Showing posts with label financial system reform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label financial system reform. Show all posts


How much money generates Timestock ?

buzz this

Folks action is expected as very interested in the constitution of "personalized digital savings" properties containing the name of the creator, the stock of time after creation and the capital saved on dynamics web.
Folks creations using their "Personal Savings Helper" for digital savings constitution reach remuneration on capital gains applied every 12:00 New York local time at The T.O.M..
Folks downloading for free the app "Personal Savings Helper" are busy on the creation of some digital savings in order to get the results application every 12:00 at New York local time, each day at The Timestoc_Owndated_Market.

Nothing : for people just "webcashmatic" feeds up digital savings  results with added value or multiplied, by smartphone.

Trillions of $ US in a cash stream going to a Web_Cash_Sea supporting all reorganized financial pumps. The base of the new financial system wich may be called Web_Cash_Sea, Web_Code_Sea or Web_Fed_Sea.

Nothing : for USAdmin just "webtaxmatic" giving folks freedom in a river of cash production for digital savings remuneration.

Very far from 1 googol. You might know that a googol—the digit 1 followed by 100 zeroes—is a very large number indeed.

Google/Alphabet is on #googledepending decision for the target of 1 quadrillion $US business. Now or tomorrow for the kickoff.

Nothing : for Google just giving folks "one-click-for-savings-helper" creating a great resource for people wellbeing and protecting a virgin space for infinite wealth extraction

The Timesotck Owndated Market, The T.O.M. is the market where digital savings owners use bid & ask to buy or to sell the time contained on savings (time accounted from the creation moment of each of these digital objects). Digital savings exchages produces capital gains for the the sellers in reason of the market preference for savings  constitued into O.W.s properties, at a better timeStamp date registered and on the ledger blockchain's conciliated script.

Technical support and regulation are insured by  [Google/Alphabet for techs & USAdmin for regulations] asked by agreement on authoring's draft for "datevaluation launch allowing Era's Economy 4G3W. 

Well, and then what happens ?

Google's pregnant cow gives birth The TOM (The Timestock Owndated Market)


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