Showing posts with label spiritual contribute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual contribute. Show all posts


18. Should a CBDC have "offline" capabilities? If so, how might that be achieved?

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Filipe's answer :

Capabilities offline as Google's standards for works on human heath.

Personalized digital savings anchorized at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor under Federal Reserve System and US Treasury as derivative of folks  money data-valuation economic operations on insuance of digital dollar (UUS$$) would preserve capabilities offline refered :

1. For each person with digital savings properties or UUS$$ universocial digital dollars, even when not connected to a network would benefit "offline", by valuation of all 4 money's body parts because it stay covered by pre-monetized allocations by one of other 2 types of money at US central bank and working in productive advantages (just on sine qua non web on-line dependency for cash collection of results, owned time market deals and display of positions flash of each individual accounts) ;

2. For people and for whole society the money data-valuation practice and it economic  social consequence stay being capable to go on  peaceficator action, to go on with the compress inflation effect and to go on health action with spiritual contribute for general wellbeing.
Being that the economic upgrade proposed of the money data-valuation practice could bring for universal use the option facility of the first investment substitute opening giving folks the opportunity to get a personal business as a free service riskfree (BPaaS) from Google's platform hapening by smart AI do-g-phone as-time-go "CashPUT-for-much-more-CashCALL" each day at T.O.M.-The Time Owned Market.

3. For element addition in the human nature as an digital US$ containing "dream-dynamic" ever-present even offline, and being able to stand as a brain reasoning enhancer  on germination actions for predictable and unpreditable creation fields in digital dollars over the physical and psichical world. 

Think about the activation of all 4 parts of money's body into the proposed design of Fed's UUS$$
Part 1. Monetary part :
Part 2. Financial part :
Part 3. Taxmatic part :
Part 4. Spiritual part :

All 4 parts + owned time,  into each singular, 1 UUS$$ Fed's CBDC

Each Owndated Webquantum would have to be created by the shift asset of US$ 10.-  by PSH-personal savings helper app to a registered property asset with same reversible burden, under Fed's  coded space at WUW's General Ledger and authorized to run in Internet as singular owned object "Personalized Digital Savings" on WebCash-W3C's standards executing WUW's BPaaS algorithm by Google's Cloud Platform free service for UUS$$.


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