Showing posts with label property assetobamadepending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label property assetobamadepending. Show all posts


Shift asset using NFC for money links

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Near Field Communications (NFC) allows data exchange and connections with a touch and that is enough to shif asset from credit asset into property asset.

It is the linking money process. Folks linking money-to-money for much-more-money. Using the personal creation of Personalized-Live-Savings by webcashmotor [Googledepending and Obamadepending Nexus-for-Cash (NfC Do-G-Phone)].

Things are ready for FED's web-magnetic-financial-attractor at Universocial-Sovereign-Anchor giving folks webcasmatic plusvalues instead of interest rate.



G-20 have to ask Googledepending

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For money-to-money links, into Google Cash-for-Cash pipes.

Can you imagine people linking money at U_S_A The Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor like a plug-in for cash results :

To share cash production , sharing daily multiplied cash results ;

To get webcashmatic gains from personalized webliving-savings ;

To shift from credit assets into registered properties assets.

Then faster Obamadepending Regulations may implement the solution. Universocial solution for folks definitive wellbeing.


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