Showing posts with label law production. Show all posts
Showing posts with label law production. Show all posts


CBDC has 1 hook and Google Pay has 1 anchored progression generator

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Yes, as we saw, CBDC has an indispensable hook because it must solve internal problems (due to iceberg-like upside down, from CB) and therefore it demands more from people.
While Google Pay is making progress because it contains a better solution to allow people to make payments, keep track and even a bud of accurate use of people's narrow economic resources.

And what does a digital currency issue have to do with a payment service?

The hidden common denominator:

CBs (Central Banks) hide the hook;
Googlepay hides the generator.

So what is this generator?

The balanced iceberg.

Yes, the brain technology flowing at the service of people at Googlepay is a minimal part of the brain-technological potential available in the belly of Google's cow.

Google knows and launches Googlepay not to mention the generator of improvements - already available, but unincorporated for market reasons - suitable to meet the dynamics that the world takes.

Yes Google is a technological engine to satisfy people's needs and desires. But Google is not a political leader.

That is why certain calves in training cannot yet give birth. You have to wait for the full gestation time associated with the production rate of the US Senate Law.

That is why Google does not launch the 4G3W Economy adapted to the Internet, the communication engines and the space pioneer (the current Economy is in assisted life, hence and there the political delay in the production of Regulations). Not because Google does not have the know-how to launch Googpay already adapted to the use of "digital savings" expressed in "owndated webquantums", which are resources of the investment substitute whose advance cannot yet be incorporated, as there is still no Time Market nor people can, for now, incorporate the time in the money circulating through Do-Google-Phone.


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