Showing posts with label cash interest production. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cash interest production. Show all posts


Should Google accepte the challenge to launch the money data-valuation practice giving substance to the US Fed's CBDC ?

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The money data-valuation aims to be an economic practice allowing people achieve the constitution of personalized digital savings.

Personalized digital savings could be created as digital objects in property asset of their creators or of their sucessives owners having adquired at a later date the evolutive rights by transaction among the living or by cause of death.

What are the economic solution that could be resolved by the use of the money data-valuation practice and by it digital savings product ?

The economic solution is on the mode to obtain capital gains from the money in savings phase. The money data-valuation is a practice that starts from using cash, for cash interest production to share cash results every day.

The money data-valuation is available in Internet space. It uses a "PSH-Personal Savings Helper" app to run an algorithm to be conduct by Google Cloud Platform service that :
- Works in cash phase for results in cash phase ;
- Delivers day #webcashmatic results from all 4 utilities of digital savings properties ;
- Delivers freedom by it #webtaxmatic function inspected by TIGTA.


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