Showing posts with label obamadepending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obamadepending. Show all posts


The creation of dynamic products as your wealth source

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In Classic Economy basis, we are in the dependence of the investment's alias, for added value process going on to wealth .

In Digital Economy 4G3W, we propose the addition of the money data-valuation practice, for definition of added value certainty, by the creation of dynamic cells production which resolves a personal wealth resource.

Datevaluation or linking money-to-money is proposed in a Googledepending/Obamadepending protocol giving folks a web-cash-ability. In cashkeeping mode, for personal webcashmatic results.

The thing remains simple because the economic upgrade, is an enlargement from 3 for 4 options for folks guiding money. It means that people not has to stay limited on the classic 3 fields of consumation/savings/investment, because with internet use and the creation of dynamic products allows the opportunity of an economic change from 3 into 4 stability legs. Making with 3 degrees or with 4 degrees of liberty, operating on 3 spaces or upgrading on 4 spaces.

As you see, the creation of dynamic products in digital economy is for your wellbeing in financial security.

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Proposant le démarrage de l'Economie 4G3W by datevaluation practice is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 3.0 Unported License.
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Why datevaluation is a personal wealth source

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Get your free webcashmotor and open it menu on your own webca... on Twitpic Because it increases your power to make capital gains, keeping your cash in web living. Building on the momentum even you keep cash.

Even when each parcel of your digital money (Owndated Webquantum) is running as a 10€ production cell in order to share multiplied cash results at 12 o'clock New York time. At the T.O.M. (The Timestock Owned Market), under googledepending techs and under obamadepending regulatory conditions.

Think about for your universocial wellbeing. You need, I need and folks need a one-click-motor-for-savings. Your Personal Webcashmotor for free datevaluation starting in digital Economy 4G3W. So ask Google and President Barak H. Obama.


Link your Economic Upgrade Balance

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Link your Economic Upgrade Balance

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Plug in linked money plots

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Welcome to this information about the  new economic practice allowing you to make capital gains ​​without going through the investment taking imposed risk by Classical Economics.
The thing is happening on the Internet and is freely available for unrestricted use. For the practice of datevaluation you'll have to get your personal webcashmotor for linking 10€ parcels at the U_S_A (the Universocial Sovereign Anchor). 
You will get priority for delivery of this tool shaped Icon on your screen as soon as possible and absolutely free.
In Economics 4G3W, you'll never pay anything. You will have read a little. Do not be frightened by words or technical. Soon all you have to do is plug in plots of 10 € uros mode 4G3W: money-to-money for much-more-money Economy Into 4G3W.


Shift asset for cashkeeping mode

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Because the investment's substitute is the cash.

And  you prefer cash. And better if you make capital gains keeping it.

With cashkeeping mode you get a cash fountain for free. Just linking money at U_S_A the Universocial Sovereign Anchor. Depending of Google financial structure support, then depending of President Obama and US Admnistration.


Capital gains rather than interest

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The proposed practice of money datevaluation linking money-to-money for capital gains and day cash results is much more better than interest rate system used in the Classic Economy.

German government was unable to sell debt on expected yield.

Angela Merkel have to increase interest for German debt. May be she is near of datevaluation on obamadepending financial recipe.


Let's prefer property asset in linked money

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Yes because your web financial production in added value has nothing to do with Classic interest rates served by our bank system.

"In the Industrial Age, machines replaced manual or blue-collar labor. In the Information Age, computers replaced office or white-collar workers. Hardware and software replaced people doing jobs.  The Internet connected the world, so the lowest-cost producer became ascendant. Now in the Shift Age, all is in a state of shift. John Tropea " The Future of Work David Houle


Let's prepare Central Banks for the Fed's universocial function

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Yes because Owndated Webquantums creations produces prefered assets accounted in Personalized-Webliving-Savings.

Because the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor where are linked money parcels by datevaluation is a proposed connection between US President (Obamadepending), US Admnistration (FED) and Google (Googledepending).


Linking 10 € parcels to get a plusvalues generator.

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Linking money parcels at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor is the obamadepending solution to get a plusvalues generator.
In personal webcashmotor form which can give you the ability to catch non-limited added values from free production factors into WebSea financial-soap-shaker.
Yes because you can increase as much as you want your personal-web-value. In financial terms just linking money-to-money by Google-Android-Nexus-Obamadepending-Phone. Your 4G3W cash-link-opportunity is hundred percent free.


KMers making hapen money links

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Because KM future is to make hapen big advantages for folks. By KMers professionals and #KMers hastag.

Yes because it's possible now to aggregate 1 web date + 1 money parcel + 1 ownership creating personalized webliving savings looking for dynamic added value and upgrading the Classic Economy into Economy 4G3W, that by communication motors.

The thing was depending of finding the first investment's substitute.

Now, the money datevaluation practice is in Googledepending and Obamadepending challenging proposals.

Because the money datevaluation is the first substitute of the investment broking the trilemma of the Classic Economy :

- if you spend, you dont save neither invest ;
- if you save, you dont invest neither spend ;
- if you invest, you dont spend neither save.

Now you have the choice of another economic practice to upgrade your economic life. The money datevaluation for yielding wealth in a new economic space. Linking money-to-money through the Web. By Personal Webcashmotor, for free and in cashkeeping mode.

To make hapen big advantages for folks.


Rebuilding economic system

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At Davos is opening the 40th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010. Doris Leuthard and Nicolas Sarkozy are calling to action targeting Rethink, Redesign and Rebuild to improve Development Goals the environment and the economy.

By linking money-to-money and datevaluation practice to upgrade chance to enlarge spaces for yielding wealth, folks may be happy again.

Because Gool-Bama-Cash is the economic recipe ready for kick off. The wit may run new financial function on our communication motors into the web, creating webliving-savings. Technical structures regulations are on Googledepending and Obamadepending challenge to start.

..."Marcus Barber thinks that, among the cry for creativity, the value of entrepreneurs and innovation is often lost."...


Berlusconi's misterio-us-savings

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At G-20 Summit at London
Laughing because the end of false bank money was waiting connection. Twitting Gool-Bama-Cash and linking money-to-money is the solution resolve the finantial crisis.
It involves to liberalize the customization of money with the dated savings on it fusion.

Gool-Bama-Cash recipe is now under obamadepending and googledepending challenges.

Prime-ministers at G-20 summits they need now join the facets and multilateral protocols to launch the personalizedmoney on Webpowered-Living-Savings free folks creation.


Citizens Briefing Book

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More than just an idea I will give you a finantial recipe for the :

Creation of the Mytime-Money-Currency Universocial_Anchor_Safecash_Admnistration

Shifting USDollar into U_S_A  Gool-Bama-Cash web running forever
Gool-Bama-Cash Recipe is allways for 1 person, Solo-per-Te :

@ Shift 10 €uros parcels of your bank money into personalized money creating some "Owndated Webquantums". 
@ Keep it into cashkeeping mode as your live-savings running the web for cash results and dealing time by webcashmatic plusvalues. 
@ Leave it under googledepending maintenance. 
@ Join obamadepending settlements. 
@ Stay linking money-to-money for much-more-money by your own webcashmotor (code nameMousephone 4G3W).
Taste your own Gool-Bama-Cash  and eat as much as you want. You are just exposed to risk of winning more and more weight in your economic life.
0 COMMENTS »  Posted by FilipeAlvesFerreira to EconomyTechnology on 1/14/2009 1:26 PM
