reach capital gains riskfree and enjoy a capacity to multiply money without gaming. 
These guts of the upgraded Economy with the enlarged disponibility for the individual economic action allowing alternative with the data-valuation of the money to seek results, opens new capabilities to compound new personal economic mixes to increase performances and freedom.

Now between the two economic practices, that of investment and that of data-valuation, there are substancial differences to make progress :
1. In the investment practice the agent has to buy means of production, having to accept abandonation of the cash phase and having to take risks of loss .
1a. In the data-valuation practice the agent allocate money into a sovereign anchor for sharing cash production getting the right to share cash results keeping the right to reverse the action at any time and without any costs.
2. In the investment practice  the agent has to implement a long cycle of production composed by a great number of steps with permanent guidance and revision needs.
2a. In the data-valuation practice the agent has to implement a short cycle of production composed by [cash sharing-cash-production] for direct [cash sharing cash results].
3. In the investment practice, the production is not proporcional to the amount invested.
3a. In the data-valuation practice, the production is proporcional to the amount allocated and doesn't need to be invoiced neither cashiered.
4. In the investment practice the effect of time going is towards lower performances.
4a. In the data-valuation practice the effect of time going is towards higher performances.

Economy 4G3W is an upgraded version of the Classic Economy that includes the new practice of money data-valuation. This practice allows individuals to produce capital gains risk-free without having to invest in traditional means of production. The aim of money data-valuation is to provide an alternative way to reach capital gains while enjoying the capacity to multiply money without gaming.

This upgraded economy provides individuals with new capabilities to compound personal economic mixes, increasing performance and freedom. However, there are substantial differences between the two economic practices: investment and data-valuation.

In the investment practice, the agent has to buy means of production and accept the abandonment of the cash phase while taking risks of loss. On the other hand, in the data-valuation practice, the agent only needs to allocate money into a sovereign anchor for sharing cash production. They get the right to share cash results and can reverse the action at any time without any costs.

In the investment practice, the agent has to implement a long cycle of production composed of many steps with permanent guidance and revision needs. In contrast, in the data-valuation practice, the agent only needs to implement a short cycle of production composed of cash sharing-cash-production for direct cash sharing cash results.

Another difference between the two practices is that in the investment practice, the production is not proportional to the amount invested. In contrast, in the data-valuation practice, the production is proportional to the amount allocated and does not need to be invoiced or cashiered.

Finally, in the investment practice, the effect of time going is towards lower performances. In contrast, in the data-valuation practice, the effect of time going is towards higher performances. Overall, these differences allow individuals to choose the practice that best suits their needs and goals.


Monthly fees for Apple TV, folks are overload

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Fees and fees, one for for you. People are exhausted .

The technologic enterprises are poisoned to improving services within already quite satisfied needs, inquiring for fees in dry grounds. Where are the technological products to satisfy dissatisfied desires?
And what are the products that still fit into the power of the masses ?
Google knows that the products are to satisfy needs and wants, but avoiding to spend on purchases (like Amazon or Alibaba) and moving away from the deception of the charges through monthly tariffs. For the people, the best would be a free helper for savings constitution, that gave even the power to be able to multiply money. It is like a game of money in which you can only win and multiply and even promote the constitution of reserves to meet unforeseen circumstances.

And Google is considering directing the launch of money-value data, or datevaluation practice, as the fourth economic gesture that takes people out of the situation reduced to consumption (saving is distorted by the banking system and investment has to remain in the experts hands for the risk control ). So an Androïd app downloadable for free in the Play Store and running, introducing under control of Google S or Google Money Cloud Platform, an infrastructure capable of driving people's savings in smart digital terms, for the cash production organized at U_S_A The Universocial Sovereign  Anchor to cash-sharing-cash_production to receive the income also in cash.sharing-cash_results regime.

And Google S ships all the encapsulations created in WUW The Webcash Universocial Web, both to the Sovereign Anchor at the FED, and to the Market T.O.M. (The Timestock Owned Market) where the results are fixed every 24 hours at 12:00 local time in New York, as well as the US Treasury to debug the cash results with webtaxmatic mode and finally the first objective is the webcashmatic payments to the creators-digital-datevalors, in the perfect execution of a intelligent contract fully balanced in favor of the benefits and freedom of all.
The launch of the "Personal Savings Helper" code name "Personal Webcashmotor 4G3W" enables each person to datevalue the money.

At the end, yes.
Yes now with money, it can serve to feed fee payments, but well after paying other needs and wants with the priority that each person knows well.


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